
  • 网络business team
  1. 要求珠宝商帮你使用戒指大小测定器。

    Ask your jeweller to help you use the ring sizer .

  2. 要求你的鱼肉商帮你将鱼开成鱼排。

    Ask your fish monger to prepare the fish into fillets .

  3. 茶马古道与鹤庆商帮

    The Ancient Tea - horse Road and Heqing Trade Caravan

  4. 另一关乎商帮治理的内生因素就是资本构成。

    The other endogenous factor of business group administration is capital composition .

  5. 浅论宁波商帮文化之特征

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Ningbo Merchants ' Gang

  6. 其中最具代表性的两大商帮集团为晋商和徽商。

    Shanxi merchants and Huizhou merchants are the more representative among those groups .

  7. 商帮推动了皖南经济的发展;

    Business group accelerated the economy of Southern Anhui ;

  8. 明代地域商帮兴起的社会背景

    Social Background of the Formation of Regional Commercial Groups in the Ming Dynasty

  9. 宁波商帮是近代中国著名商帮,百年经久不衰;

    Ningbo business group is famous in China .

  10. 绥远回族商帮的内部结构

    The Internal Structure of Suiyuan Muslim Merchant Groups

  11. 宁波商帮的海洋文化情结

    Ningbo Business Group Under the Ocean Culture

  12. 笔者认为,晋商成功的关键在于其独特的商帮文化和贯穿其中的核心价值。

    I think it is the unique business culture and the core values made them succeed .

  13. 当商帮逐渐壮大,他们都十分注重以儒促商。

    When the business group and grew , they paid great attention to Confucianism promote business .

  14. 中国的商帮文化

    Cultures of Chinese Merchant Guilds

  15. 而不同区域环境下,各个商帮的利润去向又有不同之处。

    The different regions of the environment , all business profits to help the movement of another difference .

  16. 晋商这个神奇的群体,是明清时期国内重要商帮之一。

    Shanxi , this amazing group , is an important business Gang of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China .

  17. 16至18世纪,中国各大商帮都从事利润丰厚的大宗商品远距离贸易。

    Chinese Commercial Groups were engaged in the profitable far-distance trade of staple product from 16th to 18th century .

  18. 茶叶贸易是徽州商帮在明代中叶形成以后最重要的经营活动之一。

    The trade of tea was one of the major commercial practices in the mid-Ming Dynasty conducted by the Huizhou Merchants .

  19. 相比较于其他商帮,宁波帮具有鲜明的个性、独特的优势和共同的价值取向。

    Compared with the overseas merchants of other origins , overseas Ningbo merchants have their distinctive characteristics , privileges and values .

  20. 其中的喜洲帮和鹤庆帮,大多是由白族商人组成,又被称为白族商帮。

    The merchants in Xizhou caravan and Heqing caravan were of Bai minority , and so called the Bai minority caravan .

  21. 黄帮是近代湖北商场上出现时间最早,实力最强,影响力最大的本土商帮之一。

    Huang zhou merchants is the modern Hubei market appeared for the first time , the strongest , most influential local merchants .

  22. 地域会馆与商帮建构&明清商人会馆研究

    The Regional Guilds and the Trading-Group Construction & A Research on the Guilds of the Merchants in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty

  23. 河州商人作为陕西商帮的一个支派,也活跃在我国的西部边陲。

    And the Hezhou businessman be the branch of the Shanxi businessman , which also active western region backland in our country .

  24. 然而,它的资本实力、组织规模和地方社会影响,与其他商帮相比,仍然有着显著的差距。

    But its capital capability , members of its organization , and local social influence , still had prominent disparity with other traders .

  25. 晋商作为明清时期著名的商帮之一,在中国近代经济史上起着不可或缺的重要作用。

    Shanxi businessmen played an important role in modern economic history as a famous branch of business society in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  26. “三大商帮”中的两枝,徽商和江浙商人在此役中损失惨重,从此一蹶不振。

    Two of the " Three Business Group ", Hui and Jiang Zhe mechants suffered heavy losses in this war and never got over .

  27. 本文依据翔实可靠的资料,对明清以来宁波商帮的发展、演变作了比较系统、全面的探讨。

    In this dissertation , a systematic and comprehensive study is made into the development of the merchant group of Ningbo since Ming Dynasty .

  28. “客商”作为广东历史上的“四大商帮”之一,在中国“商帮文化”中有着独特的内涵和积极的人文影响。

    As one of the " four chambers of commerce ", " traveling traders ", with its unique humane connotation , exerted positive influences .

  29. 各商帮的商业线路回环,商务、行业系统各有自身相对不同的种类和地理伸缩范围。

    Every commercial bang had its scope of action on the lines of the business and had different types on business , industry systems .

  30. 清末民国以来,江西商人建立的同乡组织,经历了由商帮到会馆再到同乡会的历史转变。

    Since the late Qing dynasty republic of China , Jiangxi businessmen to establish countryman organizations experienced by merchants to the hall to Historical Association .