
  • 网络Wanrong;wanrong county
  1. 万荣县是中华民族的发祥地之一,史书上曾有“皇天后土”的记载。

    Wanrong County is the birthplace of one of the Chinese nation , history books have been on " The Coldest Winter in Peking ," the records .

  2. 研究了飞云楼的建筑特征及时代,介绍了其独特的建筑风格,指出该楼是万荣县的标志,具有极高的建筑学意义和观赏价值,对建筑学及旅游资源的开发具有重要的指导意义。

    It studys architectonic features & period of Feiyun Tower , introduces its special architectonic style , and points out that the tower is symbol of wanrong county has very high architectonic significance and appreciative value , which has guiding meanings for architecture and development of journey soure .

  3. 隐居地点在今山西省万荣县孤山;

    The place where he live in seclusion is Gu Hill in Wan rong , Shanxi province today .