
  1. 相比传统媒体,网络广告投资回报率(ROI)测评的难度要大得多。

    Compared to traditional media , it is more difficult to evaluate return on investment ( ROI ) of online advertising .

  2. 企业间生产与广告投资分配的竞争分析

    Competition analysis between enterprises in allocation of production and advertising investment

  3. 说服性广告投资博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Persuasive Advertising Investment

  4. 经常有人问我们,可口可乐的电视广告投资是否在减少,社交/数字广告投资是否在增长。

    Too often , we get asked if our TV investment is declining and our social / digital investment growing .

  5. 那企业在追求最大利润时到底应该如何进行广告投资呢?这就是本文将研究的主要问题。

    How enterprises should make an advertising investment when they maximize their profits ? This is the major issue in this paper .

  6. 上个月在盐湖城举办的冬奥会,也使第一季度的广播广告投资出现了异常的增多。

    The winter Olympics , held last month in Salt Lake City , has also distorted the spending on broadcast advertising in the first quarter .

  7. 据悉,《爸爸去哪儿》第4季原计划于今年夏天播出,已经吸引了超过15亿元的广告投资。

    The impending 4th season of the hit show , which was due to hit screens this summer , had already attracted over 1.5 billion yuan worth of advertising .

  8. 在这种浪潮中,广告投资效益的评估成为广告活动三方参与主体&媒介、广告公司和广告主的共识。

    In this situation , to evaluate the effective of advertising investment becomes the common sense of three parties , media , advertising agencies and advertisers , who are involved in advertising activity .

  9. 谷歌,作为网络搜索引擎公司中的先锋,对于广告的投资有相当的竞争力。

    Google , the leading Internet search company , is the strongest competitor for those advertising dollars .

  10. 提出了两企业间进行广告与投资分配决策竞争的一般模型,对这个一般模型及其特殊形式进行了研究;

    In this paper , a general model about two enterprises to allocate production and advertising investment is set up .

  11. 所有四部电影都是在广告方面投资最多,平均费用为350万美元。这些广告发布在行业期刊和协会杂志上,针对的是奥斯卡投票人。

    In all cases , the largest category was advertising & the studios spent on average $ 3.5 million placing ads targeting Academy voters in trade publications and union magazines .

  12. 通过建立质量战略博弈分析模型,对这一过程进行了分析与描述,并得出产品质量投资效用与广告宣传投资效用在不同竞争状态下交互变化的结论。

    Through the model analysis of quality strategy game , the paper describes this process , and draws the conclusion of the investment in quality and in advertisement is interactive changing in different competition state .

  13. 企业在与顾客质量偏好的博弈中,以效用最大化为目标,在寻求产品质量投资与广告宣传投资水平的均衡点的过程中与竞争对手进行循环往复的博弈。

    In the game of the customer 's quality preferences , regard to maximize the effectiveness as target , the enterprise carries on cycle games with rivals in the process of seeking the equilibrium of investments in product quality and advertising .

  14. Twitter如何向广告主证明投资收益率?

    How do you show ROI to advertisers ?

  15. 该公司扩张过快,被那些在广告促销方面投资更多的对手抢走一些生意。

    The company has expanded too quickly and has lost business to rivals which have invested more in promotions .

  16. 包括那些今年将在电视广告上减少20%投资的广告商。

    Including the advertisers , who are expected to spend up to20 % less on airtime this year .

  17. 用户规模越大,平台在广告投放、资本投资等方面的商业价值就越大。

    The larger the user scale is , the greater the business value of the SNS platform to advertisement and investment is .

  18. 广告主的巨额投资也会减轻影视剧制作方在拍摄影视剧伊始的资金压力,降低经营风险。

    Advertisers ' huge investments will also reduce the financial pressures on movie and TV drama producers in the beginning , thus cutting back the business risk .

  19. 据了解情况的人士说,她对同事们说,她有兴趣通过收购获得新的人才和产品,并可能投资在雅虎的广告技术上进行投资。

    She has told colleagues she is interested in hiring or acquiring new talent and products through acquisitions , among other things , and possibly investing in Yahoo 's advertising technology , according to people briefed on the matter .

  20. 广告业高管表示,为网络广告内容投资往往比购买广告位更重要。

    Ad executives say spending money on online content often is more important than buying ads.

  21. 没有什么比互联网更加,动态,没有什么比网上广告变化的更快,网上广告有这么多投资和竞争,网上广告巨头。

    There 's nothing more dynamic than the internet , and there 's nothing changing as quickly with their so much investment and competition going on as internet advertising .

  22. 而市场细分的结果造成单个产品的市场规模减少,但是大众传媒又具有不可分割性,传统营销方式如广告中相当大的部分是徒劳的,白白浪费广告投资。

    The result of segmenting markets is the decrease of market scale of single product . But we cannot segment the masses media , the result of most part of the traditional marketing method such as advertisement is zero , the return on ad investment is nothing .

  23. 网络广告价格和产品销售价格的均衡分析能为企业进行网络广告投资和从事电子商务等商业活动提供理论依据。

    Equilibrium distribution of internet advertising and product sales prices can help companies to operate the business activities such as internet advertising investment and electronic business .