
  • 网络usability testing;usability test
  1. 照片内容是有关美味的可用性测试,Dave(新西兰)提供。

    Snapshot of usability testing for Delicious , by ( nz ) dave .

  2. 可用性测试方法在IA研究中的应用

    Application of Usability Testing Method in Information Architecture Study

  3. 基于可用性测试的培训类B2C网站设计研究

    Study on the Applying of the Usability Testing on Educational B2C Websites Design

  4. 每两到三次Sprint做一次可用性测试,确保新的设计实现没有问题。

    Perform usability tests every two-three sprints to make sure new design implementations are well received .

  5. 本课题的目标产品是基于一个中德合作的实际项目,名称叫做可用性测试软件UXTOOL的开发。

    The objective product in this thesis is based on an actual project named UX TOOL which is used for usability testing .

  6. 使用Web2.0群众外包(CrowdSourcing)模型以极大的降低可用性测试的价格。

    Uses the Web2.0 crowdsourcing model to dramatically drop the price of usability testing .

  7. GUI自动化测试系统的测试目的包括两个主要方面:界面的可用性测试和功能测试。

    The purpose of java GUI automated testing system development will be described into two parts as follow : usability test and functional test for GUI .

  8. 主要是在第二部分的基础上,分成前期、中期、后期和可用性测试四个阶段,分析并得出了一套较为完善的基于软件UI交互性的声音设计方法,从而使问题得到解决。

    Focus on the dissertation on four stages including prophase , metaphase , anaphase and usability test , and got a set of more comprehensive methods of sound design in software UI .

  9. 根据实际案例的研究结论,本文提出了培训类B2C网站设计的原则,并对可用性测试这种评估方法进行了探讨。

    In the conclusion , this paper presents some principles for designers to design training class B2C Web site and how to use usability testing is discussed .

  10. 我不知道你们是否看过一个视屏,一种著名的Winzip低可用性测试,有没有人看过这个视屏?

    I don 't know if you guys have ever seen a video , a sort of famously bad usability test of Winzip Anybody 've seen that video ?

  11. 基于可用性测试的手机图形用户界面设计

    Mobile Phone 's Graphic User Interface Design Based on Usability Test

  12. 第一轮:功能性测试、可用性测试、安全性测试。

    Initial Rounds : Functionality testing , Usability testing , Security testing .

  13. 本文已经涉及了性能测试和可用性测试的大部分内容。

    We have covered major aspects of performance testing and usability testing .

  14. 复杂性测试(扩展性测试、可用性测试、安全性测试等等);

    Complex testing ( scalability , usability , security etc );

  15. 然而,可用性测试通常证明他们错了。

    However , usability tests generally prove them wrong .

  16. “使用性测试,可用性测试”可靠性测试用作推动设计改善及产品品质。

    Usability testing RT result is used for design improvement & quality improvement .

  17. 情感计算在可用性测试中应用的研究

    Research of Affective Computing Used in Usability Testing

  18. 可用性测试中的视线追踪技术

    The Application of Eye Tracking in Usability Tests

  19. 快速重复地执行可用性测试。

    Perform Usability testing quickly and repeatedly .

  20. “使用性测试,可用性测试”测试不锈钢在弯曲状态下的延展性及可锻性。

    Tests used to assess the ductility and malleability of stainless steel subjected to bending .

  21. 在本文中,我们从游戏性的角度来进行可用性测试与评估。

    In this paper , we conduct usability testing and heuristics evaluation base on playability .

  22. 在软件可用性测试中,分析用户行为模式是一个关键的问题。

    Analyzing a user 's behavior pattern is a key problem in software usability testing .

  23. –利用视频来分析测量结果是可用性测试的有效手段。

    Analysis of what is measured through video recording is an effective way of measuring usability .

  24. 设计可以经常地通过和角色对照来评估,把更好的设计带入可用性测试。

    Designs can be constantly evaluated against the personas , getting better designs into usability testing .

  25. 多通道用户界面的可用性测试

    Usability Testing of Multimodal User Interface

  26. 设计验证和可用性测试

    Design Validation and Usability Testing

  27. IT产品的可用性测试与评估

    Usability Evaluation for IT Products

  28. 它使网站拥有者方便的获得预先筛选的用户以快速地完成他们网站的可用性测试。

    It lets website owners easily get pre-screened users to rapidly do usability testing of their websites .

  29. 例如压力和性能测试的启动以及可用性测试的准备工作。

    Examples are setup for stress and performance testing and preparation of a subject for usability testing .

  30. 进行进展式可用性测试

    Conducting formative usability tests