
jià ɡé zhàn
  • price war
  1. 今天,这家超市打响了价格战的头一炮。

    The supermarket fired the first shot in a price war today .

  2. 制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减到了最低。

    A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone .

  3. 这场惨烈的价格战貌似终于结束了。

    There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war .

  4. 他们打起了价格战。

    They waged a price war .

  5. 欢迎收看今天的TechByte,手机价格战逐步升温。

    In today 's Tech Byte , cell phone price wars are heating up .

  6. AIG否认其参与了激烈的价格战。

    The firm denied that it had engaged in aggressive pricing .

  7. 沃尔顿称,甚至家庭美元百货公司(FamilyDollarStores)也已经认识到,作为零售商,价格战只能吸引一部分客户。

    Even Family Dollar Stores ( FDO ), Walden says , recognizes that price alone won 't draw all the customers a retailer needs .

  8. 目前,国内PVC塑料型材行业低水平重复建设严重,价格战愈演愈烈。

    At present , domestic PVC plastic profile trades low-level construction is serious , the price war grows in intensity .

  9. 报道说,最近几个月,VOIP语音服务在美国电信市场已打起了激烈的价格战。

    Prices for VOIP service have been falling in recent months as new competitors flood the market .

  10. 软银发起了价格战,并引入了新的服务和产品,包括苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone。孙正义比所有人提前许多年意识到,iPhone将颠覆日本较为高端但封闭的电信市场。

    It also introduced new services and products , including Apple 's iPhone , which years before anyone else Mr Son realised would upend Japan 's sophisticated but isolated market .

  11. 除了确实存在少数企业将国内的价格战打到国外的情况,多数是外国企业和政府歪曲和滥用了WTO的有关反倾销的条款。

    Except that a few enterprises really bring the domestic price war to forcing countries , most cases indicate that foreign enterprises and governments have distorted and abused the related clauses about the anti-dumping in WTO .

  12. 第四部分主要论述了彩电行业尽快走出价格战的必要性,一方面价格战无法在短期内达到整顿市场结构的预期目的,另一方面,加入WTO又使得激烈的市场竞争离我们越来越近;

    In the fourth part , I discuss the necessities of the industry to get away from price competition , because the price-war can not realize the project of reorganizing the market structure in short times .

  13. 中国电信集团公司(简称中国电信)主要收入来源的话音业务受到IP技术和价格战的影响进一步低值化,受移动电话分流的影响,话务量增长将放缓或负增长。

    Affected by new IP technique , mobile communication and price war , the main income source of China telecom , voice service , is becoming cheaper , and has a slowly or negative growth rate .

  14. LED行业处于飞速发展阶段,越来越多的企业加入到这个行业,行业竞争不断加剧,企业间的价格战越来越激烈。

    LED industry is being in rapid development stage , more and more enterprises are joining into this industry , increasing competition are happening in this industry , and price wars between enterprises are more and more fierce .

  15. 这次价格战的第一枪是在今年1月10日正式打响的,当天滴滴打车率先推出了乘车费用立减活动,实施了补贴政策。在此之前,滴滴打车刚刚在1月初从腾讯和中信资本(CiticCapital)筹集到1亿美元。

    The first shot was officially fired on January 10 , the day Didi Dache first cut taxi fares and introduced the subsidy , after raising $ 100m that month from Tencent and CiticCapital .

  16. 双方在一些生活相关物品上的价格战早在上个月就已开始,在一些今秋最令人期待的新图书和DVD等商品方面都发布了最低价格。

    The tussle began last month as a relatively trivial but highly public back-and-forth over which company had the lowest prices on the most anticipated new books and DVDs this fall .

  17. 最近到访美国时,孙正义承诺,假如监管机构允许他收购T-MobileUS、将其与Sprint合并,他将在美国移动电话市场上发起一场大规模价格战。

    During a recent trip to the US he promised to launch a massive price war in the US mobile market if regulators allow him to acquire T-Mobile US and merge it with Sprint .

  18. 这轮价格战的背景,是该行业担心iPad将夺走大块市场份额。iPad也具被电子阅读器功能。目前亚马逊在该市场占据主导地位。

    The price war comes amid concerns in the sector that the iPad , which can also function as an e-reader , will take a significant share of the market , which is dominated by Amazon .

  19. 如惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)和瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)这样的竞争对手一直在交换机和低端路由器市场上发动价格战,试图推动销量,以对抗全球经济衰退带来的影响。

    Competitors like Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) and Juniper Networks ( jnpr ) have been waging a price war in switches and low-end routers , trying to boost volume in the face of a weak global economy .

  20. 最后,对医疗行业的价格战进行了分析,并预测了其发展趋势:随着我国加入WTO和医疗行业的改革的深化,医疗行业必将面临着越来越激烈的价格竞争。

    At last , the paper analyzes the price war of the medical treatment profession and predicts the trend . Along with our country joining WTO and deepening the reform of the medical treatment profession , the medical treatment profession will face the more and more vigorous price competition .

  21. 但据麦格理(Macquarie)数据显示,在线市场的整体规模扩大速度也有这么快,似乎表明其市场份额几乎没有增长,尽管一场又一场极端且代价高昂的价格战噱头害惨了所有商家。

    But so has the online market overall , according to Macquarie , suggesting little share gain in spite of extreme , and expensive , price war stunts that have hurt everyone .

  22. 残酷的价格战继续折磨着AMD。这家全球第二大微处理器制造商昨日表示,预计第一季度的销售额将比先前预测低20%以上。

    A bruising price war continues to take its toll on AMD as the world 's second-biggest microprocessor maker said yesterday it expected sales to undershoot forecasts by more than 20 per cent in the first quarter .

  23. 目前高端羽绒服和户外运动面料市场基本被尼龙和涤纶面料所垄断,PTT面料是否能够在该领域取得应用拓展,关键看他有无特别的优性能,打价格战是没有出路的。

    Currently , the senior down and outdoor fabrics market is monopolized by the nylon and polyester fabrics . The Particular advantages of performance are the key point that PTT fabric can be applied and expanded in this field .

  24. 本土叫车应用滴滴快的(DidiKuaidi)正在多个城市与优步大打价格战。

    A local car hailing app , Didi Kuaidi , is waging a fierce price war against Uber in several cities .

  25. Bernstein的汽车分析师MaxWarburton认为:一场中国价格战正在酝酿之中,太多公司依赖中国市场,如果销售继续按照现在的速度增长,价格竞争会更激烈。

    ' The risks of a price war in China are building , ' said Max Warburton , Bernstein 's auto analyst . ' Too many companies are dependent on China right now . Price competition would intensify if sales continue to grow at the current pace . '

  26. 像Boel这样的参保人除了得到走路不用拐杖的好处外,还从保险公司提供的最佳保险覆盖费低于政府预期的价格战中获益。

    Besides the benefit of walking upright without support , customers such as Boel have also benefited from a price war that saw insurers offer premiums lower than what the government estimates .

  27. 虽然SNF产品的市场占有率很高,但是利润率很低,无法投资到新产品的研发,造成了恶性循环,没有新产品,只能陷入价格战中。

    Even though its high market share , SNF is hardly to invest on new product research and development in limit of its low profit margin , which is endless to play with price war and brings SNF into vicious cycle .

  28. 各家网上零售商近期已发动传统的价格战,这意味着,即便是京东商城(360buy)这样的业内大公司,也很难将其在互联网电子零售领域的市场份额转化为利润。

    Online retailers have recently waged a classic price war , making it difficult for even the biggest players , such as 360buy , to turn market share in Internet electronics retail into profits .

  29. 彩电行业价格战的分析

    Analysis of " price battle " in the color television industry

  30. 价格战引出的资源优化配置:收购与兼并

    Optimal Allocation of Resource Derived from Pricing Competition Purchase and Merger