
qǔ xiāo zhài wù
  • debt cancellation
  1. 还有一种自己动手取消债务的方法,借款人把房子的钥匙寄回银行拍拍屁股走人,这样做会留下不良的信用记录,但无债一身轻。

    There is also do-it-yourself debt cancellation : " jingle mail " , in which the borrower sends the house keys to the bank and walks away , with a poor credit rating but debt-free .

  2. 虽然没有取消债务,但减轻了债务。

    He didn 't cancel debts , but he mitigated debts .

  3. 古罗马取消债务奴役制之历史影响和现实意义

    Cancel debts and enslave historical influence and realistic meaning made

  4. 克莱斯勒为劝说借贷方取消债务的努力一直在继续,但有报道称谈判陷入了僵局。

    Continuing efforts to restructure the business focus on persuading its main lenders to write off its debts , but reports say these talks have stalled .

  5. 考虑到政府要让东电承担起赔偿责任的决定,在股东几乎血本无归、贷方被要求取消债务的情况下,保护债券持有人的做法不合情理。

    Given the decision to make TEPCO liable for compensation , it is unconscionable to protect bondholders while shareholders have lost virtually their entire investment and lenders are being asked to cancel debts .

  6. 在他的新书《债务:回顾5000年》(Debt:TheFirst5000Years)中,格雷伯描述了取消债务、销毁借据、重新分配土地成为世界各地农民革命家的标准清单。

    In his book Debt : The First 5,000 Years , Mr Graeber describes how cancelling the debts , destroying the records , reallocating the land , was to become the standard list of peasant revolutionaries everywhere .

  7. 保留将契约责任转移到健康机构的权利、出售资产、允许机构间贷款、取消债务或股票、对特定债权人提供特别保护并在多次警告后,为管理层承担过度风险对其进行处罚。

    Retain the right to transfer contractual obligations to healthy firms , sell assets , permit intra-institutional lending , cancel debt or equity , grant special protection to certain creditors and seek penalties from management for taking excessive risk even after multiple warnings .

  8. 古往今来,“取消债务、赎回债务人”这个明确的诉求一直被放在议程的首要位置,堪称经济抗议运动的一个悠久传统。

    Almost no echo can be heard from a long tradition of economic protest movements , which , since the dawn of recorded history , have put one unambiguous demand at the top of their agenda : cancel the debts , redeem the debtors .

  9. 罗马取消债务奴役制,既促进了罗马公民集体的巩固和团结及罗马法的不断完善,又给工商业富裕阶层和大地主造成了大量的经济损失。

    Rome cancels debts to enslave and make , has already promoted the constant perfection of citizens of Rome collective consolidation , unity and Rome law , have caused a large number of economic losses to rich stratum and landlord of industry and commerce again .

  10. 已经失去他们的家的美国人可能在他们的被取消的债务上受制于所得税。

    Americans who have lost their homes may be subject to income taxes on their canceled debt .

  11. 投资者可能也会反思一些错过的机会,比如取消主权债务的零风险权重,提高对杠杆率的重视。

    Investors may also ponder the missed opportunities , such as getting rid of zero risk-weights for sovereign bonds and giving more prominence to leverage ratios .

  12. 公司取消了他的债务。

    The company has written of her debt .

  13. 会中也要求希腊债务中的债权一方,在今年七月同意取消部分的债务之外,再多取消21%的债务。

    Lenders also will be asked to write off much more than the 21 % of Greek debts agreed back in July .

  14. 因此,我国无需取消损益表债务法,而应允许企业采用两者之一来确认交易或事项的未来纳税影响。

    It is suggested that the future tax influence about transition or item based on the income-statement liability method or the balance-sheet liability method should be allowed .

  15. 解决这一问题的一种办法是取消他们的国际债务。

    One way to solve this problem is to cancel their international debts .