
  • 网络visual inspection;visual testing
  1. 介绍水下目视检测的方法、内容、工艺及程序;

    The methods , contents , technologies and procedures of Underwater Visual testing are described .

  2. 对钢结构和混凝土结构水下目视检测的技术要点进行了探讨。

    The technical key points of underwater visual testing of steel and concrete structures are discussed .

  3. 采用多时相陆地卫星TM数据,以分类后比较法和历史土地利用专题图支持下的目视检测方法进行黄河口耕地变化动态监测。

    Using digital satellite remote sensing TM data , the monitoring of cultivated land changes in the region of Yellow River mouth were carried out by methods of classification results overlay and land use map supported visual change detection .

  4. 目视检测的精确度是95%而湿发梳理法是99.3%。

    Accuracy was99.3 % for wet combing and95 % for visual inspection .

  5. 这仪器是一个完整的电子收音机和目视检测,这些的使用方法都是十分简单。

    This is a fully electronic audio and visual detecting system that is that is surprisingly easy to use .

  6. 当前工业界对于太阳能电池的故障检测方法基本上还是生产线上的目视检测以及伏安特性曲线的检测。

    The fault detection method for solar battery used in current industry is basically the line inspection and volt-ampere characteristics curve detection .

  7. 构建金纳米比色传感体系发展了一种超灵敏目视检测水合肼新技术。

    A novel ultrasensitive visual detection technique of hydrazine hydrate using Au nanoparticles-based colorimetric sensing system ( ANCSS ) is firstly reported .

  8. 目前,国内对航空发动机叶片质量的检测手段比较落后,还处于模板检测、目视检测等传统方法。

    At present , the inspecting means of engine blade in China is not so advanced , which mainly uses traditional inspection method such as template and visual inspection for blade quality .

  9. 该瞄准方法结合双频激光长度测量系统,可以实现编码标尺分划误差的动态检测,代替目前国内对编码水准标尺人工目视检测的过程。

    In combination with double-frequency laser length measurement system , dynamic measurement of stripe error of code-bar invar grade rod can be performed automatically , which places present measurement process for code-bar grade rod by visual inspection .

  10. 这些方法包括射线、超声、磁粉、渗透、脉冲涡流、目视和泄漏检测等,并介绍低温压力容器无损检测方法的特点。

    The characteristics of the NDT methods for cryogenic pressure vessels were also introduced .

  11. 以往人们研制了各种光学球面曲率半径测量仪器,大部分是传统常规的目视仪器,检测效率相对低,自动化程度不高,精度受限。

    Formerly every type of measuring instruments for curvature radius of optical sphere were produced , most of which were conventional eyepiece instruments , with some limits , such as inefficiencies , low automatic , finite accuracy .

  12. 目视化纳米探针检测宫颈癌组织HPV16E6基因的研究

    Detection of Human Papillomavirus Types 16 Sequences in Cervical Cancer with Visualizing Nanoparticle probes Technology

  13. 看谱检测是利用看谱仪,参照光谱图和分析标志表,对样品发射的光谱线进行目视评定,实现检测样品元素及含量的一门应用技术。

    The examination method of watching spectrum is a technique to visual evaluation spectral line for examining sample elements & contents .

  14. 国内的胶片检测已经实现了从人工目视到自动在线检测的转变,但是现有的检测仪还不够完善,不能检测出影响胶片质量的所有弊病。

    The domestic inspection instrument of film-defect has been changed from manual inspection to automatic on-line inspection . However , the existing inspection is not perfect enough to inspect all the defects required , which directly affect the quality of film .