
  • 网络ERP;Enterprise Resource Planning
  1. 最后,以浙江K汽车工贸集团为例,提出针对具体汽车贸易集团对象的资源整合思路和策略,为具体企业资源整合及战略服务。

    Finally , take Zhejiang K automobile group as an example , the author suggest thoughts and strategy for its resource integration .

  2. 企业资源整合的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on the Integration of the Enterprise 's Resource

  3. 高科技创业企业资源整合模式研究

    A Study on the Framework of Assembling Resources in Hi-Tech New Ventures

  4. 物流企业资源整合模糊综合评价研究

    Studies on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of resources integration in integrated logistics enterprise

  5. 最佳途径,就是运用信息技术走企业资源整合的道路。

    The best way is using the information technology for resource optimization .

  6. 新创企业资源整合过程模型

    Resource Combination Process Model during New Venture Creation

  7. 企业资源整合与查询优化

    The Enterprise Resource Integration and Query Optimization

  8. 物流企业资源整合方向研究

    Direction Research on Logistics Enterprise Resources Integration

  9. 现代物流企业资源整合模式分析

    Integrated Resource Models for Modern Logistics Enterprises

  10. 首先,本文从企业资源整合过程入手,遵循资源、能力的逻辑关系,建立了大规模定制生产系统柔性分析模型。

    According to the logic relationship of resources and ability , we get a model analyzing the flexibility of production system under MC .

  11. 主要利用交易费用理论研究了资源配置的机制,提出了物流交易费用的决定因素,总结出物流企业资源整合的主要模式,并指出物流企业之间的合作是现阶段最有利的资源整合方式。

    In this part , indicates the determinations of logistics bargaining cost , and points out the cooperation is the best mode of resource conformity .

  12. 从分析物流企业资源整合的动因出发,介绍了物流企业的基本类型以及资源组成,并在前人的研究基础上总结出物流企业资源整合的内容及手段。

    Begin with the analysis of its reason , introduces the basic type of logistics enterprises and the form of resource , and summarizes its content and instrument .

  13. 其中主要的研究结论如下:(1)对我省煤炭企业资源整合后对组织结构的需求进行研究。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The study of the need of organization structure after the resource integration in the coal enterprises in our province .

  14. 在当今全球化竞争背景下,企业资源整合范围不断超越企业边界和国家边界,其整合模式的选取已经不再是纯粹管理技术的问题,而在很大程度上受到国家文化特征的影响。

    Under the global competition , the scope of enterprise resources integration is expanding beyond organizational and national borders , the selection of resources integration model is no longer a pure technology problem , but influenced largely by the characteristics of national culture .

  15. 研究结论表明,我省煤炭企业资源整合后形成了新的特点,对组织管理模式提出了新的要求,传统的组织管理模式距离新要求存在一定的差距。

    The results indicate that the coal enterprise in our province have formed a new feature in resource integration . It also indicates new requirements for the organization management and there is some gap between the traditional organization management and the some new requirements .

  16. 浙江东南发电股份有限公司作为一家在上海证券交易所上市的B股发电类上市公司,在实行大规模跨区域扩张过程中,对企业资源整合能力和企业管理能力要求很高。

    Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited as a B-share Listed Power Company that listed on the Shanghai stock exchange , it engaged in a massive regional expansion process , it has a very high demands on the ability of enterprise resources integration and ability in enterprise management .

  17. 最后,通过对海南航空公司扬子江快运物流资源整合的案例进行了全面考察和系统分析,介绍了第三方物流企业资源整合在实际中的应用。

    Finally , through investigating in an all-round way to the case of the integration of the resources of Yangtze River fast freight logistics of Hainan Airlines and network analysis , have introduced the application of the integration of the resources of third party 's logistics enterprise in reality .

  18. 通过研究现有企业资源整合的方式,结合虚拟物流的概念、特点及组织运作模式等,本文分析了运用虚拟物流的相关理念和方法来解决交通运输集团资源整合问题的方式和优势。

    After studying the mode of enterprise resources integration in existence , and the concept , characteristics and organizational mode of operation of virtual logistics , this paper analyzed the mode and advantages for Handan Transportation Group to integrate the enterprise resources through applying the theoretics of virtual logistics .

  19. MBA教育创新、高校资源和企业资源的整合,具有重大的现实意义。

    MBA education innovation , integration of resources of universities and enterprises are of great practical significance .

  20. 并通过实际的实施案例方案的规划和分析,进一步讨论如何应用EIP对企业资源的整合以提高企业竞争力。

    The detail discussion are carried on the application of EIP in enterprise resource integration to improve the enterprise competence .

  21. 最后以北京马尔思工贸有限公司ERP的实施及与CRM整合的案例进一步深化了客户关系管理与企业资源计划整合的研究,对商务整合的实现步骤及实现过程进行详细探讨。

    The paper researches the integrating CRM and ERP of Beijing Mars Trade and Industry Ltd. as an example to study the integrating the CRM with the ERP further , step to achieve the integration of business processes and achieve detailed discussion .

  22. ERP是一种先进的管理理念和管理模式,是建立在企业内部资源整合基础上、规范化的管理信息系统,ERP系统已经成为现代企业提高竞争力的重要手段。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Plan ) is a kind of advanced managerial idea and managerial mode . Based on integration of internal resources and normalized management information system , ERP system has already become a significant means to enhance company 's competition power .

  23. 论文还论述了构建基于核心竞争力的物流企业客户资源整合系统(CRIs)的设想。

    In addition , this paper puts forward the construction of customer resource integration system ( CRIS ) based on the core competence in logistics enterprise .

  24. 论企业物流资源整合与流程再造

    On Integration of Commodity Circulation Resources and Flow Reconstruction in Enterprises

  25. 基于信息仓库的企业信息资源整合与集成

    Conformity and integration of enterprise information resources based on data warehouse

  26. 科技型企业创生资源整合研究

    A Study on Assembling Resources for Emergence of New Technology-based Firms

  27. 中小企业外部资源整合策略初探

    Strategy for Integration of External Resources in Small and Medium Enterprises

  28. 集群型企业人力资源整合管理探讨

    Discussion about Integration Management of Human Resources of the Enterprises in Cluster

  29. 中小型第三方物流企业的资源整合策略研究

    Study on the Resource Integration Strategy of Small and Medium-sized 3PL Enterprises

  30. 企业的资源整合能力和企业的运行能力

    Ability of Resource Integration and Operating Ability of Enterprises