
  • 网络Goal Conflict;objective conflict;GoalConflict
  1. 基于分布式协商进化算法的多Agent目标冲突消解

    Goal conflict resolution of multi-agent systems based on distributed negotiation evolution algorithm

  2. 基于对策论的协同设计目标冲突协商方法研究

    Research on Negotiation Method of Goal Conflict in Collaborative Design Based on Game Theory

  3. 如果两国的目标冲突,就可能发生战争。

    If the aims of two countries collide , there may be war .

  4. 但是,这种设计看起来与便利层的目标冲突,便利层主要关注文档特性,一个特性可能控制多个XML元素。

    But this design seems to conflict with the convenience layer goal , which is to focus on the feature , where one feature might control multiple XML elements .

  5. 具体论述了目标冲突过程中TCAS的交通咨询和决策咨询。

    Traffic advisory and resolution advisory were presented concretely in the conflict process .

  6. 为了有效地解决成像卫星操作指令的自动生成问题和子目标冲突问题,本文提出并设计了一种基于PDDL的成像卫星操作规划系统结构。

    A new PDDL-based imaging satellite operation planning system architecture is proposed and designed to solve the automatic generation of the imaging satellite operation command and the subgoal conflict problem effectively .

  7. 当前村民自治蕴涵的目标冲突分析及其对策

    The object conflicts contained in current villagers ' autonomy and countermeasures

  8. 论全球化进程中的价值目标冲突

    On Conflicts of Value Goal in the Course of Globalization

  9. 基于多目标冲突度网格任务调度策略

    Grid tasks scheduling strategy based on degree of multi-objective conflict

  10. 第二部分对中国现行电业规制制度进行解析:现行电业规制秩序与目标冲突。

    Part two is on Chinese current system of electrical utility regulation .

  11. 而层级间的目标冲突是制约银行价值跨期最大化的重要因素。

    Hierarchical objective conflict is an important factor restricting the maximization of over-tenure bank value .

  12. 系统采用了基于信任度的冲突协调方法来协调不同学科之间的目标冲突。

    The system adopted a confidence-based method of conflict coordination to harmonize conflicts between different subjects .

  13. 中国法治发展的目标冲突与前景分析

    The Development of Rule of Law in China : Conflict in Aims and Analysis on Prospects

  14. 研究了成像卫星操作规划系统以及子目标冲突消解机制。

    The imaging satellite operation planning system ( ISOPS ) and the mechanism to solve subgoal conflict are researched .

  15. 采用能量函数定义轨迹在时空中重新组合产生的目标冲突,目标丢失的代价。

    Energy function was defined to measure the loss of target trajectory regrouping conflicts in space and time . 3 .

  16. 而组织目标冲突及行政程序限制,则负向影响行政与及工作明确性。

    On the other hand , the organizational goal conflict has a significant negative effect on administrative participation and work specificity .

  17. 以往对企业内部冲突的分析多采用博弈论方法进行,局限性较大,不适合作多博弈方、多目标冲突分析。

    Generally , game-theory is used to define and analyze conflicts . However , it has limitation in multiple-players and multiple-goals conflict analysis .

  18. 由于目标冲突、社会分工与交易成本的原因,孵化器与风险投资的融合仍然存在现实困境。

    Because of the conflict of targets , social division and transaction cost , the combination between incubator and venture capital exists practical difficulties .

  19. 然后,本文进一步分析了母子公司互动过程中存在的冲突机制,从目标冲突和人际冲突两方面阐释了母子公司冲突对管控机制选择的影响。

    The effect of conflict between parent and subsidiary on mechanism choice of management control is discovered from the perspective of goal conflict and personal conflict .

  20. 本文将目标冲突的检测和处理机制引入到目标和场景相结合的需求工程方法中,使得需求的一致性得到了保证。

    This thesis puts checking and operating mechanism of goal conflict into requirement engineering method based on goal integrating scenario and guarantees the correctness of requirement .

  21. 在供应链的合作风险中,我们归纳了五个方面的主要风险,包括:目标冲突风险、协议风险、信息风险、信用风险和利益分配风险。

    There are five main risks in the cooperation risk including inconsistency of goal , agreement risk , information risk , credit crisis and advantage distribution .

  22. 认为,政府监管的多重目标冲突和证券监管制度缺陷是造成利益集团矛盾以及政策失败的原因。

    The conclusion is that : the government 's multi-objects and the defects of Chinese securities regulation present the conflict of interest groups and regulation failure .

  23. 被存入。这种目标冲突并不少见,所以当前练习的要点之一就是识别(并解决)这些冲突。

    This sort of goal clash is commonplace , and one of the points of the current exercise is to identify ( and address ) these clashes .

  24. 并对参考解的性质进行了分析,同时给出用此模型求解多人多目标冲突决策问题的步骤。

    Furthermore , the properties of the reference solution and reference point are analyzed Finally , the use of the model to solve , multi-person multi-criteria decision making problems is demonstrated .

  25. 依据模型计算结果,介绍了居民用地和工业用地开发选址的几种方法,分析了多目标冲突区域。

    Following the result of the modle , several ways of selecting the appropriate address for residential land and industrial land are introduced and the conflicting areas of multi-objectives are analyzed .

  26. 通过对目标冲突、职权冲突和个性冲突等各种冲突的分析,探讨了化解冲突的相关对策、提供了保持联盟稳定性的一般方法。

    Analyzing the conflict of the objective 、 official powers and personality , we explore related means of resolving conflict , provide the common way of maintaining the stability of alliance .

  27. 由于渠道成员之间存在目标冲突、领域冲突及理解冲突,网络营销渠道与传统营销渠道间的冲突不可避免。

    As conflicts exist among the members involved in marketing in their targets , territories and understanding , differences and competition are inevitable between the Internet marketing channels and the traditional marketing channels .

  28. 然而,由于管理目标冲突、法律法规约束、体制弊端、经费不足、缺乏激励等问题,限制了共管的实施范围及可持续性。

    However , because of management objectives conflicts , restriction of laws and rules , management system problems , investment shortage , lack of incentive measures , the sustainability and extent of co-management were confined .

  29. 但更主要的问题还在于改革带来的政府对旅游景区的双重管理目标冲突、行业监管乏力等问题没有得到很好解决;

    Worst of all , there were such problems solved imperfectly as the conflicts of double administration target between the government and the scenic spots , the weakness of trade supervision and control and so on ;

  30. 在现代企业中,由于委托代理关系的存在,股东和高管之间存在着目标冲突的现象,建立合理的薪酬激励机制成为解决这一问题的关键。

    In modern enterprises , due to the existence of principal-agent relationship between shareholders and executives of conflict exists between the goals , to establish a reasonable pay incentives as the key to solve this problem .