
jìnɡ zhēnɡ jī zhì
  • competitive mechanism
  1. 机会是:加入WTO后信息竞争机制正在形成,信息市场总量增加;

    Opportunity : information competitive mechanism are forming after entering WTO , the total amount of information market increases ;

  2. 基于竞争机制的无线传感器网络MAC层协议的研究综述

    Survey of a Competitive Mechanism Based on MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

  3. WINDOWSnt环境下基于多线程竞争机制的FMS调度系统

    FMS Schedule System in Windows NT Based on Multithread Competition Mechanism

  4. 加入WTO后,WTO的最惠国待遇、国民待遇、透明度等基本原则都要求完善公平的市场竞争机制。

    After China entering the WTO , the basic principles of the WTO requires perfect and fair market competing system .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,一方面有利于国内建筑市场竞争机制的建立和市场秩序的规范,推动我国建筑市场的市场化和规范化进程;

    After China entered WTO , one hand , it is benefit to form the mechanism of market competition , on the other hand it is challenge to building industry .

  6. 特别是加入WTO以后,我国必须根据WTO基本原则和规则逐步开放国内市场,建立一个公平、自由的国际贸易竞争机制。

    Especially after joined the WTO , China must be based on fundamental principles and rules of WTO , gradually open its domestic market , and establish a international trade competition with fair and free .

  7. 通过实验获得进化神经网络的训练样本,在RBF神经网络的训练中,提出了基于Elitist竞争机制的遗传进化训练方法。

    The training samples were obtained by experiments and the genetic evolutionary method based on elitist rule was presented for neural network training .

  8. 传统的资源配置的pareto均衡无论是市场竞争机制还是权威型政府的国家托拉斯体制均已过时,取而代之的是竞争与合作的分层次重复博弈均衡体制。

    The traditional Pareto equilibrium of resources allocation , either mechanism of market competition or a governmental and national trust in type of authority is outdated .

  9. 其中竞技场作为游戏满足玩家高水平需求的模块设计,能够提供给玩家直接PK的机会,通过游戏的竞争机制满足玩家尊重和自我实现的需求。

    AS the module designed to meet high level needs of players , arena can provide the opportunity of players PK to meet the players respect and self-realization through the competitive mechanism of game .

  10. 引入竞争机制,提高政府工作效率;

    The introduction competitive system , raises the government service efficiency ;

  11. 竞争机制是市场经济的基本运行机制。

    Competition mechanism is the basic law of the market economy .

  12. 它是引入竞争机制的必备制度条件。

    It is introduces the competitive system the necessary system condition .

  13. 市场竞争机制能够有效调节的;

    Those can be effectively regulated by the market competition mechanism ;

  14. 基于软竞争机制的对传网络模型及应用

    Counter Propagation Network Model Based on Soft-competition Mechanism and Its Applications

  15. 竞争机制下风险投资机构间决策的博弈分析

    Game analysis of decision-making on venture investment institutions under competition mechanism

  16. 确立市场竞争机制,实施不对称监管。

    Establish the market competition mechanism , implement asymmetric regulation .

  17. 建立良性循环的竞争机制,调动政工干部的积极性。

    Establish the competition mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of political workers .

  18. 体育院校学报引入竞争机制管窥

    How to Import Competition Mechanism into the Physical Education institutes ' Journals

  19. 基于竞争机制的双目视觉匹配与实时测距

    Real-time Binocular Matching and Depth Measurement Based on Competing Schema

  20. 基于完全竞争机制的交叉口模糊控制模型

    A Complete Competition Based Fuzzy Control Model for Isolated Intersection

  21. 紫椴人工林竞争机制及生长动态模拟研究

    Simulation of Competitive Mechanism and Growth Dynamics of Juvenile Amur Linden Plantation

  22. 证券市场上市资格的竞争机制研究

    On the Competition Mechanism of Listing Qualification in Stock Market

  23. 国防科技工业企业建立竞争机制研究

    A research of establishing competition mechanism in national defense industry and enterprises

  24. 行业缺乏竞争机制和激励制度;

    The industry lacks a system of competition and inspiration ;

  25. 重庆摩托车产业集群生态竞争机制研究

    Research on Ecological Competition Mechanism of Chongqing Motorcycle Industrial Cluster

  26. 引入竞争机制,优化农村金融生态环境

    Introduce Competition Mechanism and Improve Rural Financial Eco-System Environment

  27. 竞争机制由区域品牌系统内部对投入的竞争和外部对市场的竞争构成。

    Competition mechanism consists of the internal input competition and external market competition .

  28. 三是引入市场竞争机制,降低服务成本。

    Third , the introduction of market competition mechanism , reduce service costs .

  29. 不要扼杀港口市场竞争机制

    Don 't Stifle the Competitive Mechanism in Port Market

  30. 引入竞争机制优化教师队伍

    The certificate mechanism of X. Using optimization principl Introducing Competition Optimizing Teaching Body