
  • 网络hydrogeological exploration
  1. 中国北方煤矿区碳酸盐岩供水水文地质勘探类型及勘探方法研究

    A study on hydrogeological exploration type and method for water supply from carbonate in the coal mines of northern China

  2. 为在华北型煤田水文地质勘探中取得更好的探测效果,采用综合电磁探测方法是必要的。

    In order to have better probing results from the hydrogeological exploration in North China coal field , it is necessary to have a comprehensive electric magnetic probing method .

  3. 脉冲干扰试验在水文地质勘探中的应用

    The Application of Pulse Interference Test in Hydrogeological Exploitation

  4. 油田水文地质勘探中水化学及其特性指标的综合应用

    The characteristics of underground water chemistry and its application in Oilfield hydrology exploration

  5. 煤田水文地质勘探电磁法仪器专业化的思考

    Specialization of electromagnetic instruments for coalfield hydro-geological exploration

  6. 因此,前期的认真、科学的水文地质勘探工作是非常必要的。

    Therefore , careful pre - , hydro-geological exploration of science is very necessary .

  7. 同位素示踪技术在煤田水文地质勘探中的应用

    The application of radioisotope tracer technique to survey of underground water in coal mines

  8. 煤田水文地质勘探中瞬变电磁法的观测时窗和观测区域

    Observation time window and area in transient electromagnetic field method for coalfield hydro - geologic exploration

  9. 论中国岩溶充水矿床的水文地质勘探类型

    On the hydrogeological prospecting group and types of mineral deposits filled with karst water in China

  10. 在水文地质勘探试验中发现,各类不同设备抽水产生的水跃值各不相同。

    From investigating and testing the hydrogeology , this paper discusses that different pump equipments make different water_leap values .

  11. 根据研究区水文地质勘探资料,建立了水文地质概念模型,并对研究区域边界进行了定量概化。

    According to the hydrogeological exploration data of the study area , we established a hydrogeological conceptual model , and made a quantitative generalization of the study area boundaries .

  12. 结论与前期水文地质勘探基础研究所得到的认识基本一致,而且更精确、直观的反映了研究区域的地下水系统。

    The conclusions are basically the same with the ones which got preliminary by hydrogeological survey-based Institute for Exploration , but more accurately and intuitively reflected the study area groundwater system .

  13. 实践证明,综合勘探技术在河北省找煤、矿井水文地质勘探以及环境地质、灾害地质等方面发挥着越来越大的作用。

    Practices demonstrated that the integrated geophysical prospecting will get better and better results in coal looking , mine hydrogeological exploration , environment geological and hazard geological investigations in the province .

  14. 因此,探测矿井顶(底)板含水层的富水性、老窑积水和导水通道,为矿产资源的合理开发、利用以及安全生产提供可靠依据,成为矿井水文地质勘探的主要任务。

    So , detecting top / bottom aquifers , water in abandoned-mine and underground watercourse and providing credible information for reasonable development of mine become the main task of mining hydrogeological exploration .

  15. 基于含水层中水体振荡时的阻尼特性和含水层的渗透特性两者具有等效性的特点,所提出的自振法试验,是一种全新的水文地质快速勘探技术。

    Based on the equivalence of the water body oscillation damping characteristic and seepage characteristic , self-oscillation method is brand-new and fast exploration technology of hydrological geology .

  16. 我们采用钻探、测井、地震、水文地质等勘探手段综合评价奥灰富水性,收到了良好的地质效果。

    The paper evaluated water richness of Ordovician limestone comprehensively with informations of drilling 、 well logging 、 seismic 、 hydrogeology and so forth prospecting measures , and obtained much better effects of geology .

  17. 在水文地质测绘、勘探、现场试验和TEM地球物理勘探等工作基础上,建立三维含水结构模型,通过数值模拟方法对水源地开发规模进行比选分析。

    Based on the work of hydrogeologic survey , exploration , pumping test and geophysical exploration ( TEM ), the three-dimensional structure which contained the groundwater was put up in this paper .

  18. 水文地质对新华勘探区煤炭资源的开发利用

    Development and Utilization of Coal Resource in Xinhua Exploration Area by Hydrogeology

  19. 试论煤田(矿)水文地质问题及勘探技术方法

    The study on hydro-geological problems and technical methods of exploration

  20. 尤其是在地球物理勘探中,地震勘探已成为一种最有效、应用最广的勘探方法,广泛用于石油矿藏、煤炭、地热、工程地质、水文地质等的勘探。

    Especially , in the domain of physical geography probe , seism probe has become the most effective and widely used method , which can be used in probing petroleum mineral resources , coal , terrestrial heat , engineering geology and hydrological geology .

  21. 在水文地质及工程地质勘探工作中,寻找和查明断裂构造意义重大。

    In the explorations of hydrogeology and engineering geology , there are important significances to search and find out fracture structure .

  22. 水体下采煤是涉及到采矿、地质、水文地质、地球物理勘探、岩石力学、矿山测量、计算数学等多个学科领域的边缘学科。

    Mining under surface water is a marginal subject involving several fields , such as mining , geology , hydrological geology , geophysical exploitation , rock mechanics , mining survey and calculation mathematics etc.

  23. 预防底板突水的目的含水层水文地质试验研究&鲁中煤田下组煤水文地质补充勘探方法

    Aquifer Hydrogeological Testing Studies Aimed at Floor Water Bursting Prevention