
  • 网络the household registration system;hukou system;household register system;household registration
  1. 户籍制度是一项基本的国家行政制度。

    The household registration system is a basic national administration system .

  2. 户籍制度和土地制度尚不完善。

    Third , the household registration system and land system is not perfect .

  3. 意见指出,以户籍制度和公共服务牵引区域流动。

    According to the guideline , more efforts will be made to influence regional mobility via the household registration5 system and public services .

  4. 试析WTO与中国三农问题和户籍制度改革

    On WTO , Problems in Agriculture , Countryside , Peasants and Residence System Reform in China

  5. 第七章分析了人口流迁制度与户籍制度,用截面数据检验了与人口有关的数据对户籍人均GDP与常住人口GDP的影响。

    Chapter Seven analyses the relation between the population move and the registered residence institution , using the panel data to check the effect of the population on GDP per capita by registered permanent residence and GDP per capita by total population .

  6. 我国户籍制度下的劳动力转移

    China 's Labor Force Transfer under the System of Households Registration

  7. 论我国现行户籍制度改革的公共政策分析

    Analyze on the Reform of China 's Existing Household Registration System

  8. 市场经济的发展与我国户籍制度的改革

    Market Economic Development and Reform of household Registration System in China

  9. 构建和谐社会背景下的户籍制度改革

    Innovation of Household Registration Under the Background of Constructing Harmonious Society

  10. 提出来户籍制度改革的模式方法。

    Carry out reform of the household registration system model method .

  11. 户籍制度的历史回溯与改革前瞻

    Looking Back and Forward on the History and Reform of Census Register

  12. 户籍制度与农村剩余劳动力转移

    Household Registration System and the Migration of Rural Surplus Labor

  13. 户籍制度改革的价值取向也不应该是城镇化,人口迁徙自由才是其价值取向的本质概括;

    The value orientation of the reform should be free migration urbanization ;

  14. 当代中国户籍制度研究:一个基于研究视角的文献综述

    Review on the Research of Contemporary Chinese Household Registration System

  15. 社会需求与户籍制度改革的均衡点分析

    An Analysis of Balance between Society Demands and Innovation of Household Registration

  16. 户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景

    The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background

  17. 迁徙自由入宪与户籍制度问题探讨

    Probe into the move freedom and the reform of the census register

  18. 户籍制度是影响我国劳动者就业不平等的制度根源。

    Household registration system is the origin of unequal employment .

  19. 中国户籍制度改革分析

    The Analysis of the Reform of Chinese Household Register System

  20. 试论城乡二元结构破解与我国当前户籍制度改革

    Chinese Dualistic Economic Structure Transference and Household Register System

  21. 户籍制度变迁及其对城镇化的影响

    On the Change in the Household Registration System and its Implications on Urbanization

  22. 户籍制度改革与社会人口流动研究

    Study on the Reform of the Household Registration System and the Population Flow

  23. 当代中国户籍制度的成因考

    Investigation of the Cause of the Formation of the Chinese Present Domicile System

  24. 户籍制度对劳动力转移制约的分析

    Analysis on the Restriction by Residence Registration System on Shifting of Labor Force

  25. 户籍制度改革对计划生育影响与对策探讨

    Impacts and Countermeasures of the Reform of Household Registration System on Family Planning

  26. 户籍制度包括户口登记和管理两个方面。

    Household registration system consisted of 2 aspects : household registration and management .

  27. 改革户籍制度促进农村富余劳动力转移

    Innovation in Household Register System to Hasten the Transfer of Excessive Country Labours

  28. 产业结构调整与户籍制度政策调整等促进农民工市民化。

    The adjustment of industry structure and citizen register can promote peasants citizenization .

  29. 六是如何弥补户籍制度改革的成本?

    Sixthly , how to fund the cost of household registration system reform ?

  30. 试析新中国户籍制度形成的历史背景

    A Tentative Analysis of Historical Background of Formation of Household Registration System in China