
  • 网络Ethics of Company Management
  1. 企业经营管理的道德环境不良,会给企业发展带来多重危机。

    A bad moral environment can bring the enterprise excessive crisis .

  2. 公司经营管理的道德伦理

    The Ethics of Company Management

  3. 研究企业经营管理者道德状况对企业伦理行为的影响机制;

    To explore the mechanism that the ethicality of managers affects the ethical behavior of the entire enterprise ;

  4. 本文以伦理决策理论为依据,通过对个人的伦理决策过程及其影响因素的分析,为我国企业经营管理者道德建设的提供建议。

    This paper analyses the ethical decision making process based on the issue-contingent model of ethical decision making .

  5. 企业经营管理人员道德研究的课题包含四种类型:(1)了解我国企业经营管理人员的道德现状;

    Topics of the research on the moral issues of managers can be grouped into four categories : ( 1 ) to get an idea of the moral status quo of managers in China ;

  6. 公司经营管理的道德伦理是现代公司管理的关键环节,是公司管理从科学管理、行为管理到伦理管理阶段发展的必然趋势。

    The ethics of corporation management is a key factor of modern corporation management , and a necessary tendency along with the modern corporation management theory , which has developed from scientific management , behavior management to ethics management .

  7. 伦理决策模型表明,加强我国企业经营管理者的道德建设,可以从以下方面着手:(1)从利润最大化到利益相关者的经营管理理念;

    Suggestions are given to improve the ethicality of the decision making of the business managers based on the ethical decision making model : ( 1 ) to ensure a transition from ' maximization of profit ' to ' stakeholder ' in management philosophy ;

  8. 该制度的实施,对加强金融控股公司的经营管理、约束其道德风险等都发挥了积极的作用。

    The performance of this system really has played an active role in enhancing operation and management of financial holding companies and binding their moral risks .