
  1. 媒体危机传播对公众危机感知的影响研究

    An Analysis of the Impact of Media Crisis Communication on Public Perception of Crisis

  2. 新媒体危机传播的发展是基于新媒体自身发展之上的。

    The development of crisis communication with new media is based upon self-development of new media .

  3. 媒体危机传播被认为是当前政府引导舆论、稳定社会的最有效工具,其根源就在于其对公众感知的强大影响力。

    Media crisis communication is considered to be the most effective instrument to guide public and stabilize society because of its great influence on public perception .

  4. 描述了媒体身份危机的症状,产生的现存危害和可能危害。

    Describes the symptoms of the identity crisis and its harms ;

  5. 主流媒体在危机传播中的舆论缓释作用

    Public Opinion Explanation Function of Major Media in Crisis Promulgation

  6. 网络媒体在危机报道中的优势和问题研究

    A Research on the Functions and Problems of Internet Media in Crisis Reporting

  7. 基于传媒经济学的媒体在危机传播中的功能及对策研究

    Functional Study of Media in Crisis Communication Based on Media Economics and the Coping Strategy

  8. 构建议题策略是与媒体进行危机沟通的上策。

    Raising a new issue is efficient to communicate with the media in a crisis .

  9. 平面媒体雪灾危机报道之分析&以三家地方晚报为例

    Analysis of Plane Media Reports of Snow Disaster : A Case Study of Three Evening Newspapers

  10. 另一方面,新兴的社交媒体在危机传播过程中则扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    On the other hand , the emerging social media is playing a more important role than before .

  11. 作为应对危机事件的重要力量,媒体在危机管理中起到了非常重要的作用。

    As an important force in response to the crisis event , the media in crisis management played a very important role .

  12. 由此,进一步总结了当前新闻媒体公共危机报道中存在的问题,并提出了解决对策的建议。

    From this , further summarized the current news media public crisis to report existed the question , and put forward the solution countermeasure proposal .

  13. 有关英国电视媒体造假危机长篇累牍的评论包括杰里米帕克斯曼最近所做的麦克塔格特纪念演说暴露出英国媒体的一个阴暗面。

    The abundant commentary on British television 's faking crises , including Jeremy Pitman 's recent Mac Taggart Lecture , doesn 't show British 's media in the best light .

  14. 此项研究在一定程度上丰富了我国地方电视媒体在危机管理方面研究,使地方电视台在危机管理工作方面得到更为切合实际的理论指导。

    This research has enriched crisis management for local television media in our country to some extent , and given local television station more practical and sensible theoretical direction on crisis management .

  15. 近几年来,随着危机事件的不断出现,及其在国内外造成的广泛影响,政府危机管理及媒体的危机传播等议题开始不断进入公众视野。

    In recent years , with the emergence of crisis event , and the widespread effects that has caused in home and abroad , topics about government crisis management and media crisis communication had began to constantly come in the public eye .

  16. 此外他还是企业战略和竞争分析,媒体管理和危机沟通MBA培训和咨询课程的顾问。

    He has further conducted consultancy-cum-MBA training in corporate strategy and competition analysis , media management and crisis communication .

  17. 企业在危机管理时需要制定危机管理计划,媒体政策是危机管理计划必不可少的组成部分。

    Corporations need to draw up the plan for crisis management .

  18. 王室丑闻转移了媒体对经济危机的注意力。

    The Royal scandal has distracted media attention away from the economic crisis .

  19. 网络媒体的道德危机和社会责任

    Web Media 's Moral Crisis And Social Responsibilities

  20. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  21. 低失业率以及媒体对于金融危机问题关注度的下降,被认为是民众对于经济形势的预期得到改善的两大因素。

    Low unemployment and what had been a drop in media attention on the financial crisis were cited as factors for the improved outlook .

  22. 媒体在组织危机处理中具有扩音、媒体审判功能,媒体对组织的形象设定效果将直接决定公众对组织形象的接受与评价程度。

    Media have the function as enlarging voices and making judgment , and it will greatly influence the public accepting and judgment of the organizations involved .

  23. 由于我国公共危机管理尚处起步阶段,新闻媒体对公共危机的介入还需在多方面寻求突破。

    As the public crisis management is still in its initial stage , it needs a breakthrough for the news media to be involved in the public crisis management .

  24. 本文的重点在于研究新媒体全交互危机传播模式的构成要素、模式运行,并联系传统危机传播模式系统的进行新旧媒体危机传播模式分析。

    The thesis focus on the study of all the elements and running of new media interactive crisis communication mode , and the analysis of crisis communication modes of new media and traditional media .

  25. 电视媒体应对公共危机的对策:即坚持正确的舆论导向、完善重大事件报道反应机制、成立专门机构和普及应急知识等;

    The concrete measure that the television media : the public opinion direction , build up the hard news affairs of fast respond a mechanism , establish the specialized organization and universality to meet an emergency knowledge .

  26. 第七部分对全文进行了总结概括,并对我国媒体参与公共危机管理的前景进行了展望。

    The seven part is the part of conclusion which makes a summarization with the above analysis . In addition , it gives an encouraging outlook into the developing prospects of Chinese media participation in public crisis management .

  27. 因此,如何看待网络媒体在公共危机管理中起的作用,如何理清互联网与公共危机之间的脉络关系,将是本文探讨的主要内容和意义所在。

    Therefore how to view the role and effect of Internet media in public crisis management , how to clarify the relation between the Internet and public crisis , all of these questions are the paper study as the mainly content and significance .

  28. 要想消解媒体在公共危机传播中对受众带来的负面影响,官方和主流媒体不仅要确保自身的公信力,加强舆论监督,还应把握传播的数量、质量、角度和尺度。

    As to neglect the negative effects produce by media in public crisis , the official and the mainstream media should ensure their own credibility , strengthen the supervision of public opinion , and also should grasp the quantity , quality , angle and scale of communication .

  29. 本文将在简单比较报刊、广播、电视以及互联网这四种主流媒体在公共危机事件中进行舆论引导的优势后,主要研究如何提高电视媒体在公共危机事件中的舆论引导功能。

    The article will be a simple comparison newspaper and periodical , broadcast , Internet and television these four kinds of mainstream media in public crisis in the advantages of guiding public opinion , mainly studies how to improve the TV media in public crisis of consensus guidance function .

  30. 财富论坛(fortuneforum)是今年早些时候召开的一个慈善聚会,汇聚了cnn传媒集团创始人特德特纳(tedturner)和地产企业家文森特程吉斯(vincenttchenguiz)之流,结果被媒体讽刺在金融危机中畅饮香槟。

    The fortune forum , a charity gathering earlier this year that brought together the likes of Ted Turner , founder of the CNN media group , and Vincent tchenguiz , the property entrepreneur , drew mocking coverage for the champagne that flowed in the midst of a financial crisis .