
  • 网络Media Image
  1. 电视媒介形象构成要素间存在显著的相关性。

    There are significant correlations between the elements of TV media image .

  2. 从而形成准确的、客观的、全面的媒介形象。

    To form accurate , objective and comprehensive media image .

  3. 女性农民工媒介形象的偏差塑造现象研究

    A Study on Female Migrants ' Partial Imaging in Mass Media

  4. 这样它所呈现的媒介形象就会更加立体、客观。

    So the media image will be more objective .

  5. 地区媒介形象:传统、权威与刻板印象

    Regional Media Images : Tradition , Authority and Stereotype

  6. 《中国青年报》80后媒介形象分析

    Analysis on the Media Image of the Generation after 80s on China Youth Daily

  7. 媒介形象是传播学概念中的重要内容之一。

    Media image is one of the important contents of the concept of communication studies .

  8. 社会性别理论视野中的女性农民工群体媒介形象再现研究

    Study on Media Image Representation on Female Peasant Immigrant Labour in Perspective of Gender Theory

  9. 媒介形象:国家形象塑造和传播的关键环节&一种跨学科的综合视角

    Media Image : the Key Sector of National Image Construction and Communication & From an Interdisciplinary Angle

  10. 总而言之,只有内外因素共同作用,才能够真正推动中国留学生的媒介形象不断提升。

    Only though inside and outside improvement can we promote the media images of Chinese overseas students .

  11. 同时,构建了电视媒介形象的概念模型。

    At the same time , this builds a conceptual model of the image of television media .

  12. 中国企业在外国媒体中的媒介形象好坏变得尤其重要。

    As a result , the image of Chinese enterprises in the foreign media becomes especially important .

  13. 地区媒介形象是地区软实力的重要内容,直接影响了地区外部投资者、游客以及内部市民的态度评价。那么,地区媒介形象的社会建构机制怎样?

    Regional media image could affect the impressions and attitudes of investor , tourists and the local citizens .

  14. 由于这种变化,本文也将探讨一下合肥市民的媒介形象的变化发展状况。

    Because of this change , this paper will also explore the changes in the development of Hefei public media image .

  15. 而一个客观全面的80后媒介形象对于这一群体自身和整个社会又尤为重要。

    The overall objective of the The post-80s generation media image for the groups themselves and the society is particularly important .

  16. 因此,研究医生媒介形象有利于我国当代社会发展与媒介研究。

    So the research of doctor media character is beneficial to the development of modern society and media research in China .

  17. 随着我国电视媒体竞争日益激烈,越来越多的电视台追求优质的媒介形象。

    Under a background of increasing competition of TV media in China , more and more TV media pursue a good media image .

  18. 媒介形象是指受众对媒介组织的认知总和,媒介组织的任何产品和行为都会影响自身的形象。

    Media image is all of cognition of audience to media organization . Any product and action of media organization can influence its media image .

  19. 运动员媒介形象作为当代一种特殊的媒介形象,成为一种重要的时代镜像,发挥着极其重要的媒介文化作用,也从一个侧面反映着一个国家的形象。

    Player media image as special modern media image becomes important era image , exerting significant media cultural function and reflecting country image from side .

  20. 由此,假设二电视媒介形象构成要素的六个因子存在着显著的相关性也得到证明。同时,本文还对四川电视台的媒介形象进行测量。

    Thus , the significant correlation among the six factors has also been proven . Meanwhile , the study measures also media image of Sichuan television .

  21. 伴随着以网络作为新平台的网络媒体不断发展,个人的媒介形象显得越发突出。

    Along with the network as a platform for network media development , organizational and individual media image becomes more and more prominent and very important .

  22. 在此过程中,现实环境的个体通过传媒的加工创造得以呈现出特定的媒介形象,并对于受众认知现实环境产生影响。

    In news production , individuals in realistic environment are represented as specific medium image . The media image will impact on the audiencs ' cognition about reality .

  23. 本文以媒介形象为中心展开,采用跨学科研究法,运用社会学、传播学和营销学的理论、方法和成果从整体上对这一选题进行综合研究。

    This paper discusses the topic of " media image " with the research method of interdisciplinary , analyze the topic with the use of sociology , communication and marketing theory .

  24. 第一夫人的媒介形象呈现属于政治形象范畴,包括政治能力、处事特点、领导才能、知识道德等。

    The media image of the first lady belongs to the political image of areas , including political capacity , handling characteristics , leadership , knowledge , morality and so on .

  25. 具体说来,在内在思想修养上,以2007年为界,大学生媒介形象经历了一个由道德失范到道德重建的变化过程。

    Generally , in the inherent thinking and self-cultivation , collage student media images experienced a transformation from " normal anomy " to " normal reconstruction ", in 2007 , as a boundry .

  26. 同时随着社会环境的变化,新的阶层的出现,合肥市民的呈现也出现主体多样化,媒介形象的呈现从冲突事件向生活状态延伸。

    At the same time as the social environment changes , the new class , Hefei public presentation of the main diversification , the media image presented from clashes extension to the living conditions .

  27. 而根据文本分析,研究发现自由职业者的媒介形象主要分为三个方面,身份模糊的边缘人、漂泊无依的有闲阶级和亟待完善的专业人士。

    Also , text analysis showed that the media image of self-employed professionals could be categorized in three aspects : the marginal man with vague identity , a floating leisure class and the professional to be .

  28. 可见,拥有良好的媒介形象对传播者来说至关重要,它不仅能带来可观的经济收益,而且能够带来更多的无形资产。

    Obviously , it is very important to the Organization of the communicators for owning a good image , which , not only can bring considerable economic benefits , but also lead to more intangible assets .

  29. 近年来,包括央视在内,国内卫视对自身媒介形象频频调整&或重新定位,或调整自己的栏目,或修改自己的台标、或提高主持人知名度等等。

    In recent years , the national TV media , including CCTV , frequently , adjust their own image & or re-positioning , or to adjust their own sections , or modify their station logo , or enhance the popularity of host .

  30. 案例分析显示:新闻话语建构不会下意识地在文章中显示自己的偏见或者露骨的扭曲,而是通过各种诠释框架来建构城管这一媒介形象的。

    Case study shows that construction of news discourse is not " consciously " in which to generate evident bias or blatant distortions , but through a variety of interpretation of the framework to construct the medium image of the city inspector .