
  • 网络supply and demand mechanism
  1. 其动因机制主要有三个,即逐利机制、供求机制和价格机制。

    Its impetus mechanism includes : profit-chasing mechanism , supply and demand mechanism and price mechanism .

  2. 最后分析了中国经济转轨过程中的货币供求机制变化问题。

    Lastly , changes of money supply and demand mechanism in the course of economic transition .

  3. 建立科学合理的土地供求机制;

    Build the scientific and rational mechanism of supply and demand of land ;

  4. 政府对市场的干预会限制供求机制运作的范围。

    State intervention in markets will restrict the scope of the operation of the supply and demand mechanism .

  5. 土地的供求机制和价格决定机制是土地市场经济驱动机制的核心。

    Land price-decision mechanism and supply and demand mechanism are the the core of land market driving mechanism .

  6. 第三章从简单的劳动力市场供求机制出发,分析我国残疾人就业面临的形势。

    Chapters Beginning with simple labor supply-demand Mechanism , it analyses the employment situation in the face of disabled people .

  7. 最后,结合研究,提出了农地流转供求机制等结论。

    Finally , according to research , the author puts forward some conclusions , such as farmland circulation supply-demand mechanism , etc.

  8. 我国R&D投资现状及对策分析货币供求机制和信用制度在较大程度上决定了虚拟资本向经济泡沫的传导过程。

    Current Situation of Investment in R & D and Measures to Take Fictitious capital exists in the shape of bubbles .

  9. 随着人才供求机制的日益市场化,职业指导逐渐成为劳动力市场不可缺少的调节和引导手段。

    With the system of talented person supply and demand gradual becoming market-oriented , the vocational guide becomes essential adjustment means of labour market .

  10. 它不仅导致我国上市公司股权结构不合理,公司治理结构不规范,而且还成为我国证券市场规范化发展和建立正常市场供求机制的巨大障碍之一。

    It not only made the ownership structure unreasonable , the corporation governance imperfect , but also became an obstacle to standardizing security market .

  11. 市场调节高等教育质量的机制主要包括供求机制、价格机制和竞争机制三个方面。

    The mechanism that market adjusts higher education quality mainly includes three aspects : supply and demand mechanism , price mechanism and competition mechanism .

  12. 但是,一国货币政策的有效性,取决于对该国特殊的货币供求机制的正确认识和货币政策传导机制的畅通与否。

    But the effectiveness of monetary policy depends on the peculiar mechanism of supply and demand for money and the clearness of monetary policy transmission .

  13. 通过对信息市场供求机制的分析,认为信息市场涉及产品市场和要素市场。

    Analysing the mechnism of supply and demand of information market , the paper deems that information market relates to product market and factor market .

  14. 详细论述了市场供求机制在印度私立高等教育发展中的反映。

    In Indian context , the influence of the market mechanism of demand-supply balance highlighted , and its influence on private higher education is discussed in detail .

  15. 作者认为,转轨国家制度变迁非均衡和强制性,是由供求机制决定,而这种供求机制又内生于利益主体市场结构。

    The writer believes that demand-supply mechanism determines the imbalance and compulsion in system transformation , while the demand-supply mechanism derives from the market structure of participants ' interest .

  16. 体育经济运行机制主要是价格机制、竞争机制、供求机制和风险机制。

    The operational mechanism of sports economy , including price mechanism , competition mechanism , supply and demand mechanism and risk mechanism , has the function of orientation and integration .

  17. 第四章土地征用制度和第五章土地储备制度,主要是从供求机制研究土地市场调控的制度保障。

    Chapter 4 is on the land requisition institution and chapter 4 is on the land reservation institution . They mainly analyze the institutional prevention from the supply-demand mechanism perspective .

  18. 我国翻译人力市场的矛盾表现为两个方面:供求机制失效导致结构性过剩:对于学校教育期待过高而忽视企业在人才培养中的责任。

    The translating labor market in China faces two problems : structural surplus resulted from malfunctioned supply and demand mechanism ; excessive expectation on school education vs. little responsibility on on-the-job training .

  19. 这种以计划手段的分配方式,不仅造成了政府沉重的财政负担,也因扭曲了住房供求机制而造成了尖锐的供求矛盾。

    This allocation model not only caused heavy financial burden to the government , but also created serious conflicts between supply and demand because it had totally deformed the housing demand-supply mechanism .

  20. 在分析人力资本效率功能和要素功能的基础上,应用经济学的理论观点,探讨了人力资本积累的供求机制、衍生效应、共生原理和利益制衡原理及人力资本积累模型。

    On the basis of analyzing efficiency function and element function of human capital , it applies economic theories in studying supply-demand mechanism , derivation effect , co-existing principle and benefit balance principle .

  21. 在财政贴息政策实施过程中必须要进行合理的机制设计,本文对贴息金供求机制、配置机制以及贴息机制运行程序等进行了论述。

    In the process of the application of the policy , government should design reasonable mechanisms including the mechanism of supply and demand , the allocation mechanism of interest-subsidy fund and the operating procedure .

  22. 运用社会学调查、数理统计、文献资料调研等研究方法,对西安市九区四县体育健身休闲娱乐业的供求机制进行研究。

    Through using the method of sociology , mathematical statistics and literature investigation , this paper made study on mechanism of supply and demand of sport leisure and recreation industry of four countries and nine districts in Xian .

  23. 作为其组成部分的城镇住房制度改革要与之相适应,必然要走市场化的道路,以市场供求机制实现对住房的有效配置。

    As a part of it , housing system reform in town and city should select the road of market and realize efficient housing allocation with supply and demand mechanism of market in order to conform to it .

  24. 本文在设计出流域生态服务付费市场机制的总体框架后,分别探索了流域生态服务的供求机制、价格机制和支付机制,识别出流域生态服务的市场参与者及其他们对生态服务的供给和需求。

    After design of the overall framework of market mechanism for watershed PES , this thesis explored separately the supply-demand mechanism , pricing mechanism , and payment mechanism , then identified the market participants and their demand and supply of ecosystem services .

  25. 采用社会调查、历史研究、比较分析等方法,对我国职业篮球竞赛市场的特征、市场主体现状、市场的价格机制、供求机制、委托代理机制等方面进行系统研究。

    Through using the method of social investigation , historical research , comparative analysis , this paper studied the characteristic , market main body , market price mechanism , supply and demand mechanism and agent mechanism of China professional basketball competition market .

  26. 基于转移支付的绿色农产品供求协调机制研究

    Research on Coordination Mechanism in a Green Agricultural Supply and Demand based on Transfer Payment

  27. 本文首先通过对生产价格机制和市场供求价格机制两种理论进行综述,并将两种机制相结合,得出分析房地产价格影响因素的理论分析框架。

    By reviewing the theories of production price mechanism and marketing supply-demand price mechanism , different composing factors of the housing price were analyzed .

  28. 运用规范与实证相结合的方法,从技术供给和技术需求两个角度对农业技术创新供求动力机制展开分析。

    The article uses standard and empirical combination of methods to analysis this dynamic mechanism of supply and demand from two points of view a technical supply and technical requirements of agricultural technology innovation .

  29. 劳动力市场的基本运行机制包括劳动力价格的供求决定机制、劳动力资源的自由流动机制和劳动力可持续利用的社会保障机制。

    The basic operation mechanism of labor market contains the mechanism of supply-demand determined labor price ; the mechanism of free movement of labor resource and the mechanism of social security that can be constantly used by labor .

  30. 要解决这一问题必须从建立劳动力供求预警机制、完善劳动力市场制度、强化劳动者中长期培训等多方面入手。

    To solve this problem , many aspects need to be considered , such as establishing a precautionary mechanism of demand and supply of labors , perfecting labor market regime and reinforcing the medium or long-term training of labor forces .