
hù xínɡ
  • House type;layout of a house or an apartment
  1. 论文以杭州市为例,对当地小户型住房消费者进行了基于价值与生活方式(ValueandLifestyleSystem,VALS)的细分。

    Taking Hangzhou as a case , this paper studied the segmentation of local small size housing consumers based on Value and Lifestyle System ( VALS ) .

  2. 会上正式推出2006年度第一个拳头产品:精装小户型A3楼。

    In the ceremony , the first fist product in2006 has been introduced-A3 style building with finely-decorated small apartments .

  3. C4每天中午都和户型公主一起吃饭,然后两人再在路上走走。

    Every noon in the past , C4 had lunch with The Princess of Layout , and then they had a walk outside .

  4. 您现在看到的是我们的B5户型的样板间,从外形上您也能发现我们的房子非常大气、方正。

    You now see that our model for inter-B5 Unit , from the shape on your house can also find our very atmosphere , Founder .

  5. 文中主要内容如下:文中分析了CRM的发展历史,认为CRM系统是企业由产品性营销向客户型营销的必然选择。

    The main content of this article is as follows : This article analyses the development history of CRM and it shows CRM system is an inevitable choice for an enterprise from the production-style marketing toward customer-style marketing .

  6. 在此基础上,研究以模糊C-means聚类确定了最佳聚类数目为4类,并通过K-means聚类将小户型住房消费者细分为财富族、休闲族、事业族和家庭族4个类别。

    Based on seven factors and the optimal numbers of clustering , k-means cluster analysis divided local small size housing consumers into four clusters : fortune cluster , leisure cluster , career cluster and family cluster .

  7. 随着1553B应用的日趋广泛,对1553BIP核的设计也就提出了越来越高的要求,尤其是面向用户型设计。

    According to the more and more widely use of 1553B , the designation of the 1553B IP core is more and more strict , especially in the users ' convenient aspect .

  8. 文章通过设计方案实例,介绍了100m2左右的户型在平面布置及功能设计。

    With three design examples , the author introduces advantages of about 100m 2 size houses in respect of plan layout and function design .

  9. 定位前再次对项目所在区域市场按住宅、商业的不同产品类型进行市场细分,在此基础上定位62地块项目为SOHO中房型社区,建筑规模12万方,主力户型建筑面积在80-130平方米。

    On the base of all above analysis , it orients the 62nd # plot as SOHO dwelling unit community , whose construction dimension reaches 120,000 square meter and area of main type of house ranges from 80 to 130 square meter .

  10. 房产中介机构BrokerMetrics公司提供的数据显示,在2012年第一季度,帕洛阿尔托市独户型住宅的中间价上涨了11%,库存则下降了57%。

    For the first quarter of 2012 , according to brokermetrics , the median price of a single-family P.A. home went up 11 % , whereas inventory declined 57 % .

  11. 浅谈住宅小区地下车库的人性化设计商品住宅户型单元与商品住宅性能&以西安地区为例

    Discussion on the humanism design of underground garage in residential quarters

  12. 从住居学角度研究我国城市小户型住宅

    Research of Small Dwelling-size Apartments with the Perspective of Inhabitation Theory

  13. 浅谈中小户型住宅的空间可变性设计

    Research on Variable Designing of Space in Middle and Small Houses

  14. 对高校经济适用房户型设计的探讨

    Discussion on the design of universities ' economical and functional housing

  15. 成都市房地产行业小户型住宅分析研究

    The Research of the Real Estate Exploiting Small Type of Flat

  16. 农民安置住宅小户型设计研究&以无锡地区为例

    Study of the Small Unit Design for Peasant 's Resettlement Apartment

  17. 新时期住宅户型构思设计的个性探讨

    Discussion on conception of individuality and design of new-period apartment

  18. 探讨了户型空调原能源选择及节能优势。

    Discusses trends in selecting energy and saving energy in the future .

  19. 住宅大面积户型设计探讨

    Discussion on large area housing ? styled design of residences

  20. 赏心悦目&H型别墅浅谈小户型住宅

    H - house Talking about the Small - family - type House

  21. 本文主要研究中小户型住宅的地区适应性问题。

    This paper mainly on the small and medium dwelling-size apartment adaptation .

  22. 本文作者针对住宅建筑施工中的几种户型用电负荷做出了统计与分析。

    Author analyzes the power load in dwelling house construction .

  23. 未来小户型住宅室内设计中的弹性设想

    Elastic Imagination of Small Residence Interior Space in the Future

  24. 天津市旧住宅户型改造浅探

    Study on The Reforming of the Old Dwelling Model in Tianjin City

  25. 住宅户型的分析与思考浅析城市迭加演变中的居住模式

    Analysis of the residential types in superposition development of cities

  26. 这是房地产市场上的绝对主力户型。

    This is the absolute main Huxing real estate market .

  27. 市场呼唤着更多样化,更人性化的户型。

    The market is calling for more diverse and more user-friendly housing .

  28. 小户型折叠式多功能睡床的设计研究

    Study on Design of Multi-Function Folding Bed for Small Unites

  29. 新都市主义与旧区改造中的小户型设计

    New Urban Theory & Small Flat Design in Old Urban Area Reconstruction

  30. 小户型住宅的建筑策划学研究

    The Study on the Architectural Programming of the Small Family House Type