
  1. 在职业高中计算机教学中培养学生的创新能力,教师必须转变教育观念,营造良好的创新环境,采用目标激励法、竞赛激励法以及成立课外兴趣活动小组等方式激活学生的创新思维。

    To cultivate students ' innovative abilities in the teaching of computor in secondary vocational school , teachers must change educational view , build constructive environment for innovation , adopt objectiveencouraging 、 method , competition-encouraging method and extracurricular activities to inspire students ' innovative thinking .

  2. 研究了地面目标散射的复合激励法,提出了加入入射波的高效方法。

    When simulate the scattering of target on the ground , an efficient method introducing the incident wave is proposed .