
  • 网络Price Adjustment Strategies
  1. 相关产品的最优价格调整策略

    Optimum Price Adjustment Policy for Relative Products

  2. 并对大连瑞博公司四位决策人提出的不同方案,进行了分析,包括产品的课程设置、营销渠道、学费价格的调整和促销策略,给出了自己的意见。

    It is analyzed about the four deciders ' ideas , which include course setting , marketing channel , tuition fee and sales promotion .

  3. 价格弹性理论在企业价格调整策略中的应用

    Application of Price Elastic Theory in Corporation Price Adjustment Stag

  4. 分析两条链上制造商采取不同的价格策略其收益值的变化情况,说明了价格调整策略在供应链竞争中的作用。

    It is analyzed that the manufacturers take the different price strategy that leads to the change of income . These changes show the effect of price adjustment strategy during the competition of the supply chain .