
  • 网络Enterprise Information Portal;EIP
  1. 基于多Agent的中小企业信息门户研究

    Research on SME 's EIP Based on Multi-agent

  2. 最后笔者对于SOA架构下的企业信息门户进行了总结和展望。

    Finally , the author summarizes and outlooks for the SOA based EIP .

  3. 基于Portal的企业信息门户系统研究

    Research on Enterprise Information Portal System Based on Portal

  4. 利用WebspherePortal建设电信企业信息门户

    The Use of WebSphere Portal Building Telecom Enterprise Information Portal

  5. 基于Multi-agent的企业信息门户构建模式分析

    Analysis on the Construction Pattern of EIP Based on Multi-agent

  6. 企业信息门户EIP(EnterpriseInformationPortal,EIP)已经在许多行业得到广泛的应用。

    EIP ( Enterprise Information Portal ) has been widely applied in many industries .

  7. 最后讨论了将ERP系统与企业信息门户实现了集成,进一步增强了系统的安全性。

    At last integrating ERP with enterprise information Portal made the whole system more security .

  8. 基于J2EE的企业信息门户技术研究与实现

    Information Portal Research and Its Implementation

  9. 本文介绍了企业信息门户(EnterpriseInformationPortal)这一新的信息传送机制,以帮助有关员工搜索所需的全部信息。

    Enterprise information portal is introduced in this paper as a new information delivery mechanism to help knowledgeable employees to search and retrieve all or only wanted information .

  10. 基于Lucene的企业信息门户搜索引擎设计

    Design of Enterprise Information Portal Search Engine Based on Lucene

  11. 同时构造了基于数据仓库的医药行业企业信息门户的基本模型,并通过构造相关的医药行业企业的决策树和聚类算法,利用XML语言,实现了相互异构的Web数据挖掘。

    In this paper , XML is used to mine heterogeneous data , and the medicine trade EIP system is realized by designing the medicine trade decision tree and the clustering algorithm .

  12. 基于企业信息门户(EIP)的房地产项目管理系统研究

    A Study on Real Estate Project Management System Based on Enterprise Information Portal

  13. 然后以对Web服务技术及其优势的研究为基础,鉴于Web服务良好的封装性、松散耦合性、可集成能力高等特点,本文提出了基于Web服务企业信息门户的体系结构模型。

    Then , based on the researches of Web Services Technology and also its advantages such as good encapsulation , loose coupling and high integration capacity , this paper proposes an architecture , namely , Web Service-based EIP .

  14. eXoPlatform&企业信息门户的实现

    EXo Platform : Implementation of Enterprise Information Portal

  15. Web信息资源整合具有广阔的应用前景,在电子商务、智能信息检索、数字化图书馆、Web数据挖掘、企业信息门户等诸多应用领域都可大展鸿图。

    Web Integration has a promising future of application . Some of the possible domains include e-business , intelligent information retrieval , digital library , web data mining , enterprise knowledge portal , etc. WI would benefit greatly in all of these domains .

  16. 本文在分析竞争情报系统的组成与结构的基础上,提出了Web环境下利用企业信息门户EIP整合集成环境下信息资源的竞争情报系统模型。

    Based on the analysis of the composition and structure of the CIS , this paper presents the CIS information resources model in the Web environment , which is achieved by using EIP .

  17. 本文首先引入了企业信息门户(EIP)的概念并分析其研究的意义,论述了企业信息门户的功能和带来的优势。

    This paper firstly introduced the concept of enterprise information portal ( EIP ), analyzed its significance and discussed its functions and the advantages .

  18. 同时采用Web服务来实现统一的身份认证,实现了基于LDAP的用户身份信息的保存,最后提出了企业信息门户中一种基于用户、用户组、应用以及角色相结合的权限管理方法。

    And it uses Web services to construct user authentication , uses LDAP to keep user information . At last , the paper proposes a new access control method based on user , user group , application and role in EIP .

  19. 如果想要有效地化解这些难题,那么建立一个技术功能完备的EIP(企业信息门户系统)无疑为上上之选。

    If want to effective resolve these problems , then establish a technical function complete EIP ( enterprise information portal system ) of the gastronome undoubtedly provides .

  20. 企业信息门户(EnterpriseInformationPortal,以下简称EIP)应运而生。它把各种应用系统、数据资源和互联网资源集成到统一的企业信息平台之上,把企业与员工和合作伙伴有机地联系在一起。

    Enterprise Information Portal ( Enterprise Information Portal , hereinafter referred to as EIP ) refers to the Internet or Intranet environment , the various application systems , data resources and Internet resources into a unified enterprise information platform , and the enterprise with employees and partners organically are linked .

  21. 另一方面,本文的工作在一定程度上解决了传统的CRM系统中存在的信息孤岛问题,实现了CRM系统在电子商务环境下与企业信息门户的集成,丰富了CRM理念的内涵。

    Secondly , the endeavor in the paper strives to solve the problem called " information detached island " exiting in the traditional CRM systems , implement the syndication in EIP under the situation of ecommerce , and extend the intension of CRM theory .

  22. 企业信息门户(EIP)是最近提出来的企业信息化新方案,在企业传统的信息化方案中结合进了电子门户的概念。

    Enterprise Information Portal ( EIP ) was recently put forward a new program of enterprise information , the information in the enterprise of the traditional program into the concept of an electronic portal .

  23. 1998年美国美林公司正式提出了企业信息门户的概念。随着许多大企业进入企业信息门户的成功,EIP再也不是水中月、镜中花了。

    American Merrill Lynch Company put forward the concept of the enterprise information portal formally in 1998 . As a lot of big enterprises enter success of the enterprise information portal , EIP is no longer remote .

  24. 企业信息门户(EIP)整合了企业的应用和数据库系统,提供了所有业务的访问接口,它逐渐成为企业应用集成的受欢迎的方案。

    Enterprise Information Portal ( EEP ) integrates all systems of application and database in an enterprise , and provides an access interface of all operations . So it comes to be popular as the enterprise application integration solution .

  25. 面向产品生命周期的企业信息门户研究

    Research on Enterprise Information Portal Based on Product Lifecycle Management

  26. 基于数据仓库的医药行业企业信息门户

    Enterprise Information Portal Based on Data Warehouse for Medicine Trade

  27. 企业信息门户访问控制安全模型的设计

    Model design of access control safety of enterprise information gateway

  28. 新一代电力企业信息门户技术方案的研究

    Research in technical plan of new generation electric power enterprise information portal

  29. 基于容错技术的农场企业信息门户研究

    Research on enterprise information portal of farm based on fault tolerance technology

  30. 需求分析在石油企业信息门户中的应用

    Application of Demand Analyses Technology in Petroleum Enterprise Information Portal