
  • 网络loanable fund
  1. 这个情况看起来是否是依据可贷资金理论?

    What does this situation look like in terms of loanable funds ?

  2. 进入门槛的降低扩大了可贷资金的来源和用途;通过降低成本,可以改善提供给用户的服务条款。

    Lowering entry barriers widens the sources and uses of loanable funds ; and by reducing costs , improves the terms offered to users .

  3. 银行是一个可贷资金的储存库,钱源源不断地从这里流入和流出。

    The bank is a reservoir of loanable money , with streams of money flowing in and out .

  4. 允许金融机构以符合股东利益的方式运作的做法可谓极其荒唐,这些机构的可贷资金中仅有3%来自股东。

    Allowing institutions to be operated in the interests of shareholders , who supply just 3 per cent of their loanable funds , is insane .

  5. 玉米种植密度与源、流、库关系研究进展银行是一个可贷资金的储存库,钱源源不断地从这里流入和流出。

    Research Progress on the Relationship between Planting Density and Source-translocation-sink in Maize The bank is a reservoir of loanable money , with streams of money flowing in and out .

  6. 本周四,中国的银行再次提高准备金率,这已经是今年的第三次提高准备金率了,这次的目的仍然是通过减少可贷资金的数量来抑制投资热。

    China told banks Thursday to increase their reserves for the third time this year , cutting the amount of money available for lending in a new effort to cool an investment boom .

  7. 本文在研究存款利率市场化的过程中,主要有如下主要创新之处,一方面,文章根据可贷资金理论,采用国际数据建立面板数据模型,分析了存款利率市场化对存款利率的影响。

    Firstly , according to the loanable funds theory , the paper uses international data to establish panel data model to analyze the impact of the deposit rate liberalization on bank deposit rate .

  8. 文中指出:凯恩斯的通货膨胀理论不适用于发展中国家,文章还以战前的可贷资金理论为基础,建立了一种用于解释发展中国家物价上涨问题的通货膨胀理论。

    Basing himself on the pre-war theory of loanable funds , he formulates an inflation theory of loanable funds , he formulates an inflation theory to explain the price rises in the developing countries .

  9. 从另一角度出发,本文采用随机前沿面法,选取劳动力数量、网点数目、可贷资金量作为投入变量,分别选用总收入、利润作为生产函数的产出变量,拟合生产前沿面函数参数。

    As another point of view , choosing the amount of labor , the number of outlets , and the loanable funds as input variables , total revenue and profit as output variables , parameters of the stochastic frontier function were fitted with stochastic frontier approach .