
hán dài
  • frigid zone;cold zone
寒带 [hán dài]
  • [frigid zone] 北极圈和北极之间的地带;南极圈和南极之间的地带;气侯严寒,没有夏天

寒带[hán dài]
  1. 新软地带4.高山寒带;

    NEW SOFTWARE 4 . high mountain frigid zone ;

  2. 它展示了几乎生态区整个的植物系列,覆盖热带、温带、寒带。

    It displays an entire series of plants in vertically ecological distribution , ranging from the tropical zone , temperate zone and frigid zone .

  3. 热带高梁外源DNA导入寒带高梁引起变异的研究

    Study on the Variations by the Exogenous DNA of Tropical Sorghum Introduced into the Sorghum of Frigid Zone

  4. 利用一些树种的分布资料,进一步论证了森林上限及亚寒带针叶林的分布与WI间的关系。

    The relationships between the distributions of forest limit and subarctic coniferous trees and WI were examined in detail .

  5. 她不习惯寒带生活。

    She is not used to living in a cold climate .

  6. 这种植物生长在寒带地区还是热带地区?

    Does this plant grow in cold countries or in hot countries ?

  7. 2002年4月,加拿大魁北克寒带工业示范园开工建设。

    April 2002 , Canada Quebec Industrial Park began to be constructed .

  8. 燕麦是一种主要生长在寒带的作物。

    Oats is a crop mainly grown in cool climate .

  9. 北方寒带地区透明颤菌理化特性的研究

    The study on physiological and chemical characteristics of Vitreoscilla in the North cold region

  10. 寒带和温带水域中的软鳍鱼。

    Soft-finned fishes of cold and temperate waters .

  11. 这种冷却现象是在寒带生物群落中观察到的。

    This cooling is observed in boreal biomes .

  12. 高山寒带;

    High mountain frigid zone ;

  13. 然而,与热带森林群落相反,温带或寒带森林群落经常是由单物种占优势。

    By contrary , a community was often dominated by single species in temperate or boreal forest .

  14. 寒带无人值守机房冬季节能及补热方式

    The way of winter saving energy and compensation heat of machine lab of nobody on duty in frigid zone

  15. 山区寒带小麦综合新技术试验

    New Integrated Techniques on Increasing Quality and Disease Resistance of Wheat at Frigid Zone of the Mountainous Area in Xinjiang

  16. 长白山垂直分布的植被是欧亚大陆从温带到寒带植被水平地带性的缩影。

    The vertical vegetation distribution in the Changbai Mountains is a horizontal epitome from temperate to frigid zones in Eurasia .

  17. 温带或寒带岩石上生长的小型或中等大小的蕨类的一个属;在一些分类系统中归入水龙骨科。

    Genus of small to medium-sized usually rock-inhabiting ferns of temperate and cold regions ; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae .

  18. 但是,这个庞然大物是如何离开极地寒带,来到这个寒温带的地方呢?

    How is it possible for the giant bear to leave the polar zone for Kanas , located in cold temperate zone ?

  19. 这种表现在寒带森林中尤为明显,低的温度会极大地减少水分与养分的有效性,是造成单物种占优势的原因。

    In boreal forest , low temperature greatly reduced availability of water and nutrient , which were responsible for the single-species dominance .

  20. 是最坚强的鸟类,栖息地北部苔原和寒带森林和荒山和沙漠。

    Are one of the most hardy birds , habitat in the northern tundra and boreal forests , and barren mountains and desert .

  21. 高原亚寒带湿润草甸区植被生育期耗水量与耗水规律研究

    A Study of the Amount and Law of Water Consumed by Meadow Vegetation during the Growth Stage in Subfrigid Zone and Humid Regions of Plateau

  22. 亚洲地跨寒、温、热三带。中国幅员辽阔,包括了寒带,温带和热带。

    Asia extends across the frigid , temperate and tropical zones . China stretches across vast area covering the cold , temperate and tropical zones .

  23. 答:黑龙江省绝大部分地区属于温带,仅西北部分地区属于寒带。

    Model : The more parts area of Heilongjiang belong to the temperate zone , and only less parts of west and north belong to the frigid zone .

  24. 在寒带,寒温带及高海拔地区,水库建成后,水面流速减小,在冬季随着气温降低,天然情况下,库区原来不结冰或者只结岸冰的河段可能全被冰层覆盖。

    For reservoirs in Frigid Zone and high altitude area , water surfaces may be covered with ice because of lower air temperature and slower velocity of flow .

  25. 这5个区域也可分别称为热带季风区、副热带季风区和温-寒带季风区。

    Therefore , they can be called the tropical monsoon region , ( two ) subtropical monsoon regions , and ( two ) middle-high latitude monsoon regions respectively .

  26. 其他的一些影响包括亚马孙雨林和寒带森林的锐减,极端天气状况出现密度加剧,物种灭绝以及农业产量下降等。

    Other likely effects include shrinkage of the Amazon rainforest and Boreal forests , increases in the intensity of extreme weather events , species extinctions and changes in agricultural yields .

  27. 世界上已知的种类有239种,自然分布区域遍及除了南极和大洋洲以外的整个大陆,集中分布于北半球的温带和亚寒带,适应于寒冷、湿润的气候。

    Bumblebee spreads all over the continent besides the South Pole and Oceania , presents to temperate zone and inferior frigid zone in Northern Hemisphere normally , adapts to cold , moist climate .

  28. 油价下跌使得人们不会再以高额代价开采液体燃料,比如北极钻孔或开采加拿大的寒带森林获取油砂。

    a falling price of oil reduces the incentive to do expensive things to get the liquid fossil fuel - like drill in the Arctic or mine Canada 's boreal forest for tar sands .

  29. 世界上已知的种类有约600种,主要分布在北半球,极少数超越赤道;多数种类生长在寒带及高山,适应于寒冷、湿润的气候。

    Worldwide around 600 species are recognized in Pedicularis , with majority distributed in arctic , alpine and subalpine areas in the Northern Hemisphere , adapted to cold , moist climate and alpine environment .

  30. 太白山北坡亚高山寒带湿润气候、草甸植被下发育的土壤是土壤垂直带谱中非常重要的组成部分。

    The soil developed on the subalpine frigid . in the northern slope of the Taibei Mountains with humid climate and meadow vegetation is a very important component in the soil association of vertical zone .