
  • 网络linxiang;Linxiang City
  1. 基于AHP对生态脆弱性的灰色综合评价方法&以湖南省临湘市为例江淮分水岭生态脆弱性特征及对策研究

    Studies on Gray Assessment Method and AHP for Ecological Frangibility & A Case Study in Linxiang City , Hunan Province

  2. 第二类区域包括泪罗市、屈原管理区、临湘市和岳阳县。

    Second kinds of regions including Miluo City , Qu Yuan Management District , Linxiang city and Yueyang county .

  3. 铅锌选厂尾矿库生态系统中铅镉污染现状调查及对策临湘市桃林铅锌矿尾矿库的环境现状及综合治理研究

    Investigation of Status of Lead and Cadmium Pollution from Ore-dressing Tailings of Lead and Zinc Dressing Works Environmental Conditions and Comprehensive Control of Lead-Zinc Tailings in Linxiang County

  4. 然而从临湘市中小学古诗文背诵情况问卷抽样调查来看,中小学古诗文背诵现状令人担忧。

    However , from the sample investigation about the reciting of the ancient prose among the primary and high school students in Linxiang , the present situation is anxious .

  5. 2010年,湖南省临湘市副市长姜宗福在网上发帖称,自己对旅游景点所做的投资进行了研究,断定“印象”系列是赔钱的商业投资。

    In 2010 , Jiang Zongfu , vice mayor of Linxiang in Hunan Province , said in an online post that he had researched the investments made by tourist sites and concluded that the " Impression " series was a losing business venture .