
  • 网络Export;exp
  1. 一般来说,国内生产总值共有四个不同的组成部分,其中包括消费、私人投资、政府支出和净出口额。

    Gross Domestic Product can be decided into four parts : consume investment consume of government and export .

  2. 此后,人民币小幅度的升值,与此同时,园艺产品的出口额虽然仍呈增长的趋势,但是增速放缓。

    Since then , RMB had a tiny appreciation , along with this , the acceleration of horticultural export slowed down despite of the values of export still on rise .

  3. 有哪个国家的GDP,人口,出口额可以与中国省市较量?

    Which countries match the GDP , population and exports of Chinese provinces ?

  4. 出口额与GDP比率影响因素的系统考察

    A Systematic Survey of the Factors Affecting the Ratio of Export Volume to GDP

  5. 加入WTO以后,在经济全球化迅猛扩张的浪潮下,中国外贸经济发展迅速,出口额不断扩大。

    After China joined the WTO , Chinese foreign-trade economy developed swiftly and export volume expanded constantly with rapid development of economic globalization .

  6. 对进口总额与GDP,出口额与非出口部门产出之间的相互关系进行了回归分析。

    Total imports and GDP , exports and non-export sector the relationship between the output of the regression analysis is carried out .

  7. 2000-2010年的十年间,希腊的贸易逆差占GDP的比例达到10%,同时出口额缩减了12%。

    In the decade from 2000 Greece ran a trade deficit of 10 per cent of GDP , while exports fell by 12 per cent .

  8. 危机期间曾大幅下滑的全球出口额占GDP比率,到今年第2季度已完全复苏。

    The ratio of global exports to gross domestic product that fell sharply during the crisis had fully recovered by the second quarter of this year .

  9. 苏格兰威士忌协会(ScotchWhiskyAssociation)的数据显示,去年对中国的威士忌出口额从2001年的150万英镑增至4600万英镑。

    According to the Scotch Whisky Association , whisky exports to China rose from 1.5m in 2001 to 46m last year .

  10. GDP的组成包括四部分,分别是政府支出、消费者支出、私人或企业投资、净出口额或净进口额。

    GDP has four components : government expenditures , consumer spending , private or business investment , and the surplus of exports over imports , or vice versa .

  11. 欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)汇编的、源自巴西外贸秘书处(SECEX)的数据显示,巴中双边出口额已从2000年的区区20亿美元飙升至去年的780亿美元。

    Two-way exports have soared from as little as $ 2bn in 2000 to $ 78bn last year , according to figures from the Brazilian trade secretariat compiled by Eurasia Group .

  12. 根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的数据,2001年至2005年间,全球商品出口额增长了25%,同期,全球生产总值增长了11%。

    According to the World Trade Organisation , the volume of global merchandise exports rose by 25 per cent between 2001 and 2005 , while global gross product rose by 11 per cent over the same period .

  13. 日本贸易会(JapanForeignTradeCouncil)认为,截至3月底的当前财政年度以日圆计价的日本出口额预计将增长9.8%,但这主要是由于日圆走软使出口所得外汇能兑换成更多日圆。

    Exports in yen terms are expected to rise 9.8 % in the current fiscal year , but that gain is largely due to a weaker currency making earnings look larger in yen-terms , according to the Japan Foreign Trade Council .

  14. 鲁比尼认为,为了避免中国经济在2013年发生所谓的“硬着陆”,中国应减少储蓄、削减固定投资、减少净出口额占GDP的比重,同时着手推动国内消费。

    To avoid a so-called hard landing after 2013 , Roubini thinks China needs to save less , cut fixed investment , reduce net exports ' share of GDP , and start boosting domestic consumption .

  15. 另外,RCA指数是一种事后分析指标,它是从一国已经发生的出口额变动情况来推算其先前所具有的比较优势。

    In addition , RCA is an index who studies afterwards and reckons the previous comparative advantage from the export which had happened .

  16. 中国拥有巨额外汇储备,经济增长依旧强劲(去年第四季度中国的国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长7.7%,较三季度的7.8%略有放缓),且1月份中国出口额同比增长了10.6%。

    It 's got huge foreign currency reserves , still-strong economic growth GDP slowed slightly to 7.7 % on-year in the fourth quarter , from 7.8 % in the third and it posted 10.6 % on-year export growth in January .

  17. 过去三年中,成立于1746年的润滑剂生产企业艾斯克莱尔公司(RSClare)的出口额翻了一番,产品销往40多个国家。

    In the past three years , RS Clare , a maker of lubricants since 1746 , has doubled its exports and now sells to more than 40 countries , writes Andrew Bounds .

  18. 以入境旅游收入增长率、入境旅游收入占GDP比重、入境旅游收入占出口额比重为门限变量时,我国入境旅游发展与经济增长之间均存在显著的门限效应。

    When we choose the growth of the tourism receipts , tourism receipts as a share of GDP and tourism receipts as a share of exports as the threshold variables , the relationship between the international tourism and economic growth have the threshold effect .

  19. GREENBLATT:出口额每增加100万美元,我就要新雇用八个人。

    GREENBLATT : For every million dollars in new exports I get , I 'm going to hire about eight more people .

  20. 第三章运用从1981年至2001年的我国出口额、进口额、贸易结构变化情况及GDP等数据进行实证分析,并对实证结果做出说明。

    Chapter three gives the results of positive analysis based on the changing export value , import value , trade structure and GDP from 1981 to 2001 . Then explanations are made to the results of the positive analysis . Chapter four is focused on some policy suggestions .

  21. WTTC表示,中国旅游业出口额——来自外国游客的旅游收入——略高于上述外国游客消费额,为610亿美元。

    According to the WTTC , China 's tourism exports - the revenues received from foreign visitors - were a fraction higher than this at $ 61bn .

  22. 在全国出口额中,中小企业占60%以上。

    SME occupies above 60 % in whole national export sum .

  23. 去年我们的出口额达到了100万,创十年之最高。

    Last year our turnover reached $ 1million , a10-year high .

  24. 去年,单软件一项出口额就增加了33%。

    Software exports alone expanded by33 percent in the last year .

  25. 企业生产率、国外市场知识与企业出口额

    Firm Productivity , Foreign Market Knowledge and Firm Export Value

  26. 这些国家的年出口额至少为1亿美元。

    These countries had annual exports of at least $ 100 million .

  27. 今年的出口额激增。

    There has been a boom in exports this year .

  28. 中国到美国的出口额是150亿美元。

    exports from China to the United States : 15 billion dollars .

  29. 他还设立了五年之内美国出口额翻倍的目标。

    And he to double American exports over the next five years .

  30. 2004-2006年美国农产品出口额

    U.S. agricultural exports : Value by commodity , 2004-2006