
  • 网络advertising aesthetics;Advertisement aesthetic
  1. 我试图通过平面广告美感的特点、规律的探讨和研究,希望能够为进一步推动平面广告美学的发展,提高平面广告创作的审美价值起到一个抛砖引玉的作用。

    This text is expected to promote the further development of advertising aesthetics through the discussion and study of the advertising aesthetic feeling characteristic and law .

  2. 论电视广告的美学特征&广告与文学艺术比较谈

    The Aesthetic Features of Advertisements on TV A comparative discussion about some figures of speech

  3. 英汉广告语的美学特征比较

    A Comparison of Aesthetic Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisement Languages

  4. 广告英语的美学特征及其美学翻译策略

    Aesthetic features of advertising English and its aesthetic strategy of translation

  5. 广告语言的美学特征及其翻译

    The Aesthetics Feature and Translation of the Advertisement Language

  6. 论广告翻译的美学策略

    On the Aesthetic Strategy of Advertisement Translation

  7. 广告艺术的美学价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Advertising Arts

  8. 广告英语的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Characteristics of Advertisement

  9. 在这一章中,从两个角度去探讨广告的反美学性。

    In this chapter , from two points to find the anti - aesthetic of advertising culture .

  10. 此外,站在经典美学的立场,从四个方面微观的分析了广告文化对美学理论的消解。第三章,超越&广告文化的审美特质。

    In addition , standing on the position of the classic aesthetic , reveal the aesthetic digestion from the four aspects of the advertising culture with the microscopic analysis . Chapter ⅲ, beyond - the aesthetic characteristics of advertising culture .

  11. 在研究过程中运用了设计学、广告学、美学的相关理论,并结合案例分析,并以发展的眼光展望广告作品中文案与视觉语言之间的关系,相互之间的转换成了一种必然。

    In the course of the study used a design school , advertising , aesthetics of the related theories , combined with case studies , and the perspective of development prospects advertising sign language works of the Chinese case and the relationship between the mutual converted into an inevitable .

  12. 本文讨论在AIDMA法则指导下广告译语的美学等效。

    This paper discusses the aesthetic equivalence in the translation of advertisement in the light of AIDMA Principle .

  13. 格式塔&接受美学视角下广告模糊语之美学价值研究

    On the Aesthetic Values of Fuzziness in Advertising Language : A Gestalt-Reception-Aesthetics Approach

  14. 英语广告语篇在美学关照下的翻译

    Aesthetic Considerations in the Translation of English Advertising

  15. 广告视觉传达与美学法则的应用

    Visual Communications in Advertising and Esthetics Beyond Vision

  16. 广告艺术的文化美学透视

    Perspective on Cultural Aesthetics of Advertising Art

  17. 广告翻译的接受美学

    Accepted Esthetics in Advertising Translation

  18. 本文通过实例归纳出英语广告语篇的美学特征,如简洁美、修辞美、意象美、创意美等。

    This article discusses that the English advertisement discourse has the aesthetic characteristics as the followings : simplicity , image-abundance , rhetorical-beauty , and its novelty .

  19. 第三部分是对于隐性广告的趋势进行的分析,以隐性广告的美学意义为落脚点,得出隐性广告将无处不在的结论。

    The third part is the trend analysis for product placement . To the aesthetic meaning of the end-result , the product placement will be drawn everywhere in conclusion .

  20. 在分析广告审美意识流变的主体部分,先是从广告作品美学表现的角度对广告从稀缺美到竞争美、从形式美到艺术美、从功利性到真善美相统一的时代变化予以阐述。

    At first , from the perspective of aesthetic expression of advertising works , this part analyzes Ad change with time from scarce to competitive , from practical to artistic , from utilitarian to unified with truth , goodness and beauty .

  21. 提要近几年,对广告的研究相当火爆,诸如广告心理、广告策划、广告文化、广告写作、广告美学、广告媒体、广告制作、市场营销等方面的研究,都取得了丰硕的成果。

    Abstract : The last few years has seen a popular tendency in the research of advertising , about which abundant research papers have been made known in regarding to its psychology , planning , culture , writing , aesthetics , medium , production , marketing , etc.

  22. 在对月份牌广告画的三个代表性阶段及创作群体进行梳理与回顾的同时,着重探讨了月份牌广告画的美学价值及社会学意义。

    Also in this article , I not only sort out the three representative stages and creative groups of advertising calendar posters , but also probe into the aesthetic value and sociological significance of it .

  23. 在化妆品广告制作中如果能正确运用模糊语的顺应性来引起消费者对产品或服务的兴趣,可以促进产品的销售和服务的良好进行,可使广告制作者从修辞美学等方面制作出更好的广告。

    In the process of producing advertisements , the right use of vagueness can arouse the consumers ' interests towards the products and services . Meanwhile , it can facilitate the sales and service . The proper use of pragmatic vagueness can also make advertisers produce more aesthetical advertisements .