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  • 网络Lintao county
  1. 临洮县农村饮水解困工程的建设与管理

    Construction and Management of Rural Drinking Projects in the Lintao County

  2. 临洮县招商引资重点项目推介

    Main Projects to Attract Investment and Businesses in Lintao County

  3. 临洮县农业生态系统能流分析

    Study on Energy Flows through an Agroecosystem of Lintao County

  4. 临洮县春末夏初干旱气候分析

    Analysis of Drought Climate in Lintao During Late Spring and Early Summer

  5. 临洮县农村幼儿教师继续教育问题的调查研究

    Investigation & Research on the Further Education of Preschool Teachers in Lintao Rural Area

  6. 浅议临洮县农业机械化发展

    Discussion of Agro-mechanization Development in Lintao County

  7. 临洮县连湾乡羊嘶川村关于三年停止破坏问题的调查报告

    Investigation Report on stopping Destruction in Three Years in Yang Si Chuan Village of the Lin Tao County

  8. 这种文化的残骸1923年时在甘肃省临洮县马家窑村被首次发现,

    Remains of this culture were first discovered in Majiayao Village , Lintao County , Gansu Province in 1923 ,

  9. 临洮县是甘肃省文化教育发展水平较高的地区之一。

    Lintao county is one of the areas of Gansu Province where have higher developing level of education and culture .

  10. 甘肃省临洮县7例肝泡型包虫病及人群感染调查

    The First Report on 7 Cases with Liver Alveolar Echinococcosis and Epidemiological Investigation on Human Infective Rate in Lintao County , Gansu Province

  11. 甘肃省县域特色农业发展探求&关于临洮县花卉产业发展现状及对策的调查

    A probe into development of characteristic agriculture in gansu at county level & current situation and countermeasure of flower industry in Lintao county

  12. 西部地区河谷型小城镇体系的分形研究&以甘肃省临洮县为例

    The fractal research on the small urban system of a valley city in Western China & taking Lintao County of Gansu Province as an example

  13. 从临洮县农业机械化发展的现状出发,针对存在的问题讨论了如何加强农机管理,提高农机经营效益,加快农业机械化发展。

    Aimed at the actuality and problem exist in agro-mechanization development in Lintao County , this paper discussed how to strengthen agro-machinery management and increase agro-machinery benefit to quicken agro-mechanization development .