
huì yuán
  • member;fellow
会员 [huì yuán]
  • [member] 通过正式手续加入某个会社或专业组织的人

  • 妇女俱乐部会员

会员[huì yuán]
  1. 要成为会员得花多少钱?

    How much does it cost to become a member ?

  2. 她是这个俱乐部的终身会员。

    She is a life member of the club .

  3. 会员出示会员证便可入场。

    Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card .

  4. 目前,我们正探索发展会员的新途径。

    We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership .

  5. 交纳会费并不能使你自动成为会员。

    Paying a fee doesn 't automatically qualify you for membership .

  6. 俱乐部会员人数已从70减少到20。

    Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20 .

  7. 酒吧仅供会员使用。

    The bar is for the use of members only .

  8. 俱乐部仅对会员开放。

    Access to the club is restricted to members only .

  9. 俱乐部的会员人数超过了500名。

    The club has a membership of more than 500 .

  10. 工会要求会员对所提议的变革进行无记名投票。

    The union balloted its members on the proposed changes .

  11. 这家俱乐部去年才接纳女会员。

    Women were only admitted into the club last year .

  12. 会场被3000名俱乐部会员挤得满满的。

    The venue was packed with 3 000 clubbers .

  13. 他是伦敦几个男性俱乐部的会员。

    He 's a member of several London clubs .

  14. 会员费应交给秘书。

    Membership fees should be paid to the secretary .

  15. 俱乐部的会员资格仅可通过推荐获得。

    Membership of the club is by nomination only .

  16. 她的会员资格期满终止,没有再续。

    She had allowed her membership to lapse .

  17. 工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。

    The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members .

  18. 他们希望俱乐部尽可能地限制会员加入以从中受益。

    They have a vested interest in keeping the club as exclusive as possible .

  19. 会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书。

    Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time .

  20. 两年内会员数目几乎翻了一番。

    Membership almost doubled in two years .

  21. 任何人都可使用这个游泳池,不必是会员。

    Anybody can use the pool ─ you don 't need to be a member .

  22. 工会声称有些会员因参加罢工而受到迫害。

    The union claimed that some of its members had been victimized for taking part in the strike .

  23. 会员们几乎一致表示反对这些测试。

    Its members had come out virtually unanimously against the tests .

  24. 他们的会员似乎已经增加到约1万名以上。

    Their membership seems to have risen to something over 10,000 .

  25. 这个俱乐部的章程不允许女性成为正式会员。

    The club 's constitution prevented women from becoming full members .

  26. 支付一年的会员费就可以成为会员。

    You can become a member by paying the yearly subscription .

  27. 公司管理人员说参加罢工的工会会员今天应该呆在家里。

    Company officials say striking union members should stay home today .

  28. 会员申请书于9月提交部长会议审议。

    The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September

  29. 会员的支持对于我们协会来说非常重要。

    The support of our members is of great importance to the Association

  30. 工会称他们将要求会员投票表决是否罢工。

    The union said they will ballot members on whether to strike .