
  • 网络Price Discovery Mechanism
  1. 第1时间段,由于市场的分割使得A、B股市场之间的价格发现机制没能有效地发挥作用;

    In the first part , the price discovery mechanism between the A and the B shares plays a weak role because of market segmentation .

  2. 融资融券具有价格发现机制,稳定市场的作用,在海外发达国家,融资融券已经有四百多年的发展历史,是一种成熟的交易模式。

    The Security Financing has price discovery mechanism , a stabilizing role and a mature business model of the market , having been more than four hundred years of history in the overseas developed country .

  3. 中国IPOs价格发现机制实证研究

    Empirical Study on IPOs Price - finding Mechanism in China

  4. 结果将使市场功能、价格发现机制和资本分配遭到严重扭曲。

    As such , it distorts their functioning , the price discovery process and the allocation of capital .

  5. 证券投资基金的信息能力与价格发现机制的及时反应模式

    The Information Capability of the Security Investment Fund and The Timely Reflection Model of The Price Seeking Mechanism

  6. 合理有效的价格发现机制,不仅降低采购成本,同时可以有效提高分配效率。

    Effective and reasonable web purchasing strategies could not only reduce the costs , also improve allocative efficiency .

  7. 作为一种古老的价格发现机制,拍卖技术在项目管理中得到了广泛的运用。

    As an old price determining mechanism , auction technique is intensively used in the fields of project manage - ment .

  8. 银行往往持有债券至到期日,剥夺了市场流动性或二级市场的价格发现机制。

    Banks tend to hold bonds to maturity , depriving the market of liquidity or a price-discovery mechanism through secondary trading .

  9. 网络拍卖是传统拍卖借助互联网发展起来的有效资源配置方式与价格发现机制。

    As an effective mechanism to allocate resource and discover price , online auction has already grown up with the development of internet .

  10. 此时,就必然要求建立衍生市场来提供完善的风险转移机制和价格发现机制。

    Therefore , the derived market should be set up to provide the mechanism of passing of the risk and the mechanism of price discovery .

  11. 如何设计微观市场结构(包括价格发现机制),从而降低投资者之间的信息不对称程度,已成为各国学术界研究的重点。

    How to design a trade mechanism ( include price mechanism ) to overcome the information asymmetry has become a key problem in finance market .

  12. 拍卖作为一种古老的价格发现机制,已经有了上千年的历史,拥有其独特的魅力。

    Auction , as an ancient mechanism of finding price , has been a thousand years of history , and has become popular for its unique enchantment all over the world .

  13. 如果我们假定,日元和标普500指数应当是根本毫无关联的工具这是相当合理的,那么这就意味着市场有效价格发现机制的崩溃。

    If we assume , quite reasonably , that the yen and the SP 500 should be fundamentally unrelated instruments , this implies a breakdown of efficient price discovery in the markets .

  14. 但核心员工对企业的贡献是长期化的,且缺乏相应的市场价格发现机制,从而在传统薪酬模式设计时会遭遇很多难点。

    But contributing to enterprises of key employee is secular , and lack the corresponding market price and find the mechanism , thus will encounter a lot of difficult points in the mode design of the traditional salary .

  15. 为此,就市场价格发现机制的反应而言,证券基金收集和解释财务信息的能力明显强于非专业投资者,使得其重仓股价格的财务信息内涵更丰富。

    As for the reflection of the MPSM , SIF reveals obviously a strong information collection and explanatory capability than that of the non-professional investor , and makes the price of stock invested heavily by SIF assimilate more financial information .

  16. 在一个企业以融资最大化为目标、投资者不能够通过有效的价格发现机制去进行价值投资的市场里,市场的投机气氛最终会使投资者的投资信心下降,市场的融资功能因而会衰退。

    Investors ' confidence will gradually weaken in a speculative market where firms aim at the maximization of raising capital and investors cannot make value investments through effective price discovery mechanisms . The financing function will be impaired in return .

  17. 运用事项研究法,以2000~2002年中国证券投资基金的重仓股为对象,探讨了信息能力对股票价格发现机制的影响。

    Focusing on the stocks invested heavily by Security Investment Funds ( SIF ), the paper explores the influences of SIF 's information capability on the stock market price seeking mechanism ( MPSM ) during the earning announcement by the means of the event study .

  18. 矿业高管表示,即使基准定价机制再持续一年,但谈判的原始职能作为“价格发现”机制也已经转向现货市场。

    Even if the benchmark survives another year , the original function of the negotiations to be a " price discovery " mechanism has already moved to the spot market , mining executives say .

  19. 第5章利用协整和分整理论研究了不同市场单一证券价格发现的贡献机制,对A股和H股市场信息传导机制进行了实证研究。

    Based on cointegration and fractional integration theory , chapter 5 studies price discovery mechanism for one security in different markets and information transmission mechanism for A and H stock markets theoretically and empirically .

  20. 我国黄金期货与现货市场的价格变动和价格发现机制

    The Oscillation of China 's Futures and Spot Gold Prices and The Price Determination Mechanism