
qǐ yè jí tuán
  • affiliation group;enterprise group;collective;conglomerate;empire
  1. 企业集团(enterprisegroup)作为现代社会中典型的一种经济组织形式,是社会化大生产高度发展和市场经济发展到一定程度的产物。

    As one kind of typical economical organization mode , enterprise group is the outcome of the high developing of socializes manufacture and market economy .

  2. 面向企业集团的ERP系统组件框架研究

    A Component Framework of Enterprise Group Oriented ERP System

  3. 不同的州或企业集团可以联合起来以扩大市场。

    Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets .

  4. 不少企业集团一直在向联邦储备委员会施压,要求其放松利率管制。

    Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates

  5. 那些化学品公司已经合并成一个庞大的企业集团。

    The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate

  6. F集团为国有特大型汽车企业集团,在国内汽车行业具有重要影响。

    As a state-owned large-scale automobile group , F Group has an important influence on domestic automobile industry .

  7. 多级企业集团RD决策的信号博弈分析

    Signaling game analysis on RD decision-making of multilevel industrial group

  8. 新型的适合大企业集团的网络组织模式&IO(InternetOrganization,联网组织)可以使大企业集团很好地适应新经济快速多变的特性。

    Internet Organization ( IO ) , as a new type of network organization , can make the great enterprise be well suitable for the new-economy 's characters .

  9. 中国石油化工集团公司(SinopecGroup)是1998年7月国家在原中国石油化工总公司的基础上重组成立的特大型石油化工企业集团。

    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ( Sinopec Group ) established in 1998 , which based on the reorganization of the Oversize Oil Chemical Industry Group .

  10. 本文希望通过对SAC集团财务控制这一具体案例的研究,为提高企业集团财务控制的效率提供有意义的参考。

    This article hopes to study a specific case , to provide a meaningful reference to improve the efficiency of financial control of enterprise groups .

  11. 美国大型企业集团通用电气(ge)的一位高管表示,通用已经看到全球经济的第一缕“曙光”。

    General Electric has started to see the first " glimmers of hope " in the world economy , according to a senior executive at the US conglomerate .

  12. 随着WTO准入的完成,我国大部分企业均面临如何增强自身的核心竞争力的问题,组建企业集团正是向增强自身核心竞争力跨出的关键一步。

    With China s entry into WTO , the majority of Chinese enterprises are facing the issue of how to reinforce their core competitiveness , whose crucial step is no other than the establishment of industrial groups .

  13. 其次,系统论述了公司A与R&D中心的委托代理模型,提出了对策,也同样分析了B;最后,举例说明企业集团怎样分析和做对策。

    Secondly , it formulates the principal-agent model on corporation A and center for RD , coming up with countermeasures , so does it analyze B. Finally , it provides an example that shows an industrial group how to analyze and make countermeasures .

  14. 作者在研究电子商务与网上采购基本理论与技术的基础上,以某国有大型企业集团公司为背景,分析、设计并实现了可在Windowsserver2003环境下运行的企业网上采购系统。

    In this paper , the E-Procurement which runs Windows Server 2003 is analyzed , designed and implemented on the background of state vital enterprises , which is based on the basic theory and technology about the research of Electronic Commerce and E-Procurement .

  15. 其中受打击最严重的是动态随机存取存储器(D-Ram)芯片企业集团,它们已经在应对行业产能过剩问题。

    Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups , which had already been dealing with industry overcapacity .

  16. CG集团作为国有特大型企业集团和国内核电行业的头羊企业,历来极为重视人才培养工作,尤其在培养核电紧缺专业技术人才方面不遗余力。

    CG Group as a large scale state owned enterprise and a leading company in the industry , has always attached importance to the talent training , especially the special talents for the core positions .

  17. 通过对A集团产品数据管理(PDM)分系统的设计与分析,提出了大型企业集团中PDM的体系结构、集团总部PDM的系统方案和集团范围内PDM的系统规划。

    Based on designing and analysis about the PDM subsystem used in a enterprise , it put forward the architecture , the system scheme of management headquarters , the system planning that were suitable for large-scale enterprises to carry out PDM .

  18. 另外,基于Logistic回归和支持向量机方法的预警模型都有较好的预警效果,基于支持向量机方法的引入企业集团特征和公司治理指标的模型预警准备率最高。

    In addition , the models based on Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine methods have better effect , and is feasible and effective . The model based on support vector machine method and including enterprise groups ' characteristics and corporate governance indicators has the highest forecasting correct rate .

  19. 德国化学集团巴斯夫(basf)和法国食品企业集团达能(danone)等许多公司,已经与乡村银行合资设立了社会企业。

    A number of companies , including BASF , the German chemicals group , and Danone , the French food conglomerate , have already set up social business joint ventures with the Grameen Bank .

  20. 本论文建立了一系列的关于纵各型企业集团的RD及其经济增长的信号博弈模型,阐明了RD对集涠的经济增长的影响,并分别给出了集团成员企业的最优决策。

    This dissertation develops a series of signaling game models on RD and economic growth of vertical industrial groups , formulating the effects of RD on groups ' economic growth and giving some optimal decision-makings for the member firms of groups , respectively .

  21. HYT企业集团是具有垄断背景的相关企业发展的一个缩影,很具有行业代表性。

    HYT Group is a monopoly of the background of the related enterprise of the development of a miniature , very with industry representative .

  22. 综合这几方面,即构成企业集团财务控制的内容。

    The financial control system should include all of these aspects .

  23. 企业集团财务公司如何应对面临的挑战

    How to Face the Challenges to Financial Companies of Industry Groups

  24. 企业集团资源协同序参量的识别。

    Identify the order parameter of the enterprise group resource synergy .

  25. 我国企业集团规模的分析与思考

    Enterprise Scale Magnitude of the Enterprise Analysis & the Current Thinking

  26. 企业集团培育内部化优势应注意的几个问题

    Some problems of how to grow internal advantage in Enterprise Group

  27. 企业集团内部管理体制的生成与演进分析&以湖南华菱集团二元分层经营体制为例

    The Analysis of Enterprise Group Internal Management System Shape and Evolution

  28. 企业集团化发展中的纳税筹划理念及实施价值

    The Thoughts and Implementing Value of Tax-planning in Business Group Development

  29. 企业集团内部信息联盟与决策权分配研究

    Researches on information alliance and decision authority allocation within enterprise group

  30. 我国企业集团财务公司运作研究

    Research on Operation about Finance Company of Enterprise Group in China