
  • 网络heat metering
  1. 沈阳市居住建筑供热计量及收费工作存在问题与对策

    Issues and Countermeasures of Shenyang Residential Building Heat Metering and Charging Work

  2. 住宅供热计量有关问题探讨

    Practical Issue of Heat Metering for Residential Buildings

  3. 采用DAS系统对工业蒸汽用户实施供热计量

    Heat Supply Metering for Industrial Steam User by DAS

  4. IC卡供热计量管理应用系统设计

    The Design of Management Application System of IC Card Heat Energy Measurement

  5. 收费政策在供热计量中的作用

    Role of policy in heating metering and charging in China

  6. 基于神经网络的供热计量系统热负荷短期预测

    Short-term heat load prediction for heating metering systems based on neural networks

  7. 6年实录诠释供热计量收费

    The Annotate of Heating Metering Accounting by Six Years Record

  8. 对已有建筑实现供热计量收费的方案简介

    Brief Introduction to the Metering Charging Plan of Heating for Existing Buildings

  9. 供热计量方式与收费模式探讨

    Model for Heating Metering and Method for Heating Charging

  10. 关于集中供热计量收费的探讨

    Probe into Charge by Thermal Measurement of Central Heating

  11. 供热计量技术的发展及相关问题的思考

    Deliberation of the development of heat metering technique as well as the relative issues

  12. 谈采用微机进行供热计量的必要性

    On Necessity of Heat Supply Metering by Computer

  13. 唐山既有居住建筑供热计量及节能改造示范工程融资模式研究

    Financing Mode Research for Heat Metering and Demonstration Energy-saving Engineering of Tangshan Existing Residential Buildings

  14. 新型智能供热计量控制系统

    New intelligent heat metering control system

  15. 新型供热计量控制系统中,温度传感器位置的选择至关重要。

    The position of the temperature sensor is very important in the new measurement and control system .

  16. 编制了水蒸气物性软件,使锅炉供热计量和调节更加精确。

    Physical properties of water vapor produced a software to enable heating boiler more precise measurement and adjustment .

  17. 供热计量收费的热量表计量热量应考虑位置及户间传热量的综合修正。

    The meter for heat charge should consider the position of the house and comprehensive amendment of heat quality between households .

  18. 高层建筑热水供应系统运行存在的问题及对策对已有建筑实现供热计量收费的方案简介

    Problems and Countermeasures in Operation of Hot-Water Supply System in High-Rise Structure Brief Introduction to the Metering Charging Plan of Heating for Existing Buildings

  19. 介绍了弯管流量计的工作原理、基本组成、性能特点,及其在蒸汽供热计量中的应用。

    The work principle , basic composition and feature of a bend flow meter are presented , and its application in measurement of steam heat supply is described .

  20. 本文介绍了集中供暖的民用建筑按热量计费的发展趋势和发达国家供热计量收费的经验以及所产生的经济效果。

    The paper introduces the experience with charging for heating and its advantages , and the tendency of charging per heat quantity for central heating of civil architecture .

  21. 公平的集中供暖系统必须要解决两个问题:一是必须有一个运行稳定、调节计量方便可靠的集中供热计量系统,即解决集中供热的计量问题;

    There are two core issues for energy cost allocation ( ECA ) in central heating : firstly , a energy metering system running steadily and using conveniently is desired .

  22. 本文针对当前住宅供热计量技术存在的主要问题和争论进行了评述并发表了自己的观点,阐述了供热计量技术的发展趋势。

    In this paper , the commentary and own opinion on key problems and argument existed in house heat metering technique were presented , the development current of heat metering technique were elaborated .

  23. 从室内供热计量的形式、收费组成、存在问题、发展出路等方面对集中供热计量的相关问题进行了探讨。

    This paper makes a discussion on related problem of centralizing heating measurement from aspects of the form of indoor heating measurement , the composition of charge , existing problems , developing outlet and so on .

  24. 供热计量收费制度是供热体制改革的核心,是建筑节能的有效途径。

    The heat metering and billing is the important issue of heat reform and is the efficient means to promote building energy efficiency in China . At present the promotion of metering and billing system is rather slow .

  25. 根据包头某小区建筑供热计量收费的数据,分析了热价对供需双方利益的影响,可供有关部门制定热价时参考。

    According to data of heat metered charge for buildings of a certain residential area in Baotou , the effect of heat rates on the interest of both supply and demand parties is analyzed in order to provide a reference for departments concerned during determining heat rates .

  26. 论述了具有现场总线通讯功能的紧凑型DCS系统(FODCS)总体结构,组成及系统功能,利用FODCS实现了供热蒸汽计量系统的自动蒸汽热力计量,满足了热力计量控制任务,实现无人值守。

    Discusses the system structure , formation and function of FODCS , using FODCS , realizes automatic metering of heating steam , satisfies control task of thermal metering , and realizes the unattended station .

  27. 一种分户供热和计量的高温水直供采暖系统

    A Kid of Heating System Form with High-temperature Water Directly Entering Families Supplying Heat and Measure Heat for Individual Families

  28. 提出了城市集中供热实施计量收费、分户控制采暖系统势在必行的问题。

    Carrying out " measurement charge system " and " individual household controlling heating system " is imperative in urban heating system .

  29. 推行供热按计量收费是福利型供热体制向市场型供热体制转变的具体体现。

    Carrying out the measuring fee method for the heat - supply is a concrete expression of the transformation of the welfare - type heat - supply system into the market - type heat - supply system .

  30. 介绍了一种用于锅炉供暖量化管理的单片机监测系统,该系统监测锅炉运行中一系列供暖参数,监督指导司炉人员按需供热、计量烧煤,提高供热质量,降低能源消耗。

    Describes a singlechip computer supervision system used for quantified management of heating boilers , which can direct the boiler operators to supply heat based on the need and measure the consumption of coal , so as to improve heating effect and reduce the energy usage .