
  • 网络quality morality
  1. 营造良好的质量道德是提高产品质量的根本保证

    Good Quality Morality Is the Cardinal Guarantee of Improving the Quality of Products

  2. 论质量道德建设

    Analyses on Construction of Quality Morality

  3. 本文分析了质量道德与一般道德的关系,并从心理学角度分析了质量道德的形成机制。

    The essay analyses the relation between quality morality and general morality , and explains forming mechanism of quality morality from psychology .

  4. 质量道德是调节人们质量行为的准则,可以起到抵制、反对、揭露、纠正损害质量的作用。

    Quality morality is criteria to adjust people 's quality behavior , which can play a role to resist , oppose , disclose and correct damaging quality .

  5. 不单台湾人的生活水平和健康情况不断恶化,而且教育质量和道德风尚也日益败坏。

    Along with the decline in the living conditions and the health of the Formosans , a paralell decline occurred in education and morals .

  6. 学刊编辑部实施ISO9000族质量管理的道德文化定位

    The Orientation of " Ethical Cultural " of ISO9000 Standards of Quality Management Implemented by the Editorial Department of College Journals

  7. 贯彻高校思想政治理论课新方案,高质量实施思想道德修养与法律基础课教学

    Ideological , Moral and Legal Education and the Teaching Method Reformation

  8. 临床研究需要严格的质量保证和道德风险管理机制。

    Clinical study needs the strict management system towards quality guarantee and moral risks .

  9. 工程质量问题的道德思考

    Reflection on the Morality of Projects Quality

  10. 中国注册会计师协会、中国证券会对申请证券许可证的注册会计师、会计师事务所的执业质量、职业道德和其他资格条件进行抽查。

    The Chinese Association of certified public accountants and the CSRC shall conduct a spot check on the practice quality , professional ethics and other qualifications in respect of the certified pubic accountants and accounting firms applying for securities licenses .

  11. 工作任务、岗位职责与护理质量关联、护士道德则和患者挂钩。

    Task , responsibilities and nursing quality association , with patients and patient relationship is received .

  12. 而为了达到这个目的,中国需要提供一种比美国质量更高的道德领导。

    And in order to achieve that goal , China has to provide higher-quality moral leadership than the United States .

  13. 遏制造假行为要在强化管理制约、弘扬求实精神、强调成果质量和提高学术道德等方面下功夫。

    To control this behaviour , we should strengthen administration , develop matter-of-fact attitude , stress on the quality of achievement and improve research morality .

  14. 摘要利用信息经济学分析盈余质量及其在资本市场中的作用,可证明资本市场中存在低盈余质量股票驱逐高盈余股票的逆向选择问题,并揭示盈余质量和道德风险之间的关系。

    The information-economics analysis of earning quality and its role in capital market can prove the existence of adverse selection in capital market whereby low earning-quality stocks drive out high earning-quality stocks , and reveal the relationship between earning quality and moral hazard .