
  • 网络Obtaining Control;Take control;assume control
  1. 他们担心极端分子可能会取得控制权。

    They worry that extremists might gain control .

  2. 在货币政策方面,暴民们正站在美联储(fed)门口,希望取得控制权,而那些门里面的人则对于应采取的措施存在分歧。

    Regarding monetary policy , the mob is at the gates of the US Federal Reserve and wants to grab control while those on the inside are in disagreement about what should be done .

  3. 中国公司习惯于取得控制权,但随后却不关心股东利益。

    The Chinese have got form in taking control of things but not in taking care of shareholders afterwards .

  4. 较固定资产投资而言,通过股权并购方式取得控制权收益的代价较低,但控制性股东占有被并购公司控制权收益的比例也较低;

    Compared with the fixed asset investment , the equity merger has a lower cost for obtaining control benefit , but leads to relatively lower benefit proportion for the control shareholder ;

  5. 根据新的规定,将允许收购人发出部分收购要约,增持上市公司至少5%的股份实际上是允许收购人在不完全拥有该公司的情况下取得控制权。

    Under the new rules , an acquirer will be allowed to make a partial tender offer in increments of 5 per cent of the equity in effect allowing it to exercise control without fully owning the company .

  6. 里尚哈根表示,爱科之所以希望取得控制权,是因为完全控制一家公司,有助于缓和一个经济威力被夸大了的国家的弱点尽管中国具有良好的市场前景。

    The reason why AGCO wanted control , he says , is that to be wholly in charge of a business is one way to help mitigate the failings of a country whose economic prowess has been overrated for all its promise as a market .

  7. 在公开的市场中,公司并购是取得公司控制权的主要形式。

    In open market , corporation merger and acquisition is the main form to gain corporate control .

  8. 最可能的关于布伊格兄弟取得有控制权的股份,其最好的解释是他们的父亲希望他们当家。

    The most likely explanation for the brothers'controlling stake is that their father wanted them to be in charge .

  9. 女性担心的是,随着塔利班在阿富汗取得更多控制权,她们会被教育和工作拒之门外。

    Women are worried they will be shut out from education and work as the Taliban takes more control in Afghanistan .

  10. 海外直接投资作为法律主体以一定生产要素投入到另一国,并相应取得经营控制权以获取利润的一种投资活动,其必然会遇到商业风险与政治风险两种性质不同的风险类型。

    Direct overseas investment , as an activity to invest domestic capitals overseas , is sure to confront both political risk and business risk .

  11. 巴勒斯坦领土上的以色列军方和民政当局发言人莱纳少校说,去年取得加沙控制权的哈马斯激进分子才应该为目前的状况负责。

    Major Peter Lerner , the spokesman for Israel 's military and civil authorities in the Palestinian territories says Hamas militants who seized power in Gaza last year are to blame for the situation .

  12. 美国资产证券化中真实出售的法律认定标准,具有赋予法官较大自由裁量权、奉行实质审查主义、以受让人是否取得资产控制权为着眼点等特点。

    Legal identification criterion of true sale in American asset securitization is characterized by delegating judge more free-adjudicative-power , and following a doctrine of substantial examination , and regarding transferee 's obtaining control power of asset or not as starting point .

  13. 用户首先在连接SPM的服务器上远程登陆,并取得不同的控制权。

    Users can first lodge on the SPM server remotely , gaining different priority for controlling SPM .

  14. 在中国抢注了ipad商标、资不抵债的深圳唯冠科技(shenzhenproviewtechnology)的债主们,对正在试图取得这个商标控制权的苹果(apple),发起了最新挑战。

    Creditors of Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) , the insolvent group that registered the iPad trademark in China , have mounted an additional challenge to apple in its efforts to gain control of the trademark .

  15. 荷兰人对苏门答腊的胡椒港口取得了很大控制权。

    The Dutch achieved a great measure of control over the pepper ports of Sumatra .

  16. 国有控股公司取得目标的控制权即成为控制股东。

    The state-owned holding company obtains the goal the domination namely to become controls the shareholder .

  17. 你也许会担心人工智能能够在智慧上超越我们,奋起反抗,并取得我们的控制权。

    you might worry that maybe the superintelligence could outsmart us , break out and take over .

  18. 这位副驾驶员趁机长去洗手间之机取得了飞机控制权,并把自己锁在驾驶舱内。

    The co-pilot took control of the aircraft after the pilot left the cockpit to use the toilet .

  19. 第三个选择是取得项目的控制权,让项目根据你的安排进行。

    The third option is to take control of the project so that it has to be done on your terms .

  20. 本文认为,对于一家现代银行,控股权仍然是基本的控制性要素;另外通过占有某些非资本的控制性要素也能在一定程度取得相对的控制权。

    This article believes that control right is the basic factor for a modern bank , and we can get relative control right through control non-capital factor .

  21. 但几乎所有的激烈选战都可能阻止共和党取得众院的控制权,而大多数分析家认为这种结果的可能性很低。

    But almost all the close contests would have to break the Republicans'way to give them control of the chamber & an outcome most analysts consider unlikely , although not impossible .

  22. 上市公司要约收购是要约人为取得上市公司控制权向目标公司股东发出一定期间内开放的公开要约,以特定价格购买上市公司一定数量的有表决权证券的行为。

    Tender offer of listed company is a transaction which the offeror makes public offers to all the relevant security holders of the target company to buy their voting securities with fixed price within a limited period , in order to control the company .

  23. 只是与一般的股票交易行为所不同的是,上市公司收购是以取得目标公司控制权为目的。其具有交易规模大,涉及利益主体多样,对社会经济发展影响广泛的特点。

    What is different from the ordinary transaction lies in that the aim of the acquisition of listed companies is to obtain the control power of the acquired company and it is a large-scale transaction that involves in diversified benefits entities and plays great importance in social economic development .

  24. 为取得对公司的控制权,他正同对手进行一场激烈的斗争。

    He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company .

  25. 有人在这个委员会的组成上搞了鬼,以使多数党取得相当多的控制权

    The memberships of this committee are stacked to give the majority party substantial control .

  26. 他提供了大部分的资金从而取得了全面的控制权。

    He gained overall control by putting up most of the capital .

  27. 大公司正在通过购买小公司的股份而取得对他们的控制权。

    Larger companies are taking over smaller firms by buying their shares .

  28. 他希望美国政府在使用公共资金时,能够取得这些机构的控制权。

    He wants the US government to be able to seize control of such institutions when spending public money .

  29. 随后,英国改变策略,大量购买埃及控股的运河股份,取得了运河的控制权。

    Subsequently , Britain changes the policy . It starts to buy the Egyptian Holding canal shares to control the canal .

  30. 其后,局势紧张,英国认为如要防御香港,必须取得邻近土地的控制权。

    In the ensuing tension , Britain felt that efficient defence of Hong Kong harbour demanded control of the land around it .