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nián hào
  • reign title;the title of an emperor's reign;title of an emperors reign
年号 [nián hào]
  • [title of an emperors reign] 纪年的名称。如:贞观(唐太宗年号)、康熙(清圣祖年号)。现在也指公元纪年为年号

年号[nián hào]
  1. 论二爨碑中的年号及其书法艺术

    On the title of an emperor 's reign and calligraphy in the Two Cuan steles

  2. 在分析皇帝、国别、年号等相关概念的基础上,利用OWL本体描述语言,建立了三国时期(含东汉末年到西晋初年这一历史跨度)的历史年代本体。

    After analyzing the relationship among the concepts of the emperors , the states and the titles of the regimes , a historical ontology about the period of three kingdoms has been made in OWL .

  3. 后一周期与前一周期中的同一年号在“黄道(ecliptic)”上的起止点只差2秒。比现在的“格里历”要精1600倍。

    The difference in the starting and finishing points in the ecliptic between the later cycle and the former cycle of the same year is only 2 seconds , which is 1 600 times more accurate than the Gregorian Calendar in current use .

  4. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  5. 我只当那是千年号呢。

    I just know it 's the millennium falcon .

  6. 为什么有的瓷器上面有年号款,有的没有呢?

    Why do some porcelain wares hare reign-Marks , while others don 't ?

  7. 次年正月,建立大顺政权,年号永昌。

    The following year the first month to establish Dashun regime era name Yongchang .

  8. 关于初始年号开始使用的具体日期,史学界有四种不同的意见。

    There are four opinions about the beginning time of the reign title of " Chushi " .

  9. 在篮球方面赢得荣誉年号

    Win numerals in BasketBall

  10. 中文期刊刊次号编制的一种新方法&流水架位号年号编制法的应用

    A New Method of Chinese Periodical Inferior Number Establishment & The Application of Flow Position Number-reign Title Establishment Method

  11. 在太宗的统治下,出现了贞观之治(太宗年号是贞观)。

    Under his reign , the famous rule of Zhenguan took place ( his era name was Zhenguan ) .

  12. 美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔具有先见之明,于1992年号召了一场“战略环境行动”,这是“全球马歇尔计划”的一部分。

    In1992 former US Vice-President Al Gore called for a'strategic environment initiative'as part of his vision for a'global Marshall Plan ' .

  13. 打败与其竟争的民族领袖之后,朱元璋于公元1368年称帝,建都南京,年号洪武。

    Defeating rival national leaders , Zhu proclaimed himself emperor in 1368 , establishing his capital at Nanjing and adopting Hongwu as his reign title .

  14. 公元23年,王匡、王凤等立汉室宗亲刘玄为皇帝,国号“汉”,年号“更始”。

    In 23 , the Green Woodmen installed Liu Xuan as emperor , a member of the Han royal house , using the reign title of Gengshi .

  15. 乾隆(1711——1799)是清代第四个皇帝弘历的年号。

    Qian Long ( 1711 - - 1799 ) was the reign title of the fourth emperor ( 1735 - - 1796 ) of the Qing Dynasty , whose given name was Hong-li .

  16. 到1636年时,满族的领袖皇太极已经足够有自信在沈阳(1621年被满族政府)建立大清帝国,立年号为崇德。

    By 1636 the Manchu ruler Huangtaiji was confident enough to proclaim the Imperial Qing Dynasty at Shenyang , which had fallen to the Manchu in 1621 , taking the Imperial title Chongde .

  17. 二年级时,在1935年的十项大竞赛中,这是中国年号款,写的是《大清乾隆年制》。

    As a second-year student , in the Big Ten games in 1935 , B : This is a Chinese reign-mark . It reads : made during the QianLong period , Qing Dy nasty .

  18. 以艾德里安娜·里奇为例,她在1974年号召建立一所提供照管儿童的服务并“以妇女为中心的大学”,发起“为人类而不是对人类的研究”,倡议推翻现存的等级制度。

    Adrienne Rich , for example , called in1974 for a " woman-centered university " that would provide childcare , sponsor " research for rather than on human beings ," and undo the usual hierarchies .

  19. 通过对文献资料的查阅以及与汉代铜镜铭文的比对研究,可以得出丙午并非实际年号,是作为一种虚拟之辞来表达吉祥的套语。

    Through the literature of the Han bronze Mirrors with inscriptions access and comparative studies can be drawn " Heigo " not the actual reign , as the words to express a virtual set of auspicious words .

  20. 他在取得宁江大捷和出河店之战胜利后,于辽天庆五年(1115)称帝建国,国号大金,年号收国。

    After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .

  21. 公元384年,姚苌自称大将军、大单于、万年秦王,年号白雀,这标志着后秦政权的建立。

    In A.D.384 , Yao Chang named himself as Big General , Big Chan Yu , Thousand Years Qin King , and called the year & Bai Que . It was the symbol of the foundation of Hou Qin regime .

  22. 后汉:辽兵攻入开封后,后晋河东节度使,刘知远(沙陀人)在晋阳(太原)称帝(高祖),仍用后晋天福年号以争取后晋旧臣归附。

    The Later Han : After Liao seized Kaifeng , the garrison commander of the Later Jin , Liu Zhiyuan ( Shatuo origin ) proclaimed to be Emperor of Gao Zu in Jinyang ( now Taiyuan ) . He still named his regime the Later Jin in order to win the from the former Jin ministers .