
  • 网络competition
  1. 企业遵从商业竞争道德,是其内在社会属性之应然、客观竞争环境之使然和德得相通之欣然。

    Enterprises should comply with commercial competition morality , because of its social characters and outside environment , and its internal relation with morality .

  2. 管理咨询公司在整体运作中缺乏基本的伦理定位、缺乏合理的价值目标、缺乏竞争道德,并指出道德问题对管理咨询的影响。

    In the whole operation , the management consulting corporation lacks basic ethics location , rational value goal , and morals of competition . Then it points out the impact of the ethical questions on management consulting .

  3. 浅谈大学生竞争道德规范的内容及养成

    On College Students ' Acquisition of Norms of Competitive Morality

  4. 社会主义竞争与道德观念更新

    Socialist Competition and Renewal of Moral concepts

  5. 浅论体育的竞争与道德行为规范

    On Sports Competition and Moral Criteria

  6. 诚然,一旦竞争失去道德的控制,社会就会混乱。

    C. Admittedly , when competition gets out of the control of morals , society suffers .

  7. 建议将公正、客观和独立、专业胜任能力与谨慎、笃信虔敬、公平竞争作为道德原则;

    In this system , " Integrity , Objectivity and Independence , Professional Competence and Due care , Piety , Fair Competition " is considered as principles .

  8. 其次,在制度上,道德人主体是反不正当竞争法道德性的起点;一般条款与规则是反不正当竞争法道德性实现的载体;经济宪法则是其实现的高层制度保障和精神导向。

    Secondly , in the system , the moral man is the start of the morality of the competition law ; the general clause is the carrier to achieve the morality of the law ; the economic constitution is its high-level system to realize security and spiritual orientation .

  9. 价值论的视角:经济竞争活动的道德意蕴

    Visual Angle of Axiology : Moral Sense of Economic Competing Movement

  10. 经济竞争制度的道德建设维度

    On the Dimensions of the Economic Competition System to Moral Construction

  11. 论体育竞争中的道德建设

    The Compendious Discuss of Moral Construction in Sports Competition

  12. 奥运会是公平竞争和体育道德的代名词。

    The Olympics are about fair competition and sportsmanship .

  13. 在市场经济社会,经济竞争制度对道德建设具有促进作用。

    In market economy social , the system of economic competition can promote moral construction .

  14. 反不正当竞争法的道德性成为建构、完善法律制度和实现道德的桥梁。

    The morality of the law is the bridge of constructing and bettering the legal mechanism and achieving the morality .

  15. 但是,通常的情况是在一个疑难案件中,法官可能发现同时存在着两种以上互相竞争的政治道德原则可供选择。

    However , as usual , the judge may find that there are over two mutual competitive political principles to be chosen .

  16. 最后,从立法、司法及执法角度,在实证上对反不正当竞争法的道德性进行解析。

    Finally , from the point of legislation , judicature and law enforcement , analyzing the morality of the law at the level of empirical .

  17. 推行利率市场化,必然会给商业银行带来选择权、再定价、信用、市场竞争、经营道德等风险。

    The marketing of interest rate will inevitably bring the commercial banks the risk of option , fixing the price again , credit , market competition and the morality of operation .

  18. 我是学金融系的我们常常认为的文化相对主义的发生在国际商业公司的域名时,为了竞争,通过道德的国家,他们在运作。

    We often think of cultural relativism as occurring in the international business domain when companies , in order to compete , adopt the ethics of country in which they are operating .

  19. 我国的民营企业面临着比以往更为严厉的竞争环境和道德审查,甚至有一些民营企业由于达不到跨国公司生产守则标准而遭遇撤单,蒙受巨大损失。

    Private enterprises in China are faced with severer surveillance related to environment and ethic . Some of them even suffered withdrawing of orders due to failing to cope with producer regulations of MNCs , being exposed to huge economic expenses .

  20. 因此,本文认为,培养商业竞争主体的道德意识,提高商业竞争主体的道德选择能力,优化商业竞争的道德环境,是商业竞争道德发生和发展规律的客观要求。

    Thus we do think so that it 's very important to foster the moral conscious of commercial competition objects , improve their ability for moral choice , and optimize the moral environment for commercial competition . It is also the objective requirement of the development about commercial competition .

  21. 他与对立公司竞争完全不讲道德。

    He was utterly unscrupulous in his dealings with rival firms .

  22. 竞争情报实践中道德问题的解决模型

    Solution Model of Ethical Issues in Competitive Intelligence Practice

  23. 这应该让所有人担心,尤其是那些最相信竞争性市场的道德和经济优越性的人。

    This ought to worry everybody . But it should be particularly worrying for those who believe most in the moral and economic virtues of competitive markets .

  24. 这个研究项目试图通过宣传竞争精神、体育道德和最佳竞技表现,来肯定积极的青少年运动经历,以颂扬终身运动者取得的成功。

    The program , which seeks to ensure a positive youth sport experience by promoting competition , sportsmanship and peak performance , celebrates the success that lifelong athletes gain .

  25. 在培养学生公平竞争和行为的道德观念方面,香港地区的理论实验组和活动实验组在道德理性和行为方面的得分远远高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    In terms of student 's moral concepts related to fair play attitudes and behaviors , both classroom and gymnasium groups of Hong Kong students scored significantly higher than control group on moral reason and behavior ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 从价值论视角审视经济竞争活动,我们发现经济竞争活动主体有道德需要,经济竞争活动客体存在道德属性,并且二者统一于经济竞争活动这一具体的实践活动中。

    Judging the economic competing movement from the visual angle , we find that the object of economic competing movement has moral demand , and the subject of economic competing movement has moral character , two of which are united in economic competing movement .

  27. 竞争是市场经济的灵魂,市场经济的竞争包含道德的竞争,道德竞争力在市场经济的竞争中具有巨大的影响力。

    Competition , the soul of market economy , contains competition of ethics competitiveness which plays great role in the market economy .

  28. 商业秘密的财产法保护具有较大的局限性,将其纳入反不正当竞争法的保护范围,旨在通过维护竞争中的道德底线,构筑权利维护的第二防线。

    Protecting of business secret with property law has considerable limitations . Thus , it is advisable to protect business secret with unfair competition law , maintain the moral base line in competition and form the second defense line in protecting business secret . Secondly , legalization .

  29. 企业社会责任伦理、公平竞争伦理和经济宪政伦理共同构成了反不正当竞争法道德性的内容。

    Corporate social responsibility , fair competition and economic constitutionalism compose the content of the morality of the competition law together .

  30. 市场经济的发展和社会各个领域的竞争都离不开良好的环境,特别是良好的竞争道德环境和社会心理环境的支持与影响。

    Neither the development of market economy nor the competition in any social field can separate from a good environment , especially supports and influences from a good moral environment for competition and a good social psychological environment .