
  • 网络Commercial Debt
  1. 在争论中,有人提出,target债权和一国国内商业银行债权有本质区别。

    In the debate , it has been suggested that there are fundamental differences between target claims and claims on domestic commercial banks .

  2. 对国有商业银行债权保护不足的信贷博弈分析

    An Analysis of the Credit Gaming of State-owned Commercial Bank 's Obligation Right Protection Insufficiency

  3. 《中华人民共和国企业破产法》对商业银行债权的影响

    Impact of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People 's Republic of China on Creditors ' Rights of Commercial Banks

  4. 另一类是衡量股份制商业银行债权结构的指标,即应付债券比例。

    The other is a measure of the debt structure of joint-stock commercial , that is , the proportion of bonds payable .

  5. 深入研究商业银行债权治理的机制有助于提高银行业的整体治理水平。

    Doing comprehensive research on creditors ' governance of commercial banks can further help to improve banks ' corporate governance as a whole .

  6. 带着这些疑问,本文展开了对国有商业银行债权保护问题的研究。

    This paper will emphasis on the claims protection of the state owned banks and study the problems at the sight of banks .

  7. 二是由于我国资本市场并不完善,在实证分析中能够代表股份制商业银行债权结构的应付债券比例对治理绩效有正面影响,但不显著。

    Second , in the empirical analysis of the impact of the debt structure on the performance of the joint-stock commercial bank , there is no significant linear relationship between the ratio of bonds payable and the governance performance .

  8. 但事实上,target债权与对一国国内商业银行的债权类似。

    In fact , however , target claims are comparable to claims on domestic commercial banks .

  9. 被接管的商业银行的债权债务关系不因接管而变化。

    The right and liabilities of the taken-over bank will not change because of the take-over .

  10. 在我国,因受多种因素影响,商业银行不良债权居高不下,已经成为影响我国金融稳定的潜在因素和制约我国经济发展的重要瓶颈。

    In China , bank 's non-performing loans is always very high which has become a political factor which violates the financial stability and the major bottleneck which restricts the economic development of our country .

  11. 商业银行金融不良债权主要产生于商业银行的贷款业务。

    Commercial bank NPL arising primarily from the commercial bank lending .

  12. 我国商业银行不良金融债权管理研究

    The Study on Bad Financial Creditor 's Right of Commercial Banks in China