
  • 网络Competitive positioning;competitive position;competition positioning
  1. 国家研究集团如今已经隶属尼尔森公司(Nielsen),这样的传统观众追踪公司还在向各大公司出售竞争定位报告,它们坚决捍卫自己的领地。

    Traditional tracking companies like the National Research Group , which is now owned by Nielsen and still sells competitive positioning reports to every major studio , are aggressively defending their turf .

  2. 国家研究集团如今已经隶属尼尔森公司(Nielsen),这样的传统观众追踪公司还在向各大公司出售“竞争定位”报告,它们坚决捍卫自己的领地。

    Traditional tracking companies like the National Research Group , which is now owned by Nielsen and still sells " competitive positioning " reports to every major studio , are aggressively defending their turf .

  3. 克兰尼克后来成了一个务实的领导者,实施了明智的策略,平稳地调整了公司在后PC时代的竞争定位。

    He has since emerged as a practical leader with a shrewd approach that is steadily repositioning the company to compete in a post-PC world .

  4. 运用STP方法为华汇公司选择细分市场,确立目标市场和竞争定位。

    Using STP method , detail markets are selected for Huahui ; target market and competition position is also identified .

  5. 首先,关于科技期刊广告的市场竞争定位策略,通过SWOT分析法,确定科技期刊只能作为广告市场的补缺者而寻求自身的发展空间。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix . ① Using the SWOT means , ascertain the Scientific and Technical Periodicals ad as a stopgap .

  6. 在定位环节,本文根据以上的分析,选择了我国大中型客机的细分市场,给出了市场定位、产品定位和竞争定位,并且运用4P营销组合理论来促成定位,保证了定位的效果。

    In positioning session , based on the above analysis , this paper selected segmented markets and gave the marketing positioning , product positioning and the competition positioning . Then this paper uses the 4P marketing theory to facilitate positioning as well as ensure the positioning results .

  7. 基于云理论的企业市场竞争定位模糊识别

    Fuzzy Pattern Recognition of Company Market Competition Orientation Based on Clouds Theory

  8. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .

  9. 正确确定企业的竞争定位,明确界定企业的进入领域,实施市场细分和区域市场选择策略,并以此获得市场机会;

    Making correct competition position . Regional market choosing and market segmentation are crucial for taking market opportunities ;

  10. 同时,以往的汽车产业战略研究多是针对汽车行业层面的研究,但具体地研究发动机企业的竞争定位战略还相对较少。

    Meanwhile , previous automobile strategy research mostly involved automobile industry , relatively few about the competition orientation strategy .

  11. 市场定位具体包括目标市场定位、产品定位和竞争定位;市场定位的过程包括找位、选位和到位三个步骤。

    It includes target market positioning , product positioning and competitive positioning . Its process includes three steps : finding position , selecting position and in position .

  12. 本文首先在定位理论和相关市场营销理论的基础上提出了定位营销的定位营销要素、定位营销战略及竞争定位营销分析框架。

    Firstly , on the basis of positioning theory and correlating marketing theory , this text prefers the frame of positioning marketing element , the positioning marketing strategy and competitive positioning marketing about positioning marketing .

  13. 简述了新星石油公司的历史沿革、发展现状和展望以及竞争定位,通过对这些问题的阐释,为新星石油公司人力资源现状与需求的分析奠定基础。

    It briefly elaborates SPC 's historical evolutions , developing situation , prospects and its fixed position in competition , which lays a foundation for analyzing the present conditions and demands of SPC human resource .

  14. 区域经济内优势产业群体的形成,是在市场力量作用下众多投资者和厂商的群体选择,是由市场选择、竞争定位的。

    The forming of advantageous industry group within regional economy is the group choice of many investors and manufacturers under the market force , which is chosen by the market and decided by the competition .

  15. 在文中,笔者把派系和派系竞争定位为,主导村庄治理运作的隐秘机制。而本文的目的也就在于揭示这种隐秘机制。

    In the essay , the author takes the faction and the factional competition as a hidden mechanism which operates the village management . The purpose of the essay is just to reveal this hidden mechanism .

  16. 该对策层层递进从民营医院发展的竞争定位到发展战略,进而在战略的引导下实施管理对策和营销对策最终建立外部认可的信任机制。

    The countermeasures progressive layers positioned from a competitive to a private hospital development strategy , and then implement management strategies and marketing strategy under the guidance of the strategy approved by the eventual establishment of an external trust mechanism .

  17. 在此基础上,通过SWOT分析,明确了加快发展是南京油运现实的战略选择,并指出基于成本领先的目标集聚战略是目前南京油运的竞争战略定位。

    It makes clear that speeding the development is the right strategy choice of Nanjing Tanker Corp through the SWOT analysis , and points out that the focus strategy based on the cost leadership is the right competitive strategic positioning .

  18. 论企业产品的市场竞争与定位

    Market Competition and Orientation of Enterprise Products

  19. 论文利用我国企业调研的实际数据,对竞争战略定位与市场竞争环境的关系进行了实证分析。

    Then , the paper analyzes the relationship between Competitive Strategy Orientation ( CSO ) and competitive environment by data collected from Chinese enterprises .

  20. 在商业房产定位部分,本文创新性的引入了目标市场定位模型,为进行竞争市场定位提供了更为可靠的依据;

    In the chapter of commercial property orientation , this paper innovatively introduces the orientation model for aimed market and so provides the more reliable support for competitive market orientation .

  21. 同时分析指出三九啤酒目前在面临重大的战略机遇和挑战的环境下,在战略方向、竞争战略定位及营销策略提升方面存在的问题。

    Under the condition for Sanjiu Beer in face of grand opportunity and challenge at present , this writings also points out its existent matters depending on strategy direction , competition strategy orientation and marketing policy exaltation .

  22. 通过对三九啤酒的背景情况、战略取向与目标、竞争战略定位、营销策略及其执行管理的研究分析,系统阐述了三九啤酒在这几方面做得比较成功、具有差异化特色之处。

    Via the investigation analysis of its background complexion , strategy tropism and target , competition strategy orientation , marketing policy and executive management , this writings explains the relatively successful and characteristic territory under these circumstances of Sanjiu Beer .

  23. 预计其自主品牌汽车荣威的价格将在每辆3万美元左右,其竞争对象将定位为别克君威(BuickRegal)和本田雅阁(HondaAccord)。

    Its Roewe saloon is expected to be priced at about $ 30,000 a car , and will be up against the Buick Regal and Honda Accord .

  24. 品牌竞争中的定位问题研究

    Research of Problems of Positioning in Brand Competition

  25. 新技术革命、知识经济使各国的综合国力竞争焦点迅速定位在教育竞争上。

    New technology revolution and knowledge economy have made education the focus of the competition among the synthesis state power .

  26. 发展外部性:区位竞争优势战略定位的研究基础&以济南市为例

    Development externality : the base of competitive advantage of strategy location in region development & a case of Jinan City

  27. 客运营销的战略应是大客运的组合,是市场竞争中的定位。

    The strategy of passenger transport marketing is the association of general passenger transport , also is to orientate in the market competition .

  28. 根据市场营销战略的有关理论,企业的市场营销战略包括竞争战略和定位及营销组合策略。

    According to the relative theories of the marketing strategy , the marketing strategy includes competitive strategy , position and marketing combined policy .

  29. 差异化是大学品牌定位的前提,定位的策略主要有类型定位、水平定位、规模定位和竞争性战略定位等。

    Differentiation is the premise in brand position , the policy of which mainly includes types , levels , scales , competitive strategy and so on .

  30. 超越现有竞争,找到定位,不但对彰化银行的可持续发展有很重要的意义,而且对现有金融行业结构调整和升级有一定的促进作用。

    Beyond the existing competition , locate the position , not only for the sustainable development of Chang Hwa Bank have very important implications , but also to existing financial sector restructuring and upgrading to a certain extent .