
hù jí suǒ zài dì
  • Registered residence;place of domicile;place of registered permanent residence
  1. 第十五条公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。

    Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered ; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile , his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile .

  2. 不是,我的户籍所在地是天津。

    No , my domicile place is Tianjin .

  3. 你必须回到你的户籍所在地申请。

    You must go back to your registered permanent residence , and apply for it there .

  4. 居住地包括户籍所在地、经常居住地。

    A place of residence includes a place of permanent residency and a place of habitual residence .

  5. 在中国的社会保障制度下,工作者很难在自己户籍所在地以外的地方获得失业保险。

    which the Chinese social-security system makes it difficult to access outside a worker 's home province .

  6. 如果夫妇双方来自不同地区,他们可以向任何一方户籍所在地政府提出声请。

    If the two parents come from different regions , they can apply to either of their local governments .

  7. 因为学生必须参加其户籍所在地的高考,也就是大学入学考试。

    This is because students must sit the gaokao , or university entrance exam , in their place of household registration .

  8. 流动人口,是指离开常住户籍所在地、跨越一定的行政辖区,在异地滞留,暂时不返回的人员。

    Floating population , refers to the left permanent census register seat , spanning some administrative jurisdictions in different places , not return , temporarily .

  9. 结果(1)上海市目前仍是采用自20世纪70年代后期建立的以户籍所在地为基础的孕产期系统保健管理模式,并针对外来孕产妇保健管理出台了相关政策;

    Results ( 1 ) The model of maternal health care management was based on the registered permanent residence which has been used since 1978 in Shanghai .

  10. 流动人口离开户籍所在地,在常居住地居住多长时间的应由现居住地进行计划生育统计?

    Hobo leaves census register seat , answer in what often reside dwelling place living how long by reside a dwelling place to have family planning statistic now ?

  11. 留守儿童,是指父母双方或一方流动到其他地区,孩子留在户籍所在地并因此不能和父母双方共同生活在一起的14周岁以下的儿童。

    " The left-behind children " , mean the 14-year old and younger than 14 children as well , whose parents both sides or one party flow to other areas .

  12. 人民陪审员所在单位或者户籍所在地的基层组织应当保障人民陪审员依法参加审判活动。

    The entities or grassroots organizations at the location of the permanent residence of the people 's assessors shall ensure that they can take part in trial activities in accordance with law .

  13. 失业的被保险人原单位所在地与户籍所在地不相同的,失业后可以在单位所在地享受失业保险待遇,也可选择在户籍所在地享受失业保险待遇。

    Seat of unemployed insurant former unit and census register seat are not same , unemployment hind can enjoy unemployed insurance treatment in unit seat , optional also choose enjoys unemployed insurance treatment in census register seat .

  14. 根据省考试院表示,父母是外来务工人员的近万名学生将被允许在省内参加今年的高考,而不必返回户籍所在地

    Nearly 10000 children whose parents are migrant workers in Guangdong province will be allowed to take this year 's college entrance examination - or - in the province without returning to their hometown , according to the provincial examinations authority .

  15. 分析了公共服务和税收政策对不同要素流动的影响,并结合我国资本与劳动力流动的实际,讨论了资本脱离所有者和劳动力脱离其户籍所在地时的公共服务与税收政策效应。

    And at the same time , according to the actual flow of capital and labor in China , the effects of public services and tax policies are also discussed while the capital is away from the owners and labourers away from their residences .

  16. 依据儿童的居住地(而非户籍所在地)分配中央政府教育补助金,将帮助城市承担日益升高的社会成本,不过批评人士表示,这项改革不足以弥补最大、最具吸引力城市的开支缺口。

    Allocation of central government education grants to where children reside , rather than where they are registered , will help cities meet growing social costs - although critics say the reform is not enough to bridge the spending gap in the biggest and most attractive cities ,

  17. 流动人口是中国特色的户籍制度下,对离开户籍所在地到其他地方居住的人口的一种称谓。

    Floating population is under the Household Registration System with Chinese characteristics , on the left the residence to live in other places where the population living in a title .

  18. 留守儿童是我国经济转型城乡二元经济结构下的产物,由于经济条件、城乡体制和户籍限制等,父母不得不将孩子留在户籍所在地让其他监护人加以照看。

    Children left behind appear in China because of economic restructuring and rural dual economic structure , their parents work outside the home , forced by economic conditions , institutional and urban-rural residence restrictions etc , had to let the children stay in the residence where other guardians to care .

  19. 在中国,很少能有什么问题像要求进行户籍改革一样引起这么多的共鸣。中国现行户籍制度使2亿多生活在非户籍所在地的流动人口成了二等公民。

    Few issues resonate across China as much as the need to reform the residency system , which makes second-class citizens of more than 200m people who live in places other than where they have hukou .