
huán jìnɡ lǜ huà
  • environmental greening
  1. 工业区环境绿化是企业文明发展的标志。

    Industrial environmental greening is a symbol of the enterprise civilization development .

  2. 小城镇环境绿化规划原则与方法

    A Study on the Principle and Method for Forestation Environmental Planning

  3. 探讨经济林木在我国北方城市环境绿化中的应用前景

    The Model and Problems of Applying Economic Forest into Urban Greening

  4. 贵州省主要观赏果树资源种类及在环境绿化中的应用

    Main Ornamental Fruit Species and Its Application in Environment Afforestation in Guizhou

  5. 屋面绿化&上海居住区环境绿化初探

    Roof Greenery ── Discussion on Greening of Environment for Shanghai 's Residential Areas

  6. 云南野生动物园环境绿化设计研究

    A Study of Greening Design of Yunnan Wildlife Garden

  7. 恩施市城区环境绿化质量的调查及探讨

    Investigation and Discussion on the Quality of Environment Greening in Enshi Urban Area

  8. 郑州市生态环境绿化目标体系研究

    Study on the Target System of Greening the Ecological Environment of Zhengzhou City

  9. 新农村居住环境绿化效益评价及其景观设计

    The Assessment of Benefit of Rural Residential Environment Greening and Its Landscape Design

  10. 城镇环境绿化的若干生态学问题思考

    The ecological issues in making town environment green

  11. 建筑环境绿化的功能和意义

    Function and Significance of Planting Surrounding of Buildings

  12. 建筑环境绿化还为提高城市绿地率提供了发展空间;

    Building greening provides more developing space for heightening green ratio of the city .

  13. 烟气扩散与环境绿化的探讨

    Discussion on Flue Gas Diffusion and Environmental Afforestation

  14. 浅析厂区环境绿化的原则与注意事项

    Principle and attention points of plant area greening

  15. 居住区环境绿化设计

    Environmental green space design in residential area

  16. 城市环境绿化中的生态学原则

    The Urban Environment Afforests the Ecology Principle

  17. 关于城市居民住宅区环境绿化问题的思考

    Thoughts on Environment Virescence in Uptowns

  18. 城市居民对城市人居环境绿化质量的要求越来越高。

    City dwellers are beginning to aware the importance of high urban greening quality of living environment .

  19. 杨树溃疡病是我国林业发展的重要病害,严重影响木材产量和环境绿化。

    Poplar canker is an important forestry disease and reduces timber production and damages virescence seriously in China .

  20. 大楼内部是中西合壁的亭院式设计,四周全部实现环境绿化。

    The building is the western wall of the internal courtyard pavilion designed to achieve environmental green all around .

  21. 探讨了居住区环境绿化建设的重要作用,并分析了现阶段居住区环境绿化建设中存在的问题。

    The importance and the exist questions of the construction of residential quarter green area were discussed . 2 .

  22. 环境绿化美化艺术,绿化是基础,美化是主题。

    The arts for environmental afforestation and beautification , the afforestation is basic , and the beautification is theme .

  23. 惠大金山湖校区教工住宅区环境绿化(一期)植物配置设计

    Afforestation Design ( the first period ) for Teacher 's Residential Quarters at Jinshan Lake Campus of Huizhou University

  24. 实施环境绿化,创建生态城市己成为构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务之一。

    Implementing the environment planning and building ecological cities have been a main task of constructing a socialist harmonious society .

  25. 城市生态人居环境绿化质量的评价为城市绿化环境质量改善提供理论支持和实例借鉴。

    To assessment the urban greening quality of living environment can guidance theory in improving the quality of urban greening .

  26. 上海园林植物生态功能评价&以上海绿色建筑环境绿化植物为例

    Evaluation on Ecological Function of Landscape Plants in Shanghai : a Case Study of Plants Afforested in Green Construction Surroundings in Shanghai

  27. 对苔草属植物的分类进化、牧草饲料、环境绿化美化、药用以及物质循环等方面的研究进行了综述和讨论。

    The researches on taxonomic evolution , forage , greening , medicine and material cycle of the plant of Carex were reviewed and discussed .

  28. 因此,加强石化区环境绿化建设,同时进行深入的理论研究是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to intensify the construction and to research the theory of petroleum chemistry industry area at the same time .

  29. 环境绿化研究是城市绿化的重中之重,直接关系到绿化的成败。

    Research of environment greening should be given primary importance among priorities of urban greening , which immediately concerns the success or failure of greening .

  30. 秦汉都城基础设施中的道路、供水与排污及环境绿化等方面的建设与管理。

    The capital infrastructure of roads 、 water supply and sewage disposal and environmental green aspects of construction and management of Qin and Han Dynasty .