
  • 网络In taste;festival mood
  1. 只有看着大街上花枝招展的孩子们;和鞭炮声还能感觉着有点年味。

    Only looked at the street children and firecrackers can feel a bit in flavor .

  2. 反奴隶的威廉劳埃德驻军在1831年味结束奴隶制度发行了一份报纸。

    Anti-slavery activist William Lloyd Garrison started a paper in eighteen thirty-one with the purpose of ending slavery .

  3. 作为最重要的传统节日之一,春节现在却被认为年味越来越淡了。

    As one of the most important traditional holidays , Chinese New Year is now considered more and more uninteresting .

  4. 寻找年味&从春节习俗的蜕变初探民俗的消失

    In Looking For Taste-From The Chinese New Year Custom Spalled , We Explore The Folk-Custom Of The " Disappeared "

  5. 房屋拥有率在2004年味69.3%,而目前为65.9%,为13年最低。

    Homeownership , which hit a high point of69.2 % at the end of2004 , has since retreated to65.9 % , the lowest level in13 years .

  6. 但历史进入到二十世纪末,春节的年味开始淡化并出现了衰微的迹象,春节年俗文化的社会环境遭到破坏。

    However , as we enter into the twenty-first century , the annual Spring Festival and its taste begin to downplay signs of a decaying , the social environment of " Nian " culture is in destruction .

  7. 不注意口腔卫生不仅会让口气差(是1982年的饼干味吗?)

    Not only does poor dental hygiene cause bad breath ( what is that , a biscuit from 1982 ?)

  8. 不注意口腔卫生不仅会让口气差(是1982年的饼干味吗?),而且还会导致严重的问题,如引起口腔中的细菌和牙龈病。

    Not only does poor dental hygiene cause bad breath ( what is that , a biscuit from 1982 ? ) , but it could also cause more serious problems like oral bacteria and gum disease .

  9. 然而,这几年开发区一味走数量扩张的道路,盲目建设,存在着诸多问题,不仅影响了经济增长,也致使资源严重浪费。

    However , in recent years , the development zones blindly construct lead to emerge many problems , not only affects economic rising , but also results resources wasting .

  10. 这个年的味道越来越少了,那么另一方面就要看农村,中国的城乡差别还是比较大的,所以我们看到农村里边去过年呢,你就不感到那个年味好像是有多淡了。

    There are a lot of differences between rural area and urban area in China . If we look at the celebration of the Spring Festival in the countryside , you will not feel the flavor of the Spring Festival is weakened .