
  • 网络business etiquette;Business Manner
  1. 一些职业培训机构,包括上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)和武汉纺织大学(WuhanTextileUniversity)的培训机构,都打出了商务礼仪课程的广告。

    And vocational schools , including Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Wuhan Textile University , advertise courses in business etiquette .

  2. 德国克尼格礼仪学院(KniggeAkademie)于2011年3月11日在北京设立了分支机构,开设西式着装、用餐、肢体语言、电子通信方面的商务礼仪课程。

    Knigge Akademie , a German company , opened in Beijing in March 2011 , offering business etiquette courses on western dress and dining , as well as body language and rules of electronic communication .

  3. 让通话者等待是商务礼仪中的大忌。

    Call-waiting is a " curse " on business etiquette .

  4. 不同国家的商务礼仪企业文化与商务礼仪

    Manners in different countries Corporate Culture and Business Protocol

  5. 学生们现在可以参加一个有关商务礼仪和人际沟通的专门课程,时间为两个小时。

    Students can now attend a two-hour workshop on business etiquette and networking .

  6. 在商务礼仪中,职位头衔要比性别更为重要。

    Business etiquette is based on position not gender .

  7. 企业文化与商务礼仪

    Corporate Culture and Business Protocol Manners in different countries

  8. 作为旅游类高职高专院校的学生,学习国际商务礼仪有其独特的必要性。

    As a student of tourism vocational college , one must learn the internation .

  9. 礼貌如仁爱,家中先开始。不同国家的商务礼仪

    Courtesy , like charity , shall begin at home . Manners in different countries

  10. 一层是主人的开放空间,及商务礼仪为一体。

    Floor is the master of the open space , and business etiquette as a whole .

  11. 商务礼仪&名片篇

    Business Etiquette & On Business Cards

  12. 跨国商务礼仪文化的差异

    Difference of Transnational Commercial Etiquette Cultures

  13. 商务礼仪探源

    Origin Exploration on Business Etiquette

  14. 不同国家的商务礼仪西班牙是一个君主立宪制国家,皇室只有礼节上的功能。

    Manners in different countries Spain is a constitutional monarchy in which the royals have only ceremonial functions .

  15. 不同国家的商务礼仪

    Manners in different countries

  16. 基于工作过程的课程方案设计及实施&以本校课程商务礼仪为例

    Designing Syllabuses and Execution based on Working Process : a Case Study of the Course , Business Etiquette

  17. 在开放经济环境中,商务礼仪不断受到强势文化的影响,并形成世界性的商务礼仪。

    The business etiquette is influenced by strong cultures and formed cosmopolitan business etiquette in the open economic environment .

  18. 您已准备充分,完全有资格成为一个专业的商务礼仪培训师。

    You will be fully prepared to launch a business and become a " Professional Trainer " in business etiquette .

  19. 在这篇论文中讲述了商务礼仪的内容与种类,作用与重要性;

    In this paper , the author will point out the content varieties effect and importance of the Business Etiquettes .

  20. 在国际商务礼仪实践中,馈赠礼品占有相当重要的位置,是一项需要经常面对和处理的事物。

    It places high importance on the practice of international business etiquette , which we come across and have to deal with frequently .

  21. 篇论文最后很详细地阐述了商务礼仪如何在酒店服务中更好的为顾客服务,以及它的意义。

    Eventuallyhow to take advantage of business etiquette for better consumer service in hotel is explained in details , so is the meaning .

  22. 她也经常担任公司形象和商务礼仪、通技巧、户服务、导力和高级人才甄选的培训师。

    She also does regular training in Corporate Image and Social Etiquette , Communication Skills , Customer Service , Leadership and High Level Talent Selection .

  23. 本文对商务礼仪进行了明确的界定,并对商务礼仪的内容与归属、特征与原则、功能与操作进行了系统的阐述。

    This thesis gives a clear definition to commercial comity and systematically explains its contents and categorizations , characters and principles , functions and practices .

  24. 相反,不好的商务礼仪会导致酒店服务质量的下降,并直接影响酒店利益。

    By contrast , bad Business Etiquettes will lead to the decline of quality of hotel service , and directly influence the interest of hotel .

  25. 如果你在国外工作,日常语言也不是母语,那就考虑参加有关消除口音以及美国商务礼仪的课程。

    If you 're working outside your native country and not speaking your native language , consider taking classes in accent reduction and American business etiquette .

  26. 有些人居然拥有美国名字,在呼叫中心的人说话十分的像美国口音,在软件园的人做事模仿美国的商务礼仪。

    Some had actually taken American names , and others were doing great imitations of American accents at call centers and American business techniques at software labs .

  27. 公司主要生产:充气拱门、立柱、卡通吉祥物、太阳伞、折叠帐篷等以及承办现代商务礼仪、庆典活动。

    The company mainly produces : inflatable arches , columns , cartoon mascot , sun umbrellas , folded tents , and other contractors as well as modern business etiquette , the celebration activities .

  28. 这些是主要的课程,其他的就不算是专业课的,就是自己选择的,可以选择计算机,国际贸易,酒店治理,商务礼仪,法律基础等等了。

    These are main courses , other not be professional class , oneself choose , can choose the computer , international trade , Hotel management , business affairs is formal , legal foundation was waited a moment .

  29. 不过,如果工薪族穿着T恤上班的话,就像武士没带佩刀一样别扭,何况日本的商务服饰礼仪已经有150年的历史,还从来没有遇到大的挑战。

    But a salaryman in a T-shirt would be like a samurai without his sword , and there has been no serious challenge to Japan 's business dress code for150 years .

  30. 商务世界的礼仪的守则十分独特、统一。

    The rules of business etiquette are unique , as is the entire approach to etiquette in the business world .