- 网络accounting error

Research on Accounting Errors ' Information Noises of Listed Companies
Incidence of Adjusting Accounting Errors of the Listed Companies
The Analysis on the Market Conductibility of Corrections of Accounting Errors
Brief Discussion about How To Correct Account Mistakes for Enterprises
On the Accounting Disposal and Report Form Adjustment of Accountant 's Error Correction
Correction to Accounting Errors : A Preliminary Discussion
Therefore , this thesis will study the Incidence of adjustment by empirical research .
The Viewpoint on the Adjustment of Accounting Mistakes in Mid - term Financial Report
A Study on Factors of Accounting Error Correction Based on the Viewpoint of Corporate Governance
The Accounting Errors and Ways of Corrections
In a statement the conglomerate conceded that the accounting errors " fell short " of its standards .
From the accounting errors on the correct standards change , based on earnings management of financial restated Angle is analyzed .
The earnings are tend to be overestimated , leading to the more the company needs to reduce returns of the past .
This research aimed to discuss about the stock-return behavior before and after the issuance of Financial Statement Restatement in the short run .
So we can see , financial restatements is not simply correcting accounting errors , it has already become a tool for manipulating profits .
This paper studies the incidence and correction of accounting errors , which are taken as a means of earnings management by the listed companies .
The Information Content of Earnings Following Temporary Disclosure of Material Accounting Errors Information Environment , Timing of Annual Reports and Earnings Management for the Coming Fiscal Year
First of all , I introduced the relevant provisions of domestic and foreign legislation on the definition of accounting errors and ways to correct and disclose errors .
The differences in format , content and reporting time between the mid-term financial report and the yearly financial report give some reasons on the different measures to adjust the accounting mistakes .
Domestic study focused on analysing the motive of correcting accounting errors , the macro-political reason , the disclosure of corrections reports , and the characters of companies who propose correction reports .
The correction of accounting error is the after remedial measures for the problems in the early period accounting report , and is the representation of the function of correction system for accounting report .
The financial restatement happen because the correction of accounting errors or supplement . From it we known that may have some problems in the past report , and caused people to doubt it .
The findings are as follows : ( 1 ) There exists apparent information noise in the behaviors of huge amount write off and earnings management induced by policy-based factors which are carried through in accounting errors .
Although in recent years , there is no obvious upward trend on financial restatement in our country , but the phenomenon of using significant accounting errors to adjust profits is obvious , and it is ambiguous of repeating statement error .
After doing research on the 72 couples companies in Shen and Hu markets which had the phenomena of financial restatements , this thesis found , to a certain extent , establishing auditing committee can decrease the phenomena of accounting mistakes which increase profit , but not effectively ;
Form Characteristics Intensify the Practical Skills & the Thought to the Errors During the Accounting Simulated Practice of the Advanced Polytechnic Students
On the Policy Change and Mistake Corrigendum in Accountancy
Explains that the alteration of accounting policies , the rectification of accounting errors and the same problems involve in the post-balance sheet events , when they are taken in different times amount , quality , lead to the various methods of accounting treatment .
Results showed that the auditors were more likely to issue unqualified opinions to errors which were caused by the abuse of accounting policy and accounting estimate .
In the paper , detailed discuss the contact and difference between two special kinds of accounting business from their process method , which are accounting policy change and major accounting mistake .