
  • 网络destructive conflict;Devastating conflict;dysfunctional conflict
  1. 在团队运作过程中鼓励建设性的冲突,尽量避免人际关系间的破坏性冲突。

    In team operation process encourages constructive conflict , and avoids interpersonal relationship destructive conflict .

  2. 本文从冲突管理的视角出发,将企业劳动关系中的冲突分为破坏性冲突和建设性冲突。

    From the perspective of conflict management , this paper divides the conflicts in labor relations into destructive conflict and constructive conflict .

  3. 如今的冲突已不仅仅是传统意义上的破坏性冲突,建设性冲突的掌握和利用需要管理者不断地学习。

    Now the conflict has not only the destructive conflict in the traditional sense , managers need learn and master knowledge about constructive conflict .

  4. 管理者应努力将潜在的破坏性冲突转化为现实的建设性冲突,使其成为改进学生评教工作的内在动力。

    Administrators , therefore , should attempt to convert its destructive effect into constructive one , so as to drive for improvement in college students ' evaluation for teachers .

  5. 以围绕煤炭和铁矿石爆发的破坏性冲突为例。政府和司法体系的角色是充当仲裁者,制定和执行法律,以平衡各方对土地和资源使用权利的对立主张。

    Take the crippling clashes over coal and iron ore. The role of the state and the judicial system is to act as an arbiter , setting and implementing laws that balance competing claims over the use of land and resources .

  6. 要求管理者必须着眼于调解与开发,采取有效措施化解破坏性冲突,以可行的方法和制度开发良性冲突,构建我国民营企业和谐的劳动关系,推动企业健康发展。

    Emphasis should be placed on conciliation and exploitation , adopting effective measures to resolve constructive conflicts , using feasible methods and policy to exploit constructive conflict , establishing the harmonized labor relationship in our country 's privatized enterprises , promoting the healthy development of the enterprises .

  7. 油价不断上涨,美国与伊朗具有破坏性的冲突迫在眉睫。

    Oil prices are rising and a damaging confrontation with Iran looms .

  8. 该国濒临逊尼派-什叶派之间发生破坏性暴力冲突的边缘。

    It is on the brink of disruptive Sunni-Shia violence .

  9. 我们会谈到“健康的”和“破坏性的”冲突,一般来说,我们会努力消除冲突。

    We talk about " healthy " and " destructive " conflict , and generally we have worked very hard to eliminate it .