
  • renewable energy;renewable energy sources;renewable energy resources
  1. 随着时间的推移,可再生能源将变得愈发重要。

    Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on .

  2. 风能作为动力的成功是对可再生能源一次立见分晓的检验。

    The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy .

  3. 必须在可行的地方使用可再生能源。

    Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical

  4. 技术创新大大提高了风力、水力、太阳能和地热等可再生能源的使用。

    Technological   innovations   have   unleashed   the   power   of   renewables   such   as   wind ,   hydro ,   solar ,   and   geothermal   .

  5. 但是,如果化石燃料的价格长期走低,可再生能源的发展进程有可能变得危及累卵。

    Progress   in   the   development   of   renewables   could   be   fragile ,   however ,   if   fossil   fuel   prices remain   low   for   long .

  6. 但是在未来,可再生能源必将在更大程度上取代化石燃料,这样才可能避免那些我们不能接受的气候风险。

    But   renewable   energy   will   have   to   displace   fossil   fuels   to   a   much   greater   extent   in   thefuture   to   avoid   unacceptable   climate   risks .

  7. 即使是严重依赖化石燃杜出口的经济体,如非洲和中东,也有巨大的潜力开发可再生能源。

    Even   Africa   and   the   Middle   East ,   home   to   economies   that   are heavily   dependent   on   fossil   fuel   exports ,   have   enormous   potential   to   develop   renewables .

  8. 例如,阿拉伯联合酋长囯已经批准了一项雄心勃勃的目标,即至2021年,可再生能源占一次能源消耗的24%。

    For   example ,   the   United   Arab   Emirates   has   endorsed   an   ambitious   target   to   draw   24 %   of   its primary   energy   consumption   from   renewable   sources   by   2021 .

  9. 可再生能源在全球一次能源消耗中只占小部分份额,目前仍主要以化石燃料为依托,据统计,煤炭和石油的使用占30%,天然气占25%。

    Renewables   account   for   only   a   small   share   of   global   primary   energy consumption ,   which   is   still   dominated   by   fossil   fuels — 30 %   each   for   coal   and   oil , 25 %   for   natural gas .

  10. 除非可再生能源变得足够便宜,以促使大量的碳矿床长期(如果不能永久)滞留地下,否则地球可能会面临潜在的灾难性气候风险。

    Unless   renewables   become   cheap   enough   that substantial   carbon   deposits   are   left   underground   for   a   very   long   time ,   if   not   forever ,   the planet   will   likely   be   exposed   to   potentially   catastrophic   climate   risks .

  11. 只要保证安全车速和电动,无人驾驶汽车将会大大降低污染程度以及对不可再生能源的依赖。

    Maintaining safe speeds and being electric , self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels .

  12. 一些专家认为,打印机可以利用大量可再生能源,如藻类和草中的水胶体,来代替熟悉的成分。

    Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids from plentiful renewables like algae and grass to replace the familiar ingredients .

  13. 可再生能源发电系统中VRLA蓄电池的过充电保护与温度补偿特性的研究

    Study on overcharging protection and temperature compensation of VRLA battery in renewable energy system

  14. 光伏(PVPhotovoltaic)产业已成为我国可再生能源产业中继风力发电之后发展最快的产业,光伏发电技术也是全球研究的热点之一。

    Photovoltaic ( PV ) industry has become the fastest growing industries of renewable energy after wind power generation in China . PV technology is one focus of global research .

  15. 氢是一种清洁可再生能源,燃烧后不会产生CO2、CO、HC等有害物质,是理想的石油替代产品。

    Hydrogen is a kind of clean and regenerated energy , combustion of hydrogen does not produce pollutant materials such as CO2 , CO and HC , it is ideal substitute for petroleum .

  16. 可再生能源配额制(RPS)是国际上为促进可再生能源开发而实行的一种新政策。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) is a new policy to promote development of renewable energy in the world .

  17. DC-DC储能变换技术在光伏发电,风能发电,不间断电源(UPS),新能源汽车和可再生能源发电等领域都得到了广泛的应用。

    DC-DC stored energy converter technique is widely applied in photovoltaic power generation , wind power generation uninterrupted power supply , new energy vehicles and renewable energy field and so on .

  18. 通过调整能源结构,提高发电效率,提倡节能和开发可再生能源与新能源等措施可控制CO2的大量排放。

    Up to now , many methods have been developed to controlling CO_ ( 2 ) production , such as adjusting energy structure , improving power generation efficiency , advocating energy saving , utilizing renewable energy and exploring new energy .

  19. 干热岩(HDR-hotdryrock)是应用前景很好的清洁、可再生能源,其研究与开发仅有20余年历史,但已经表现出巨大的利用价值和发展潜力。

    Hot dry rock ( HDR ) is a kind of clean , renewable energy in possession of a bright future . The history of HDR 's research and exploitation in advanced countries is no more than 20 years , but HDR has exhibited enormous value in natural energy potential .

  20. 文章重点探讨了RPS政策设计和管理中应注意的几个主要问题,包括确立适用范围和责任主体、制定可再生能源目标、确定有效的可再生能源种类、建立绿色证书制度、制定处罚措施等。

    The article focuses on discussing some key issues in the development of China RPS , including application scope and liable entity , renewable energy target / obligation , resource eligibility , renewable energy certificate market , and penalty for non compliance .

  21. 南通市可再生能源利用现状与前景

    The Prospects and Present Situation of Renewable Energy in Nantong City

  22. 论可再生能源动力装置的评价指标及优化方向

    The evaluation criteria and optimization direction of renewable energy power systems

  23. 推动可再生能源产业发展,力做行业领跑企业。

    Promote renewable energy industry development , strength for industry leading enterprises .

  24. 我国《可再生能源促进法》的制度设计

    On the Design of China 's Reproduceable Energy Promotion Law

  25. 综合能耗指标、可再生能源利用指标。

    Senior indexes include comprehensive energy consumption index and renewable energy index .

  26. 太阳能热发电是另一种最有希望与传统发电方式竞争的可再生能源发电方式。

    Which can compete with the traditional power generation technology .

  27. 第二章,可再生能源的相关理论分析。

    The second chapter , general theory of renewable energy .

  28. 我国可再生能源发展的制度建构

    Establishment of System on Renewable Energy Resources Development in China

  29. 基于可再生能源的吸收式热泵系统分析

    Simulation and analysis of absorption heat pump system based on renewable energy

  30. 绿色生态建筑中需要采用绿色可再生能源。

    The green ecotypic buildings require to use a green renewable energy .