
  • 网络environmental fee
  1. 加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革,推动环境保护费改税。

    Also , accelerate property-tax legislation and related reform at an appropriate time . Change the current environmental-protection fee into an environment tax .

  2. 白宫和石油行业反对该条款,因为该条款要求拒绝变更租赁的公司支付对每桶石油收取的环境保护费。

    The provision , opposed by the White House and the industry , would require companies that refuse to change their leases to pay a " conservation fee " on each barrel they produce .

  3. 浅谈加强基层环境保护部门排污征费工作

    Strengthen Assessing Upon Pollutant Discharge Fee in Establishment Unit Environmental Protection Branch