
  • 网络Enterprise Strategy Crisis ESC
  1. 企业战略危机管理的研究

    Study on the Management of the Business Strategic Crisis

  2. 战略决定命运&企业战略危机的九种表现

    Nine representations of strategic crisis in enterprises

  3. 第四章是在上一章的基础上完成了企业战略危机预警模型的设计工作。

    Chapter 4 in the previous chapter on the basis of the completed corporate strategic warning model design work .

  4. 第五章给出了一些企业预防战略危机的合理化建议。

    Chapter 5 gives the number of enterprises in crisis prevention strategy .

  5. 企业潜伏战略危机

    Crisis Ridden in Enterprise Strategies

  6. 第四章,本文具体论述了适应经济周期的四种企业发展战略:危机管理与竞争战略的结合战略,CIM战略,柔性战略,产业创新战略。

    In the chapter 4 , this dissertation analyzed and discussed four kinds of enterprises development strategy accommodating the economic cycle : the combinative strategy between Crisis management and the competition strategy , the CIM strategy , the flexible strategy , the industry innovation strategy .

  7. 论中小企业预警式战略与危机管理系统

    Discussion on Warning in Advance Strategy and Crisis Management System of SME

  8. 如何建立企业战略预警反应系统,使得企业在战略危机爆发之前采取有效的防范措施,从而实现企业的长远发展就成为一个很现实的问题。

    So how to construct the enterprise strategy forewarned response system to help the enterprise to take effective measures before the breakout of the strategy crisis so that the enterprise can achieve the long-term development has been a realistic problem .