
pò huài xìnɡ jiǎn yàn
  • destructive inspection
  1. 除碘器非破坏性检验装置和除碘器的泄漏检验

    Nondestructive test apparatus and leak testing of full-size iodine adsorber

  2. 燃料元件辐照后破坏性检验

    Destructive Post-Irradiation Examination of Irradiated Fuel Rod

  3. 综述了在生产过程中的焊接质量检验方法,有助于焊接质量非破坏性检验方法的推广。

    With the combination of practical applications , this paper summarizes the way of soldering quality inspection on line , which leads to the discussion about the non-destructive inspection ways of soldering quality .

  4. 美伊战争或许破坏性地检验了单边军事实力的效力。

    The US war in Iraq may have tested to destruction the efficacy of unilateral military might .

  5. 沥青混凝土斜墙容重非破坏性质量检验试验研究初报

    A Preliminary Research On Inspection Test of Nondestructive Quality of Bulk Density of Asphalt Concrete Sloping Core wall

  6. 分段γ扫描标样的非破坏性分析法检验

    Non-destructive Assay for Segmented Gamma Scanning Calibration Standards

  7. 非破坏性的技术检验艺术作品画布健康状况

    Noninvasive Technique Gauges Art Canvas Health

  8. 钢铁铸件用非破坏性的硬度检验代替破坏性的抗拉强度检验并在生产中应用,国内外均已有报导。

    It is known that non-rupture test , such as the hardness test , an be used to replace rupture tension test on iron and steel casting .