
  • 网络Guangfa Bank;China Guangfa Bank;CgB;GDB
  1. 花旗经过长期竞购才获得广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentBank)的控制权。广发银行是中国南方一家陷入困境的银行。

    BofA 's windfall contrasts with rival Citigroup , which fought a long battle to get control of Guangdong Development Bank , a struggling lender in the south .

  2. 据预测,IBM将帮助改造广发银行运行不畅的IT系统。许多中国的银行IBM的大客户,但IBM在销售上也有难念的经。

    IBM , which has a huge business serving banks but has had its own sales challenges in China , will presumably be of help transforming Guangdong 's lousy [ 5 ] IT systems .

  3. 面对复杂的内外环境,GF银行应该采取什么样的应对策略,才能更好的应对竞争和威胁,促进自身的发展?在当今客户为导向理念的影响下,广发银行发现了重要的契机。

    In the face of complex internal and external environment , what kind of strategies The GF Bank should adopt to cope with competition and threats and how improve their development ? Under the influence of customer oriented concept , The GF Bank found the important opportunity .

  4. 该竞标团预计将支付31亿美元以购买广发银行85%的股份。

    The group is expected to pay $ 3.1 billion for 85 % of Guangdong .

  5. 希望以此对广发银行南京分行和我国商业银行的操作风险管理能起到一定的借鉴作用。

    Hopes the article can play certain model role to the operation risk management of Bank of communications Nanjing branch and other Chinese Commercial banks .

  6. 广发银行在过去两周征求潜在承销商的意见,可能最快在下周就选定承销银行集团。

    The Chinese lender has spent the past two weeks soliciting ideas from potential underwriters and may select the bank group as soon as next week .

  7. 该系统获得广发银行系统科技成果二等奖,已在广发上海分行推广应用,获得了好评。

    The system got the Second Encouragement for Science and Technology in Guangdong Development Bank system , has been used in Shanghai Branch and gets good valuation .

  8. 由于资料收集的困难,没有对另外几家全国性的商业银行进行研究,如广发银行、恒丰银行、渤海银行。

    As the data collection difficulties , no commercial banks in several other national studies , such as the Guangdong Development Bank , Prudential Bank , Bohai Bank .

  9. 2005年,刊物中国日报社报道该银行的不良贷款率达25%,这表明中国繁荣兴旺,但广发银行的却是每况愈下。

    A report in the government-backed China Daily agency put non-performing loans [ 2 ] at25 % in2005.That suggests its performance may be getting worse even as China booms .

  10. 对于普林斯而言,将广发银行(进而推及中国)扶上正轨,将有力地推动他在迄今为止表现平庸的任期内阔步前行。

    For Mr Prince , getting Guangdong ( and thus China ) right could , by itself , kickstart what has so far been an undistinguished tenure for him .