
ɡōnɡ yīnɡ jīnɡ jì xué
  • supply-side economics
  1. 供应经济学政策的经济应该能够提高存款,刺激投资和企业创造力。

    Supply-side economics was supposed to promote savings , investment , and entrepreneurial creativity .

  2. 里根的经济纲领是以供应经济学为基础的,主张降低边际税率以鼓励人们努力工作并增加劳动时间。

    Reagan based his economic program on the theory of supply-side economics , which mandated reducing marginal tax rates to encourage people to work harder and longer .

  3. 根据供应经济学的理论,这一措施反过来又会增加储蓄和投资,促进生产并刺激整个经济的发展。

    This in turn leads to more saving and investment , resulting in more production and stimulating the economy as a whole , according to supply-side economic theory .

  4. 来自其他各方的建议都倾向于希望政府推行供应经济学政策的改革,旨在塑造一个轻税负,管理灵活,并适宜商业竞争的英国。

    Wish lists are pouring in from all sides , with a bias towards supply-side reforms aimed at making Britain a lightly-taxed , flexibly-regulated and competitive place to do business .

  5. 闭环供应链的经济学解释

    Economic Analysis of Closed-Loop Supply Chain

  6. 供应链联盟的经济学解释

    Explanation for Supply Chain Alliance on Economics

  7. 本论文运用现代供应链管理,经济学等有关理论和方法,从集配中心的角度对三级供应链中的企业合作利益分配问题进行研究,并建立了合理的利益分配模型。

    Relevant theories methods of modern supply chain management and economics are employed in this paper to study the profit distribution of the coordination among the enterprises in three-level supply chain and establish the rational model of profit distribution from the angle of the mode of supply hub .

  8. 供应学派政治支持供应学派经济学的政治观点。

    Supply side politics political point of view favoring supply side economics .