
  • 网络Linfen City
  1. 目的了解临汾市无脊灰证实后AFP监测系统运转情况。

    Objective The aim of this study was to learn about the working of AFP monitoring system in Linfen City after poliomyelitis eradication had been verified .

  2. 以山西省临汾市WCDMA试验网为背景,突出了分布式覆盖技术在3G网络建设方案中的应用,并且得出投资、建设周期、安全、扩容性等方面的结论。

    Taking WCDMA trial network of Linfen city in Shanxi province as background , the application of distributed coverage technique in 3G net construction was introduced and some conclusions of investment , construction period , safety and extendibility were drawn .

  3. VISUALBASIC环境下系列自动化软件在临汾市气象业务中的应用

    The application of series automatic software under " VISUAL BASIC " environment in Linfen meteorological operation

  4. 本研究以临汾市E校为个案,确定了研究的可信度和必要性。

    This study takes E school in Linfen as the case , determining the reliability and necessity .

  5. 基于PSR模型的临汾市生态经济区划研究

    Studies on the Linfen Eco-economical Regionalization Based on PSR Model

  6. 结论临汾市AFP病例中格林巴利综合征病例所占比例大是AFP病例夏秋季发病较多,且男性多于女性的主要原因。

    Conclusion Guillain-Barr é syndrome accounting for a large proportion of AFP cases in Linfen is the primary cause of more occurrences of AFP in Summer and Fall and more male patients than females .

  7. 本文根据临汾市近一年的空气质量周报数据,综合分析了造成临汾市区SO2严重污染的原因,并提出污染防治对策。

    According the city air quality weekly report of Linfen in recent year , try to find the cause of serious pollution of SO 2 in Linfen , put forward the proposal for controlling the SO 2 pollution .

  8. 结果实现无脊灰目标后,临汾市连续3年AFP监测质量主要评价指标均达到目标要求。3年报告AFP病例47例,男女性别比2.62∶1;

    Results Since the goal of poliomyelitis eradication was realized , principle evaluation indexes of AFP monitoring quality in Linfen had addressed the requirements for successively 3 years , during which 47 cases of AFP were reported , with a ratio of male to female of 2.62 ∶ 1 ;

  9. 临汾市冬小麦生产决策服务系统

    The Decision-making and Serving System of Winter Wheat Production in Linfen

  10. 临汾市岩溶泉水资源量评价及保护

    Evaluation and Protection of Karst Spring Water Resources in Linfen City

  11. 临汾市沼气池冬季正常产气可行性探讨

    Feasibility of Biogas Normal Production by Methane-generation Pit during Winter in Linfen

  12. 对临汾市城市人居环境的动态思考

    Dynamic thinking of the human settlement environment of Linfen city

  13. 临汾市交通便利,通讯快捷。

    Transportation in Linfen is convenient , communication is quick and fast .

  14. 临汾市优质小麦生产现状及发展对策

    Present Situation and Developing Measures of Fine Quality Wheat Production in Linfen

  15. 临汾市大气环境质量的灰色优势分析

    Grey Incidence Analysis about Air Environment Quality in the City of Linfen

  16. 基于循环经济的临汾市旅游业发展研究

    Study on the Tourism Development of Linfen Based on the Circular Economy

  17. 临汾市污水处理厂污水处理线清水砼施工技术

    Exposed Concrete Construction Technology of Sewage Disposal Line in Linfen Sewage Treatment Plant

  18. 临汾市农村饮水解困工程运行管理的探讨

    Discussing into Operation and Management of Rural Drinking Water Projects in Linfen City

  19. 临汾市社区健身武术开展现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis on the Present Situations of Linfen Community Fitness Wushu and the Countermeasures

  20. 临汾市居民膳食状况浅析

    Analysis on Residents ′ Meal Situation in Linfen City

  21. 临汾市土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度研究

    Research of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Liquid Water Flux Density at linfen City

  22. 临汾市210名老年人口腔疾病调查与预防

    A Survey and Prevention of Senile Oral Disease in 210 People in Linfen

  23. 临汾市实行禁牧轮牧的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice to Carry out Forbidding Herding and Rotation Grazing in Linfen City

  24. 对临汾市大中型灌区水价改革的分析与思考

    Analysis of water price reform of large and medium-sized irrigation districts in Linfen City

  25. 临汾市医疗垃圾处理的现状及对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Treatment of Medical Garbage in Linfen City

  26. 采用主成分分析法和问卷调查方法,对临汾市的宜居性进行了综合的分析。

    A comprehensive analysis has been made on through principal component analysis and questionnaire survey .

  27. 临汾市1952&2008年小麦产量与降水量关系及增产对策

    Relation between Wheat Yield and Precipitation in Linfen during 1952-2008 and Methods to Improve Yield

  28. 临汾市空气污染预警系统

    A Forcast System of Pollution of Linfen

  29. 临汾市土门水源地保护区划分的数值模拟方法研究

    The Study of the Numerical Simulation Method about the Partition of Tumen Waterhead Site in Linfen

  30. 牛王被称为“广禅侯”者,不只临汾市魏村牛王庙。

    Niuwang is called as Marquis Guangchan not only worshiped in Wei village in Linfen city .