
pò chǎn zhài quán rén
  • Bankruptcy creditors;bankrupt's creditor;creditor in bankrupt estate;creditors of a bankrupt estate
  1. 因此,破产债权人享有的债权是否具有优先受偿性及优先受偿的效力有多大直接关系到各债权人在利益博弈中的胜与败。

    Therefore , if the rights of the bankruptcy creditors have the priority directly relates to the various creditors ' winning and losing in interest game .

  2. 企业破产中债权人利益的保障

    Ensuring the Creditor 's Interest when the Enterprise Goes Bankrupt

  3. 本案可能开创法律界的一个先例,因为法官必须就企业的保密权利与破产企业债权人的权利作出权衡。

    The case could break legal ground as judges must weigh the rights of corporate confidentiality against those of creditors in a bankrupt company .

  4. 而英美法系和大陆法系关联企业破产外部债权人利益保护的立法和司法实践相对较成熟和完善且各具特色,可以为我们提供一些有益借鉴。

    Two legal Systems & Anglo-American Legal System and Continental Legal System have supplied various beneficial experiences on protections of the external creditors ' interests while affiliated enterprises bankrupting .

  5. 随着市场经济的国际化趋势和世界经济一体化进程的不断加快,对跨国公司破产中债权人合法利益的公平保护的研究就显得尤为迫切。

    With the internationalization tendency of market economy and persistent increase of world economic integration progress , the research for fair protection of creditors ' interests in bankruptcy of transnational companies seems urgent .

  6. 与此同时,他说,投资于该公司的债券,而非股票更加安全,因为一旦申请破产,债权人会比股东受到更好的保护。

    Meanwhile , this person said , it 's safer to invest in the company 's debt instead of its shares , because creditors get better protection than shareholders in the event of a bankruptcy filing .

  7. 新破产法对债权人会议表决标准的规定仍有需完善之处。

    The standard of voting in creditors meeting should be consummated .

  8. 论破产重整中债权人利益保护的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions about Protecting Creditors ' Interests in the Bankruptcy Reorganization

  9. 破产者和债权人在各自的利益上通常处于竞争的状态。

    The bankrupts and the creditors are usually in competing position for respective interests .

  10. 债权人会议是破产程序中债权人自治的重要表现形式。

    The creditors meeting is an important form of the creditors ' autonomy in bankruptcy process .

  11. 用人单位破产,其债权人的债权很难得到保证。

    Unit of choose and employ persons goes broke , the creditor 's rights of its creditor gets very hard assuring .

  12. 企业相机治理、破产制度与债权人作用&兼论中国破产制度的缺陷及其改革建议

    Contingent Governance , Bankruptcy and Creditors ' Status & The Defect of the Bankruptcy System in China and Suggestion on Its reform

  13. 通过破产重组,债权人,重组方,原股东可以取得比破产的直接结果更好。

    Through bankruptcy reorganization , creditors , restructuring side , the original shareholders can achieve better than the direct result of bankruptcy .

  14. 在公司破产中,债权人同意降低利息、延缓本金偿付,并用他们的一些债权交换公司股权。

    In corporate workouts , creditors agree to reduce interest payments , suspend principal payments and exchange some of their claims for equity in the company .

  15. 认为我国目前的企业破产制度中债权人利益保障机制存在四个方面的缺陷,并提出了相应的完善措施。

    The paper points out four defects in creditors ' benefit safeguard mechanism in the current enterprise bankrupt system in China and then proposes relevant measures to improve the situation .

  16. 作为对去年10月从废墟中抢救出来的健康资产的补偿,破产银行的债权人将获得其中两家新银行的股权。

    Creditors to the failed banks , will be offered equity stakes in two of the new banks as compensation for healthy assets that were salvaged from the ruins last October .

  17. 破产时,债权人只能得到扣除破产成本后的企业资产价值,因而对企业的债务价值有影响。

    Bankruptcy costs are expenditures of enterprise that get into bankruptcy , as a result , enterprise asset value is reduced , and debt value is reduced too because bondholders only receive asset value deducted from bankruptcy costs .

  18. 在其他个案中,破产案的债权人或强制清盘案的债权人及分担人会召开会议,决定应否委任破产管理署署长或私营机构的其他合适人士,为受托人或清盘人。

    In other cases , a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy , or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidation will be convened to decide whether the official receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed trustee or liquidator .

  19. 为了避免企业破产而致使债权人、职工利益受到损失、社会经济资源的浪费,多数国家都在其立法中确立了重整制度,赋予仍有挽救可能性的困境企业得以重生的机会。

    In order to avoid bankruptcy and the creditor , trade unions damage to the loss of social and economic waste of resources , most countries have established in their legislation reforming the system , given the possibility of there to save the plight of enterprises to chance .

  20. 对破产重整程序中债权人利益保护的思考

    Thoughts on Protecting the Interests of Creditors in Bankruptcy Reorganization Proceedings

  21. 简析关联企业破产中的特殊债权人问题&从一个假设谈起

    The Study on Special Creditor in Bankruptcy of Affiliated Enterprises

  22. 破产法实施中债权人利益的保护

    Interest Aegis for Creditor on Actualization in Bankrupt Law

  23. 破产还是重组&债权人的策略选择

    Bankruptcy or Restructure : the Choice of the Creditor

  24. 破产程序中的债权人会议制度研究

    A Study of Creditor Meeting Law during Bankruptcy

  25. 破产者和他的债权人协议调解。

    The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation .

  26. 破产重整中的债权人保护问题

    Protecting creditors in bankruptcy and reorganization

  27. 应建立值得信赖的破产机制,促使债权人自动将其债权转换为股权。

    Credible bankruptcy regimes which force creditors to automatically swap their debt for equity should be introduced .

  28. 免责制度产生之前,破产主要是作为债权人执行债权的工具和手段存在的,旨在最大限度地发掘债务人的财产;破产程序的推动主要依靠债务人基于免责可能获得的经济利益。

    Before exemption system came into being , bankruptcy had existed mainly as a tool and means for creditors to execute credits .

  29. 在这种破产案件中,债权人、债务人或破产财产位于两个或两个以上的国家。

    In such bankruptcy cases , the creditor , the debtor or the bankrupt properties are in two nations or up wards respectively .

  30. 破产公司董事对债权人之个人民事赔偿责任&新《企业破产法》及英美相关法律制度评析

    Director 's Personal Liabilities on Creditors of Insolvent Companies & A Comparative study on China Insolvency Act and related laws of Western developed countries